ISO building standards-ISO建筑标准

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ISO建筑标准(ISO building standards)

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IEC 60364-4-42-2001建筑物的电气设施 第4-42部分:安全防护 热效应防护Electrical installations of buildings - Part 42: Protection for safety; Protection against thermal effects
IEC 60364-4-43 Corrigendum 1-2002建筑物的电气设施.第4-43部分:安全防护.过电流保护Electrical installations of buildings - Part 4-43: Protection for safety; Protection against overcurrent
IEC 60364-4-43-2001建筑物的电气设施 第4-43部分:安全防护 过电流保护Electrical installations of buildings - Part 4-43: Protection for safety; Protection against overcurrent
IEC 60364-4-443-1999建筑物的电气设施 第4部分:安全防护 第44章:过电压防护 第443节:来源于大气或开关操作引起的过电压的保护Electrical installations of buildings - Part 4: Protection for safety - Chapter 44: Protection against overvoltages - Section 443: Protection against overvoltages of atmospheric origin or due to switching
IEC 60364-4-473-1999建筑物的电气设施 第4部分:安全防护 第47章:安全防护措施的应用 第473节:过电流保护措施Electrical installations of buildings - Part 4: Protection for safety - Chapter 47: Application of protective measures for safety - Section 473: Measures of protection against overcurrent
IEC 60364-5-51-2005建筑物的电气设施.第5-51部分:电气设备的选择和安装.共同规则Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5-51: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Common rules
IEC 60364-5-52-2001建筑物的电气设施 第5-52部分:电气设备的选择和安装 布线系统Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5-52: Selection and erection of electrical equipment; Wiring systems
IEC 60364-5-53 AMD 1-2002建筑物的电气设施.第5-53部分:电气设备的选择和安装.绝缘、转换 和控制.修改件1Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5-53: Selection and erection of electrical equipment; Isolation, switching and control; Amendment 1
IEC 60364-5-53 Edition 3.1-2002建筑物的电气装置.第5-53部分:电气设备的选择和安装.绝缘、开关和控制Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5-53: Selection and erection of electrical equipment; Isolation, switching and control
IEC 60364-5-53-2001建筑物的电气设施 第5-53部分:隔离、开合和控制Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5-53: Selection and erection of electrical equipment; Isolation, switching and control
IEC 60364-5-54-2002建筑物的电气设施.第5-54部分:电气设备的选择和安装.接地措施、保护导体和保护跨接线Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5-54: Selection and erection of electrical equipment; Earthing arrangements, protective conductors and protective bonding conductors
IEC 60364-5-548-1999建筑物的电气设施 第5部分:电气设备的选择和安装 第548节:信息技术设施的接地措施和等电位连接Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Section 548: Earthing arrangements and equipotential bonding for information technology installations
IEC 60364-5-55 AMD 1-2001建筑物的电气设施 第5部分:电气设备的选择和安装 第55章:其他设备 第551节:低压发电机组 修改1Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5-55: Selection and erection of electrical equipment; Other equipment; Amendment 1
IEC 60364-5-55 Edition 1.1-2002建筑物的电气装置.第5-55部分:电气设备的选择和安装.其它设备Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5-55: Selection and erection of electrical equipment; Other equipment
IEC 60364-5-55-2001建筑物的电气设施 第5-55部分:电气设备的选择和安装 其他设备Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5-55: Selection and erection of electrical equipment; Other equipment
IEC 60364-5-56-1999建筑物的电气设施 第5部分:电气设备的选择和安装 第56章:安全服务Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Chapter 56: Safety services
IEC 60364-7-702-1997建筑物的电气设施 第7部分:特殊设施或场所的要求 第702节:游泳池和其他水池Electrical installations of buildings - Part 7: Requirements for special installations or locations - Section 702: Swimming pools and other basins
IEC 60364-7-703-2004建筑物的电气设施.第7-703部分:特殊设施或场所的要求.装有桑拿浴加热器的房间和浴室Electrical installations of buildings - Part 7-703: Requirements for special installations or locations - Rooms and cabins containing sauna heaters
IEC 60364-7-704-2005低压电气设施.第7-704部分:特殊设施或场所的要求.建筑和拆除工地的设施Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 7-704: Requirements for special installations or locations - Construction and demolition site installations
IEC 60364-7-710-2002建筑物的电气设施.第7-710部分:特殊设施或场所的要求.医疗场所Electrical installations of buildings - Part 7-710: Requirements for special installations or locations; Medical locations
IEC 60364-7-711-1998建筑物的电气设施 第7-711部分:特殊设施或场所的要求 展览会、陈列室和展台设施Electrical installations of buildings - Part 7-711: Requirements for special installations or locations - Exhibitions, shows and stands
IEC 60364-7-712-2002建筑物的电气装置.第7-712部分:特殊安装和定位的要求.太阳光电能源供应系统Electrical installations of buildings - Part 7-712: Requirements for special installations or locations; Solar photovoltaic (PV) power supply systems
IEC 60364-7-713-1996建筑物的电气设施 第7部分:特殊设施或场所的要求 第713节:家具Electrical installations of buildings - Part 7: Requirements for special installations and locations - Section 713: Furniture
IEC 60364-7-714-1996建筑物的电气设施 第7部分:特殊设施或场所的要求 第714章:外部照明设施Electrical installations of buildings - Part 7: Requirements for special installations or locations - Section 714: External lighting installations
IEC 60364-7-715-1999建筑物的电气设施 第7-715部分:特殊设施或场所的要求 超低压照明设施Electrical installations of buildings - Part 7-715: Requirements for special installations or locations - Extra-low-voltage ligthing installations
IEC 60364-7-717-2001建筑物的电气设施 第7-717部分:特殊设施或场所的要求 可动或可移装置Electrical installations of buildings - Part 7-717: Requirements for special installations or locations; Mobile or transportable units
IEC 60364-7-740-2000建筑物的电气设施 第7-740部分:特殊设施或场所的要求Electrical installations of buildings - Part 7-740: Requirements for special installations or locations; Temporary electrical installations for structures, amusement devices and booths at fairgrounds, amusement parks and circuses
