How to prevent the tempered glass explode, how to solve?

View:     Time: 2017-12-21 23:38:21

How to prevent the tempered glass explode, how to solve?

I. tempered glass explode, and its classification

1, starting from the classification of tempered glass explode toughened glass was born, along with the explosion problem. Tempered glass explode can be expressed as a tempered glass without external directly under the action of automatic broken phenomenon. Can occur in the tempered glass explode in tempering processing, storage and transportation, installation and use of the process. According to the different causes of suicide can be divided into two kinds: one is caused by defects in the visible glass explode, such as stone, sand, bubbles, inclusions, gaps, scratches, breakage etc.;

The two is made of nickel sulfide in glass (NIS) impurities and heterogeneous particles caused by tempered glass explode. BALLANTYNE first proposed the mechanism of nickel sulfide tempered glass explode in 1961. BORDEAUX and KASPERr through the study of 250 cases of suicide, found to cause spontaneous nickel sulfide diameter between 0.04 ~ 0.65mm, the average particle size is 0.2mm. The new found heterogeneous particles caused by tempered glass explode.

This is the two different types of self, should be clearly classified differently by different methods to deal with. The former is generally visible, and it is relatively easy to detect, so it is controllable in production. The latter is mainly caused by the volume expansion of tiny nickel sulfide particles in the glass, which can not be detected by visual inspection, so it is uncontrollable. In the actual operation and processing, the former can generally be before installation removed, the latter due to test and continue to exist, has become a major factor in the use of tempered glass explode.


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