IEC 60449 AMD 1-1979建筑物电气设施的电压区段 修改1Voltage bands for electrical installatons of buildings
IEC 60449-1973建筑物电气设施的电压区段Voltage bands for electrical installiatons of buildings
IEC 60652-2002架空线建筑物的负荷试验Loading tests on overhead line structures
IEC 60839-2-3-1987报警系统 第2部分:入侵者报警系统的要求 第3节:建筑物内红外线束遮断探测器的要求Alarm systems. Part 2: Requirements for intruder alarm systems. Section Three - Requirements for infrared-beam interruption dectors in buildings
IEC 60839-2-4-1990报警系统 第2部分:入侵者报警系统的要求 第4节:建筑物内使用的超声波多普勒探测器Alarm systems; part 2: requirements for intruder alarm systems; section 4: ultrasonic doppler detectors for use in buildings
IEC 60839-2-5-1990报警系统 第2部分:入侵者报警系统的要求 第5节:建筑物内使用的微波多普勒探测器Alarm systems; part 2: requirements for intruder alarm systems; section 5: microwave doppler detectors for use in buildings
IEC 60839-2-6-1990报警系统 第2部分:入侵者报警系统的要求 第6节:建筑物使用的无源红外探测器Alarm systems; part 2: requirements for intruder alarm systems; section six: passive infra-red detectors for use in buildings
IEC 60839-2-7-1994报警系统 第2部分:入侵者报警系统的要求 第7节:建筑物使用的玻璃断口状通过探测器Alarm systems - Part 2: Requirements for intruder alarm systems; section 7: Passive glass-break detectors for use in buildings
IEC 61558-2-23-2000电力变压器、电源装置及类似设备的安全 第2-23部分:建筑工地用变压器的特殊要求Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar devices - Part 2-23: Particular requirements for transformers for construction sites
IEC 62305-3-2006避雷系统.第3部分:对建筑物的物理损伤和寿命危害Protection against lightning - Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard
IEC 62305-4-2006防止雷电电磁冲击.第4部分:建筑物中电气和电子系统Protection against lightning - Part 4: Electrical and electronic systems within structures
IEC/PAS 61499-1 Edition 1.0-2000工业流程测量和控制系统的功能区.第1部分:建筑Function blocks for industrial-process measurement and control systems - Part 1: Architecture
IEC/TR 60079-13-1982爆炸性气体环境用电气设备 第13部分:正压保护的房间或建筑物的结构和使用Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres. Part 13 : Construction and use of rooms or buildings protected by pressurization
IEC/TR 62222-2006建筑物内安装的通信电缆的防火性能Fire performance of communication cables installed in buildings
IEC/TR3 61200-704-1996电气设施导则 第704部分:建筑和拆除工地设施Electrical installation guide - Part 704: Construction and demolition site installations
ISO 1006-1983房屋建筑 模数协调 基本模数Building construction; Modular coordination; Basic module
ISO 10209-4-1999技术产品文件 词汇 第4部分:与建筑工程文件有关的术语 两种语言版Technical product documentation - Vocabulary - Part 4: Terms relating to construction documentation
ISO 10211-1 Technical Corrigendum 1-2002建筑结构热桥.热流和表面温度.第1部分:一般计算方法.技术勘误1Thermal bridges in building construction - Heat flows and surface temperatures - Part 1: General calculation methods; Technical Corrigendum 1
ISO 10211-1-1995建筑结构热桥 热流和表面温度 第1部分:一般计算方法Thermal bridges in building construction - Heat flow and surface temperatures - Part 1: General calculation methods
ISO 10211-2-2001建筑结构热桥 热流和表面温度 第2部分:线性热桥Thermal bridges in building construction - Calculation of heat flows and surface temperatures - Part 2: Linear thermal bridges
ISO 10291-1994建筑玻璃 多层玻璃窗稳态u-值(传热系数)的测定 防护热板法Glass in building - Determination of steady-state U values (thermal transmittance) of multiple glazing - Guarded hot plate method
ISO 10292-1994建筑玻璃 多层玻璃窗稳态u-值(传热系数)的计算Glass in building - Calculation of steady-state U values (thermal transmittance) of multiple glazing
ISO 10293-1997建筑玻璃 多层玻璃窗稳态U-值(传热系数)的测定 热流计法Glass in building - Determination of steady-state U values (thermal transmittance) of multiple glazing - Heat flow meter method
ISO 10295-1-2007建筑单元和构件的燃烧试验.服务设施的燃烧测试.第1部分:渗透密封Fire tests for building elements and components - Fire testing of service installations - Part 1: Penetration seals
ISO 10303-225-1999工业自动化系统和集成 产品数据表示和交换 第225部分:应用协议:用外在形状表示的建筑元素Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Part 225: Application protocol: Building elements using explicit shape representation
ISO 1040-1983房屋建筑 模数协调 水平协调尺寸的扩大模数Building construction; Modular coordination; Multimodules for horizontal coordinating dimensions
ISO 10456-1999建筑材料和制品 确定热性能申报值和设计值的程序Building materials and products - Procedures for determining declared and design thermal values
ISO 10563-2005房屋建筑.密封胶.质量和体积变化的测定Building construction - Sealants - Determination of change in mass and volume
ISO 10590-2005房屋建筑.密封胶.浸水后保持延伸的密封胶拉伸性能的测定Building construction - Sealants - Determination of tensile properties of sealants at maintained extension after immersion in water
ISO 10591-2005房屋建筑.密封胶.浸水后密封胶粘结/粘合性能的测定Building construction - Sealants - Determination of adhesion/cohesion properties of sealants after immersion in water
ISO 11091-1994建筑工程制图 园林制图实用规程Construction drawings - Landscape drawing practice
ISO 11375-1998建筑施工机械和设备 术语和定义Building construction machinery and equipment - Terms and definitions
ISO 11431-2002房屋建筑.连接件.受热、水和透过玻璃的人造光照射后密封胶的粘合性的测定Building construction - Jointing products - Determination of adhesion/cohesion properties of sealants after exposure to heat, water and artificial light through glass
ISO 11432-2005房屋建筑.密封胶.耐压性的测定Building construction - Sealants - Determination of resistance to compression
ISO 11600-2002房屋建筑.连接件.密封胶的分类和要求Building construction - Jointing products - Classification and requirements for sealants
ISO 11654-1997声学 建筑用吸声装置 吸声定标Acoustics - Sound absorbers for use in buildings - Rating of sound absorption
ISO 1182-2002建筑材料的对火反应试验.不可燃性试验Reaction to fire tests for building products - Non-combustibility test
ISO 11886 Technical Corrigendum 1-2006房屋建筑机械和设备.打桩驱动和提取设备.术语和商业规范.技术勘误1Building construction machinery and equipment - Pile driving and extracting equipment - Terminology and commercial specifications; Technical Corrigendum 1
ISO 11886-2002房屋建筑机械设备.打桩驱动和提取设备.术语和商业规范Building construction machinery and equipment - Pile driving and extracting equipment - Terminology and commercial specification
ISO 11925-2-2002对火反应试验.直接受火的建筑制品的可燃性.第2部分:单一火源试验Reaction to fire tests - Ignitability of building products subjected to direct impingement of flame - Part 2: Single-flame source test
ISO 11925-3 Technical Corrigendum 1-1998对火反应试验 直接受火的建筑制品的可燃性 第3部分:多火源试验 技术勘误1Reaction to fire tests - Ignitability of building products subjected to direct impingement of flame - Part 3: Multi-source test; Technical Corrigendum 1
ISO 11925-3-1997对火反应试验 直接受火的建筑制品的可燃性 第3部分:多火源试验Reaction to fire tests - Ignitability of building products subjected to direct impingement of flame - Part 3: Multi-source test
ISO 12006-2-2001房屋建筑 施工信息的编制 第2部分:信息分类框架Building construction - Organization of information about construction works - Part 2: Framework for classification of information
ISO 12006-3-2007建筑构造.施工工程的信息组织.第3部分:面向对象的信息框架Building construction - Organization of information about construction works - Part 3: Framework for object-oriented information
ISO 12241-1998建筑设备和工业装置绝热 计算规则Thermal insulation for building equipment and industrial installations - Calculation rules
ISO 12491-1997建筑材料和部件质量控制的统计方法Statistical methods for quality control of building materials and components
ISO 12543-1-1998建筑玻璃 夹层玻璃和夹层安全玻璃 第1部分:定义和零部件的描述Glass in building - Laminated glass and laminated safety glass - Part 1: Definitions and description of component parts
ISO 12543-2-2004建筑玻璃.夹层玻璃和夹层安全玻璃.第2部分:夹层安全玻璃Glass in building - Laminated glass and laminated safety glass - Part 2: Laminated safety glass
ISO 12543-3-1998建筑玻璃 夹层玻璃和夹层安全玻璃 第3部分:夹层玻璃Glass in building - Laminated glass and laminated safety glass - Part 3: Laminated glass
ISO 12543-4-1998建筑玻璃 夹层玻璃和夹层安全玻璃 第4部分:耐久性检验方法Glass in building - Laminated glass and laminated safety glass - Part 4: Test methods for durability
ISO 12543-5-1998建筑玻璃 夹层玻璃和夹层安全玻璃 第5部分:尺寸和板边精加工Glass in building - Laminated glass and laminated safety glass - Part 5: Dimensions and edge finishing
ISO 12543-6-1998建筑玻璃 夹层玻璃和夹层安全玻璃 第6部分:外观Glass in building - Laminated glass and laminated safety glass - Part 6: Appearance
ISO 12569-2000建筑物热性能 建筑物的换气率测定 示踪气体稀释法Thermal performance of buildings - Determination of air change in buildings - Tracer gas dilution method
ISO 12570-2000建筑材料及制品的湿热性能 含湿率的测定 烘干法Hygrothermal performance of building materials und products - Determination of moisture content by drying at elevated temperature
ISO 12571-2000建筑材料及制品的湿热性能 吸湿性质的测定Hygrothermal performance of building materials and products - Determination of hygroscopic sorption properties
ISO 12572-2001建筑材料和制品湿热性能 水蒸气扩散特性的测定Hygrothermal performance of building materials and products - Determination of water vapour transmission properties
ISO 12576-1-2001绝热 建筑物用绝热材料及制品 符合性控制体系 第1部分:工厂制造的产品Thermal insulation - Insulating materials and products for buildings; Conformity control systems - Part 1: Factory-made products
ISO 128-23-1999技术制图 画法的一般原则 第23部分:建筑工程制图线Technical drawings - General principles of presentation - Part 23: Lines on construction drawings
ISO 13370-1998建筑物热性能 地面传热 计算方法Thermal performance of buildings - Heat transfer via the ground - Calculation methods
ISO 13550-2002流速测定.利用建筑结构进行明渠流量测量.垂直下溢闸Hydrometric determinations - Flow measurements in open channels using structures - Use of vertical underflow gates
ISO 13567-2-1998技术产品文件 计算机辅助设计(CAD)图层的编排和命名 第2部分:用于建筑工程文件的概念、格式和代码Technical product documentation - Organization and naming of layers for CAD - Part 2: Concepts, format and codes used in construction documentation
ISO 13638-1996房屋建筑 密封胶 耐长期浸泡水性能的测定Building construction - Sealants - Determination of resistance to prolonged exposure to water
ISO 13640-1999房屋建筑 连接件 试验衬垫规范Building construction - Jointing products - Specifications for test substrates
ISO 13784-1-2002夹层板建筑系统对火反应的试验.第1部分:小室试验方法Reaction-to-fire tests for sandwich panel building systems - Part 1: Test method for small rooms
ISO 13784-2-2002夹层板建筑系统对火反应的试验.第2部分:大空间的试验方法Reaction-to-fire tests for sandwich panel building systems - Part 2: Test method for large rooms
ISO 13786-1999建筑部件热性能 动态热特征 计算方法Thermal performance of building components - Dynamic thermal characteristics - Calculation methods
ISO 13787-2003建筑设备和装置用隔热产品.标称导热性的测定Thermal insulation products for building equipment and industrial installations - Determination of declared thermal conductivity
ISO 13788-2001建筑部件和构件的湿热性能 能避免临界表面湿度和缝隙冷凝作用的内表面温度 计算方法Hygrothermal performance of building components and building elements - Internal surface temperature to avoid critical surface humidity and interstitial condensation - Calculation methods
ISO 13789-1999建筑物热性能 热损失系数 计算方法Thermal performance of buildings - Transmission heat loss coefficient - Calculation method
ISO 13790-2004建筑物的热性能.空间加热用能量计算Thermal performance of buildings - Calculation of energy use for space heating
ISO 13791-2004建筑物的热性能.夏季无机械通风冷却时房间内部温度的计算.一般标准和确认程序Thermal performance of buildings - Calculation of internal temperatures of a room in summer without mechanical cooling - General criteria and validation procedures
ISO 13792-2005建筑物的热性能.非机器制冷条件下夏季房间内温度的计算.简化法Thermal performance of buildings - Calculation of internal temperatures of a room in summer without mechanical cooling - Simplified methods
ISO 13793-2001建筑物的热性能 为避免冰冻隆涨的地基热设计Thermal performance of buildings - Thermal design of foundations to avoid frost heave
ISO 140-1 AMD 1-2004声学.建筑物和建筑构件的隔声测量.第1部分:能抑制侧向传声的实验室试验装置的要求.修改件1: 轻型双叶隔板用Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 1: Requirements for laboratory test facilities with suppressed flanking transmission; Amendment 1: Specific requirements on the frame of the test opening for lightweight twin leaf partitions
ISO 140-1-1997声学 建筑物和建筑构件的隔声测量 第1部分:能抑制侧向传声的实验室试验装置的要求Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 1: Requirements for laboratory test facilities with suppressed flanking transmission
ISO 140-10-1991声学 建筑和建筑构件的隔声测量 第10部分:小建筑构件空气声隔声的实验室测量Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements-part 10: laboratory measurements of airborne sound insulation of small building elements
ISO 140-11-2005声学.建筑物和建筑构件的隔声测量.第11部分:轻型标准楼板覆盖物传递冲击声音减低的实验室测量Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 11: Laboratory measurements of the reduction of transmitted impact sound by floor coverings on lightweight reference floors
ISO 140-14 Technical Corrigendum 1-2007声学.建筑物和建筑构件的隔声测量.第14部分:试验场中特殊情况指南.技术勘误1Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 14: Guidelines for special situations in the field; Technical Corrigendum 1
ISO 140-14-2004声学.建筑物和建筑构件的隔声测量.第14部分:试验场中特殊情况指南Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 14: Guidelines for special situations in the field
ISO 140-16-2006声学.建筑物和建筑构件的隔声测量.第16部分:通过附加衬里实验室测量降低声指数值Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 16: Laboratory measurement of the sound reduction index improvement by additional lining
ISO 140-18-2006声学.建筑物内的和建筑部件的隔声测量.第18部分:建筑构件上降雨噪音的实验室测量Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 18: Laboratory measurement of sound generated by rainfall on building elements
ISO 140-2 Technical Corrigendum 1-1993声学 建筑物和建筑构件的隔声测量 第2部分:精确数据的测定、检验和应用 技术勘误1Acoustics; measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements; part 2: determination, verification and application of precision data; technical corrigendum 1
ISO 140-2-1991声学 建筑物和建筑构件的隔声测量 第2部分:精确数据的确定、检验和应用Acoustics; measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements; part 2: determination, verification and application of precision data
ISO 140-3 AMD 1-2004声学.建筑物和建筑构件的隔声测量.第3部分:建筑构件空气声隔声的实验室测量.修改件1:轻型双叶隔板的安装指Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 3: Laboratory measurements of airborne sound insulation of building elements; Amendment 1: Installation guidelines for lightweight twin leaf partitions
ISO 140-3-1995声学 建筑物和建筑构件的隔声测量 第3部分:建筑物构件空气声隔声的实验室测量Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 3: Laboratory measurements of airborne sound insulation of building elements
ISO 140-4-1998声学 建筑物和建筑构件的隔声测量 第4部分:房间之间空气声隔声的现场测量Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 4: Field measurements of airborne sound insulation between rooms
ISO 140-5-1998声学 建筑和建筑构件的隔声测量 第5部分:外墙构件和外墙空气声隔声的现场测量Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 5: Field measurements of airborne sound insulation of fa?ade elements and facades
ISO 140-6-1998声学 建筑物和建筑构件的隔声测量 第6部分:地板撞击声隔声的实验室测量Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 6: Laboratory measurements of impact sound insulation of floors
ISO 140-7-1998声学 建筑物和建筑构件的隔声测量 第7部分:地板撞击声隔声的现场测量Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 7: Field measurements of impact sound insulation of floors
ISO 140-8-1997声学 建筑物和建筑构件的隔声测量 第8部分:重型标准地板上敷设面层使传递的撞击噪声减低的实验室测量Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 8: Laboratory measurements of the reduction of transmitted impact noise by floor coverings on a heavyweight standard floor
ISO 14139-2000水文测验 应用建筑物做明渠水流测量 复合测流建筑物Hydrometric determinations - Flow measurements in open channels using structures - Compound gauging structures
ISO 14438-2002建筑物用玻璃.能量平衡值的测定.计算法Glass in building - Determination of energy balance value - Calculation method
ISO 14683-1999建筑结构热桥 线性传热系数 简易法及默认值Thermal bridges in building construction - Linear thermal transmittance - Simplified methods and default values
ISO 14697-2007对火反应试验.建筑和运输产品用衬底选择指南Reaction-to-fire tests - Guidance on the choice of substrates for building and transport products
ISO 15148-2002建筑材料和产品的温湿性能.部分浸入法测定吸水系数Hygrothermal performance of building materials and products - Determination of water absorption coefficient by partial immersion
ISO 15186-1-2000声学 用声强作建筑物和建筑构件的隔声测量 第1部分:实验室测量Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements using sound intensity - Part 1: Laboratory measurements
ISO 15186-2-2003声学.用声强测定建筑物和建筑构件的隔声性能.第2部分:现场测量Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements using sound intensity - Part 2: Field measurements
ISO 15186-3-2002声学.用声强进行建筑物和建筑构件的隔声测量.第3部分:低频率实验室测量Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements using sound intensity - Part 3: Laboratory measurements at low frequencies
ISO 15642-2003道路建筑和维护设备.沥青混合设备.术语和商业规范Road construction and maintenance equipment - Asphalt mixing plants - Terminology and commercial specifications
ISO 15643-2002道路建筑和养护设备.沥青粘合剂布料/喷料机.术语和商业规范Road construction and maintenance equipment - Bituminous binder spreaders/sprayers - Terminology and commercial specifications
ISO 15644-2002道路建筑和维修设备. 碎屑延辗机.术语和商业规范Road construction and maintenance equipment - Chippings spreaders - Terminology and commercial specifications
ISO 15645-2002道路建筑和维修设备. 路面切槽机.术语和商业规范Road construction and maintenance equipment - Road milling machinery - Terminology and commercial specifications
ISO 15673-2005建筑物结构加筋混凝土的简易设计指南Guidelines for the simplified design of structural reinforced concrete for buildings
ISO 15686-1-2000房屋和建筑资产 服务年限计划 第1部分:一般原则Buildings and constructed assets - Service life planning - Part 1: General principles
ISO 15686-2-2001房屋和建筑资产 服务年限计划 第2部分:服务年限预计程序Buildings and constructed assets - Service life planning - Part 2: Service life prediction procedures
ISO 15686-3-2002房屋和建筑资产.服务年限计划.第3部分:性能审核和检验Building and constructed assets - Service life planning - Part 3: Performance audits and reviews
ISO 15686-6-2004房屋和建筑资产.服务寿命规划.第6部分:考虑环境影响的规程Buildings and constructed assets - Service life planning - Part 6: Procedures for considering environmental impacts
ISO 15686-7-2006房屋和建筑资产.服务寿命规划.第6部分:实践中服务寿命数据的反馈评价性能Buildings and constructed assets - Service life planning - Part 7: Performance evaluation for feedback of service life data from practice
ISO 15712-1-2005建筑声学.从建筑构件性能评定建筑物声学性能.第1部分:房间之间的空气声隔绝Building acoustics - Estimation of acoustic performance of buildings from the performance of elements - Part 1: Airborne sound insulation between rooms
ISO 15712-2-2005建筑声学.从建筑构件性能评定建筑物声学性能.第2部分:房间之间的冲击声隔绝Building acoustics - Estimation of acoustic performance of buildings from the performance of elements - Part 2: Impact sound insulation between rooms
ISO 15712-3-2005建筑声学.从建筑构件性能评定建筑物声学性能.第3部分:防室外声音的空气声隔绝Building acoustics - Estimation of acoustic performance of buildings from the performance of elements - Part 3: Airborne sound insulation against outdoor sound
ISO 15712-4-2005建筑声学.从建筑构件性能评定建筑物声学性能.第4部分:室内声音传播到室外Building acoustics - Estimation of acoustic performance of buildings from the performance of elements - Part 4: Transmission of indoor sound to the outside
ISO 15748-1-2002船舶和海运技术.在船上和海上建筑物上饮用水的供应.第1部分:计划和设计Ships and marine technology - Potable water supply on ships and marine structures - Part 1: Planning and design
ISO 15748-2-2002船舶和海运技术.在船上和海上建筑物上饮用水的供应.第2部分:计算方法Ships and marine technology - Potable water supply on ships and marine structures - Part 2: Method of calculation
ISO 15758-2004建筑物设备和工业装置的温湿性能.水蒸气扩散的计算.冷管绝缘系统Hygrothermal performance of building equipment and industrial installations - Calculation of water vapour diffusion - Cold pipe insulation systems
ISO 15927-1-2003建筑的温湿性能.气候数据的计算和表示.第1部分:单一气象元素的月均值Hygrothermal performance of buildings - Calculation and presentation of climatic data - Part 1: Monthly means of single meteorological elements
ISO 15927-4-2005建筑的温湿性能.气候数据的计算和表示.第4部分:加热和冷却的年能量使用评定用小时数据Hygrothermal performance of buildings - Calculation and presentation of climatic data - Part 4: Hourly data for assessing the annual energy use for heating and cooling
ISO 15927-5-2004建筑的温湿性能.气候数据的计算和表示.第5部分:空间加热用热负荷设计用数据Hygrothermal performance of buildings - Calculation and presentation of climatic data - Part 5: Data for design heat load for space heating
ISO 15927-6-2007建筑的温湿性能.气候数据的计算和表示.第6部分:积聚的温差(户外每日平均温度的单位)Hygrothermal performance of buildings - Calculation and presentation of climatic data - Part 6: Accumulated temperature differences (degree-days)
ISO 16000-10-2006室内空气.第10部分:建筑产品和家具释放挥发性有机化合物的测定.释放试验室法Indoor air - Part 10: Determination of the emission of volatile organic compounds from building products and furnishing - Emission test cell method
ISO 16000-11-2006室内空气.第11部分:建筑产品和家具释放挥发性有机化合物的测定.取样、样品储藏和试验样品的准备Indoor air - Part 11: Determination of the emission of volatile organic compounds from building products and furnishing - Sampling, storage of samples and preparation of test specimens
ISO 16000-8-2007室内空气.第8部分:建筑物特种通风条件下局部空气存留时间的测定Indoor air - Part 8: Determination of local mean ages of air in buildings for characterizing ventilation conditions
ISO 16000-9 Technical Corrigendum 1-2007室内空气.第9部分:建筑产品和家具挥发性有机化合物排放的测定.排放试验室法.技术勘误1Indoor air - Part 9: Determination of the emission of volatile organic compounds from building products and furnishing - Emission test chamber method; Technical Corrigendum 1
ISO 16000-9-2006室内空气.第9部分:建筑产品和家具释放挥发性有机化合物的测定.释放试验室法Indoor air - Part 9: Determination of the emission of volatile organic compounds from building products and furnishing - Emission test chamber method
ISO 16032-2004声学.建筑物中服务设备的声压级测量.工程法Acoustics - Measurement of sound pressure level from service equipment in buildings - Engineering method
ISO 16484-2-2004建筑自动化和控制系统(BACS).第2部分:硬件Building automation and control systems (BACS) - Part 2: Hardware
ISO 16484-3-2005建筑自动化和控制系统(BACS).第3部分:功能Building automation and control systems (BACS) - Part 3: Functions
ISO 16484-5-2007建筑自动化和控制系统.第5部分:数据通信协议Building automation and control systems - Part 5: Data communication protocol
ISO 16484-6-2005建筑自动化和控制系统(BACS).第6部分:数据通信一致性试验Building automation and control systems (BACS) - Part 6: Data communication conformance testing
ISO 16813-2006建筑环境设计.室内环境.一般原则Building environment design - Indoor environment - General principles
ISO 16932-2007建筑玻璃.抗暴风破坏的保险玻璃.试验和分类Glass in building - Destructive-windstorm-resistant security glazing - Test and classification
ISO 16933-2007建筑玻璃.抗爆炸保险门窗玻璃.舞台空气爆炸载荷试验和分类Glass in building - Explosion-resistant security glazing - Test and classification for arena air-blast loading
ISO 16934-2007建筑玻璃.抗爆炸保险门窗玻璃.冲击管装填试验和分类Glass in building - Explosion-resistant security glazing - Test and classification by shock-tube loading
ISO 16935-2007建筑玻璃.防弹安全玻璃.试验和分类Glass in building - Bullet-resistant security glazing - Test and classification
ISO 16936-1-2005建筑物玻璃.防止强行进入的保险玻璃.第1部分:用反复球跌落进行试验和分类Glass in building - Forced-entry security glazing - Part 1: Test and classification by repetitive ball drop
ISO 16936-2-2005建筑物玻璃.防止强行进入的保险玻璃.第2部分:室温下用锤和斧反复冲击进行试验和分类Glass in building - Forced-entry security glazing - Part 2: Test and classification by repetitive impact of a hammer and axe at room temperature
ISO 16936-3-2005建筑物玻璃.防止强行进入的保险玻璃.第3部分:根据人为攻击进行的试验和分类Glass in building - Forced-entry security glazing - Part 3: Test and classification by manual attack
ISO 16936-4-2005建筑物玻璃.防止强行进入的保险玻璃.第4部分:根据高温和着火条件下的摆锤冲击进行试验和分类Glass in building - Forced-entry security glazing - Part 4: Test and classification by pendulum impact under thermally and fire stressed conditions
ISO 1716-2002建筑产品耐火反应试验.燃烧热的测定Reaction to fire tests for building products - Determination of the heat of combustion
ISO 17194-2007建筑胶粘剂.特性的标准数据库Structural adhesives - A standard database of properties
ISO 1791-1983房屋建筑 模数协调 词汇 两种语言版Building construction; Modular co-ordination; Vocabulary Bilingual edition
ISO 1803-1997房屋建筑 公差 尺度准确度的表达 原则和术语Building construction - Tolerances - Expression of dimensional accuracy - Principles and terminology
ISO 18233-2006声学.建筑物和房间声学新测量方法的应用Acoustics - Application of new measurement methods in building and room acoustics
ISO 18650-1-2004建筑施工机械和设备.混凝土搅拌机.第1部分:词汇和一般规范Building construction machinery and equipment - Concrete mixers - Part 1: Vocabulary and general specifications
ISO 18650-2-2006建筑施工机械和设备.混凝土搅拌机.第2部分:搅拌功效检查程序Building construction machinery and equipment - Concrete mixers - Part 2: Procedure for examination of mixing efficiency
ISO 18652-2005房屋建筑机械和设备.混凝土用外部振捣器Building construction machinery and equipment - External vibrators for concrete
ISO 19220-2004建筑物内土壤和废物排放(低温和高温)用塑料管道系统.苯乙烯共聚物混合料(SAN + PVC)Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) inside buildings - Styrene copolymer blends (SAN + PVC)
ISO 19432-2006建筑施工机械和设备.便携、手持、内燃机驱动的切断机.安全要求和试验Building construction machinery and equipment - Portable, hand-held, internal combustion engine driven cut-off machines - Safety requirements and testing
ISO 19901-1-2005石油和天然气工业.海上建筑物的特殊要求.第1部分:Metocean设计和运行研究Petroleum and natural gas industries - Specific requirements for offshore structures - Part 1: Metocean design and operating considerations
ISO 19901-2-2004石油和天然气工业.近海建筑物的特殊要求.第2部分:地震设计规程和标准Petroleum and natural gas industries - Specific requirements for offshore structures - Part 2: Seismic design procedures and criteria
ISO 19901-4-2003石油和天然气工业.近海建筑物的特殊要求.第4部分:土工和基础设计考虑Petroleum and natural gas industries - Specific requirements for offshore structures - Part 4: Geotechnical and foundation design considerations
ISO 19901-5-2003石油和天然气工业.海上建筑物的特殊要求.第5部分:设计和施工过程中的重量控制Petroleum and natural gas industries - Specific requirements for offshore structures - Part 5: Weight control during engineering and construction
ISO 19901-7-2005石油和天然气工业.海上建筑物的特殊要求.第7部分:浮动式海上建筑物和移动式海上设备用保持系统Petroleum and natural gas industries - Specific requirements for offshore structures - Part 7: Stationkeeping systems for floating offshore structures and mobile offshore units
ISO 19903-2006石油和天然气工业.海上固定的混凝土建筑物Petroleum and natural gas industries - Fixed concrete offshore structures
ISO 20340-2003色漆和清漆.用于近海建筑及相关结构的保护性涂料系统的性能要求Paints and varnishes - Performance requirements for protective paint systems for offshore and related structures
ISO 2103-1986住宅和公共建筑物的居住和使用荷载Loads due to use and occupancy in residential and public buildings
ISO 21129-2007建筑材料和产品的温湿性能.水蒸汽透过率特性测定.箱法Hygrothermal performance of building materials and products - Determination of water-vapour transmission properties - Box method
ISO 21537-2-2004超磨料切割砂轮用夹具法兰.第2部分:建筑和施工Clamping flanges for superabrasive cutting-off wheels - Part 2: Building and construction
ISO 21538-2004超磨料切割砂轮用坯件.安装和固定孔.建筑施工和土木工程Blanks for superabrasive cutting-off wheels - Mounting and fixing bores - Building construction and civil engineering
ISO 21573-1-2006建筑施工机械和设备.混凝土泵.第1部分:技术和工业规范Building construction machinery and equipment - Concrete pumps - Part 1: Terminology and commercial specifications
ISO 21592-2006建筑物建造机械和设备.混凝土喷雾器.技术和工业规范Building construction machinery and equipment - Concrete spraying machines - Terminology and commercial specifications
ISO 21690-2006建筑物玻璃.玻璃砖.规范和试验方法Glass in building - Glass blocks - Specification and test methods
ISO 21930-2007建筑施工的可持续性.建筑制品的环境声明Sustainability in building construction - Environmental declaration of building products
ISO 22762-3 Technical Corrigendum 1-2006人造橡胶地震防护隔离物.第3部分:建筑物用设备.规范.技术勘误1Elastomeric seismic-protection isolators - Part 3: Applications for buildings - Specifications; Technical Corrigendum 1
ISO 22762-3-2005弹性地震防护隔离物.第3部分:应用于建筑物.规范Elastomeric seismic-protection isolators - Part 3: Applications for buildings - Specifications
ISO 22897-2003建筑物用玻璃.玻璃和空气噪声隔绝.产品描述和性能测定Glass in building - Glazing and airborne sound insulation - Product descriptions and determination of properties
ISO 23469-2005建筑物设计基础.设计土工作业的地震效果Bases for design of structures - Seismic actions for designing geotechnical works
ISO 24314-2006结构钢.提高建筑物抗震性结构钢.交货技术条件Structural steels - Structural steels for building with improved seismic resistance - Technical delivery conditions
ISO 2444-1988建筑接缝 词汇Joints in building; vocabulary
ISO 2445-1972建筑接缝 设计的基本原则Joints in building; Fundamental principles for design
ISO 24531-2007职能运输系统.系统建筑学、分类学和术语学.在ITS标准、数据注册和数据字典中使用可扩展标记语言(XML)Intelligent transport systems - System architecture, taxonomy and terminology - Using XML in ITS standards, data registries and data dictionaries
ISO 2594-1972建筑制图 投影法Building drawings; Projection methods
ISO 2631-2-2003机械振动和冲击.人体处于全身振动的评价.第2部分:建筑物内的振动(1-80Hz)Mechanical vibration and shock - Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration - Part 2: Vibration in buildings (1 Hz to 80 Hz)
ISO 2695-1976建筑用纤维板 一般用途硬质和中质板:质量规范 外观、形状和尺寸公差Fibre building boards; Hard and medium boards for general purposes; Quality specifications; Appearance, shape and dimensional tolerances
ISO 2696-1976建筑用纤维板 一般用途硬质和中质板:质量规范 吸水性和厚度膨胀Fibre building boards; Hard and medium boards for general purposes; Quality specifications; Water absorption and swelling in thickness
ISO 2777-1974模数协调 用于建筑物中的刚性平板的协调尺寸Modular co-ordination; Co-ordinating sizes for rigid flat sheet boards used in building
ISO 2848-1984房屋建筑.模数协调.原理和规定Building construction; Modular coordination; Principles and rules
ISO 3009-2003耐火试验.房屋建筑构件.镶玻璃构件Fire-resistance tests - Elements of building construction - Glazed elements
ISO 3340-1976建筑用纤维板 含砂量的测定Fibre building boards; Determination of sand content
ISO 3443-1-1979建筑公差 第1部分:评价与规定公差的基本原则Tolerances for building; Part 1 : Basic principles for evaluation and specification
ISO 3443-2-1979建筑公差 第2部分:预测具有正态分布尺寸的组合体之间配合的统计基础Tolerances for building; Part 2 : Statistical basis for predicting fit between components having a normal distribution of sizes
ISO 3443-3-1987建筑公差 第3部分:选择目标尺寸和预测公差的程序Tolerances for building; Part 3 : Procedures for selecting target size and predicting fit
ISO 3443-4-1986建筑公差 第4部分:预测安装偏差和分配公差的方法Tolerances for building; Part 4 : Method for predicting deviations of assemblies and for allocation of tolerances
ISO 3443-5-1982房屋建筑 建筑公差 第5部分:用于公差规定的数值系列Building construction; Tolerances for building; Part 5 : Series of values to be used for specification of tolerances
ISO 3443-6-1986建筑公差 第6部分:验收标准及根据尺度公差规定和统计控制进行验收的一般原则 方法1Tolerances for building; Part 6 : General principles for approval criteria, control of conformity with dimensional tolerance specifications and statistical control; Method 1
ISO 3443-7-1988建筑公差 第7部分:验收标准及根据尺度公差规定和统计控制进行验收的一般原则 方法2(统计控制方法)Tolerances for building; part 7: general principles for approval criteria, control of conformity with dimensional tolerance specifications and statistical control; method 2 (statistical control method)
ISO 3443-8-1989建筑公差 第8部分:尺度检验和施工控制Tolerances for building; part 8: dimensional inspection and control of construction work
ISO 3447-1975建筑接缝 接缝功能的一般检验项目Joints in building; General check-list of joint functions
ISO 3546-1976建筑用纤维板 表面光洁度(粗糙度)的测定Fibre building boards; Determination of surface finish (roughness)
ISO 3633-2002建筑物内污废水排放系统用硬聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)塑料管道系统(低温和高温)Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) inside buildings - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U)
ISO 3729-1976建筑用纤维板 表面稳定性的测定Fibre building boards; Determination of surface stability
ISO 3766-2003建筑工程制图.混凝土加筋的简化画法Construction drawings - Simplified representation of concrete reinforcement
ISO 3880-1-1977房屋建筑 楼梯 词汇 第1部分 两种语言版Building construction; Stairs; Vocabulary; Part I Bilingual edition
ISO 3881-1977房屋建筑 模数协调 楼梯和楼板梯洞 尺寸协调Building construction; Modular co-ordination; Stairs and stair openings; Co-ordinating dimensions
ISO 3934-2002建筑用预成型硫化热塑橡胶垫.分类、规范和试验方法Rubber, vulcanized and thermoplastic - Preformed gaskets used in buildings - Classification, specifications and test methods
ISO 4067-2-1980建筑和土木工程制图 设备 第2部分:卫生器材的简化画法Building and civil engineering drawings; Installations; Part 2 : Simplified representation of sanitary appliances
ISO 4157-1-1998建筑工程制图 代号体系 第1部分:建筑物和建筑物的组成部分Construction drawings - Designation systems - Part 1: Buildings and parts of buildings
ISO 4157-2-1998建筑工程制图 代号体系 第2部分:空间命名与编号Construction drawings - Designation systems - Part 2: Room names and numbers
ISO 4157-3-1998建筑工程制图 代号体系 第3部分:空间标识Construction drawings - Designation systems - Part 3: Room identifiers
ISO 4172-1991技术制图 建筑工程制图 预制结构的安装图Technical drawings; construction drawings; drawings for the assembly of prefabricated structures
ISO 4356-1977结构设计基础 建筑物正常使用极限状态下的变形Bases for the design of structures; Deformations of buildings at the serviceability limit states
ISO 4362-1999水文测验 应用建筑物做明渠水流测量 梯形宽顶堰Hydrometric determinations - Flow measurement in open channels using structures - Trapezoidal broad-crested weirs
ISO 4463-1-1989建筑物的测量方法 定线和测量 第1部分:计划和组织、测量程序、验收标准Measurement methods for building; setting-out and measurement; part 1: planning and organization, measuring procedures, acceptance criteria
ISO 4463-2-1995建筑物的测量方法 定线和测量 第2部分:测站和目标Measurement methods for building - Setting-out and measurement - Part 2: Measuring stations and targets
ISO 4463-3-1995建筑物的测量方法 定线和测量 第3部分:观测和测量作业所获资料的检查目录Measurement methods for building - Setting-out and measurement - Part 3: Check-lists for the procurement of surveys and measurement services
ISO 4866 AMD 1-1994机械振动与冲击 建筑物振动 振动对建筑物影响的测量和评定指南 修改1Mechanical vibration and shock - Vibration of buildings - Guidelines for the measurement of vibrations and evaluation of their effects on buildings; Amendment 1
ISO 4866 AMD 2-1996机械振动与冲击 建筑物振动 振动对建筑物影响的测量和评定指南 修改2Mechanical vibration and shock - Vibration of buildings - Guidelines for the measurement of vibrations and evaluation of their effects on buildings; Amendment 2
ISO 4866 DAM 1-1991机械振动和冲击.建筑物的振动.振动测量及其对建筑物影响的评定指南.第1次修改Mechanical vibration and shock; vibration of buildings; guidelines for the measurement of vibrations and evaluation of their effects on buildings; amendment 1
ISO 4866-1990机械振动与冲击 建筑物振动 振动对建筑物影响的测量和评定指南Mechanical vibration and shock; vibration of buildings; guidelines for the measurement of vibrations and evaluation of their effects on buildings
ISO 4898-2006硬质泡沫塑料.建筑物用热绝缘产品.规范Rigid cellular plastics - Thermal insulation products for buildings - Specifications
ISO 4999-2005商用、拉制和建筑用连续热镀锡(铅合金)冷轧碳素薄钢板Continuous hot-dip terne (lead alloy) coated cold-reduced carbon steel sheet of commercial, drawing and structural qualities
ISO 5657-1997对火反应试验 使用单辐射热源的建筑制品的可燃性Reaction to fire tests - Ignitability of building products using a radiant heat source
ISO 5658-2-2006对火反应试验.火焰传播.第2部分:在垂竖直建筑结构上火焰侧向传播Reaction to fire tests - Spread of flame - Part 2: Lateral spread on building and transport products in vertical configuration
ISO 5892-1981建筑橡胶衬垫 预成型密实的硫化结构衬垫材料 规范Rubber building gaskets; Materials for preformed solid vulcanized structural gaskets; Specification
ISO 6105-1-2004超级研磨切割砂轮用坯件.第1部分:建筑物和土木工程用人工切割Blanks for superabrasive cutting-off wheels - Part 1: Manually guided cutting-off in building and civil engineering
ISO 6105-2-2004超级研磨切割砂轮用坯件.第2部分:建筑物和土木工程用手持式切割Blanks for superabrasive cutting-off wheels - Part 2: Hand-held cutting-off in building and civil engineering
ISO 6240-1980建筑物的性能标准 内容和表示方法Performance standards in building; Contents and presentation
ISO 6241-1984建筑物的性能标准 编写原则和应考虑的因素Performance standards in building; Principles for their preparation and factors to be considered
ISO 6242-1-1992房屋建筑 用户要求的表达 第1部分:热要求Building construction; expression of users' requirements; part 1: thermal requirements
ISO 6242-2-1992房屋建筑 用户要求的表达 第2部分:空气品质要求Building construction; expression of users' requirements; part 2: air purity requirements
ISO 6242-3-1992房屋建筑 用户要求的表达 第3部分:声学要求Building construction; expression of users' requirements; part 3: acoustical requirements
ISO 6243-1997建筑设计气象数据 建议的符号系统Climatic data for building design - Proposed system of symbols
ISO 6284-1996建筑工程制图 公差限值表示法Construction drawings - Indication of limit deviations
ISO 6511-1982房屋建筑.模数协调.垂直尺寸的模数化楼房平面Building construction; Modular coordination; Modular floor plane for vertical dimensions
ISO 6512-1982房屋建筑.模数协调.层高度和房间高度Building construction; Modular coordination; Storey heights and room heights
ISO 6513-1982房屋建筑 模数协调 水平尺寸的扩大模数尺寸优化系列Building construction; Modular coordination; Series of preferred multimodular sizes for horizontal dimensions
ISO 6514-1982房屋建筑 模数协调 分模数增量Building construction; Modular coordination; Sub-modular increments
ISO 6589-1983建筑接缝.接缝空气渗透性能的实验室试验方法Joints in building; Laboratory method of test for air permeability of joints
ISO 6707-1-2004建筑和土木工程 词汇 第1部分:一般术语Building and civil engineering - Vocabulary - Part 1: General terms
ISO 6707-2-1993建筑和土木工程 词汇 第2部分:合同术语 两种语言版Buildings and civil engineering; vocabulary; part 2: contract terms
ISO 6781-1983绝热.建筑围护结构热缺陷的定性探测.红外线法Thermal insulation; Qualitative detection of thermal irregularities in building envelopes; Infrared method
ISO 6897-1984固定建筑物特别是建筑物和海上结构的居住者对低频(0.063-1Hz)水平运动响应的评定指南Guidelines for the evaluation of the response of occupants of fixed structures, especially buildings and off-shore structures, to low-frequency horizontal motion (0,063 to 1 Hz)
ISO 6927-1981房屋建筑 连接件 密封件 词汇 两种语言版Building construction; Jointing products; Sealants; Vocabulary Bilingual edition
ISO 6946 AMD 1-2003建筑部件与构件.热电阻和传热系数.计算方法.修改1Building components and building elements - Thermal resistance and thermal transmittance - Calculation method; Amendment 1
ISO 6946-1996建筑构件和建筑单元 热阻和传热系数 计算方法Building components and building elements - Thermal resistance and thermal transmittance - Calculation method
ISO 7077-1981建筑物的测量方法 确定尺度配合的一般原则和步骤Measuring methods for building; General principles and procedures for the verification of dimensional compliance
ISO 7078-1985房屋建筑 放线、测量和观测程序 词汇和指导性注解 两种语言版Building construction; Procedures for setting out, measurement and surveying; Vocabulary and guidance notes Bilingual edition
ISO 7162-1992建筑物的性能标准 性能评定标准的内容和格式Performance standards in building; contents and format of standards for evaluation of performance
ISO 717-1 AMD 1-2006声学.建筑和建筑构件的隔声评级.第1部分:空气隔声.修改件1:与单数评级和单数质量相关的舍入原则Acoustics - Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 1: Airborne sound insulation; Amendment 1: Rounding rules related to single number ratings and single number quantities
ISO 717-1-1996声学 建筑和建筑构件的隔声标定 第1部分:空气声隔声Acoustics - Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 1: Airborne sound insulation
ISO 717-2 AMD 1-2006声学.建筑物和建筑物构件内的隔音评级.第2部分:冲击声隔离.修改件1Acoustics - Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 2: Impact sound insulation; Amendment 1
ISO 717-2-1996声学 建筑和建筑构件的隔声标定 第2部分:撞击声隔声Acoustics - Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 2: Impact sound insulation
ISO 7361-1986建筑物的性能标准.由同一来源部件组成的外墙性能标准的表示方法Performance standards in building; Presentation of performance levels of fa?ades made of same-source components
ISO 7389-2002房屋建筑.连接件.密封胶回弹性的测定Building construction - Jointing products - Determination of elastic recovery of sealants
ISO 7390-2002房屋建筑.连接件.密封胶流动阻力的测定Building construction - Jointing products - Determination of resistance to flow of sealants
ISO 7437-1990技术制图 建筑工程制图 预制结构件图纸加工通则Technical drawings; construction drawings; general rules for execution of production drawings for prefabricated structural components
ISO 7518-1983技术制图 建筑工程制图 拆除和重建的简化画法Technical drawings; Construction drawings; Simplified representation of demolition and rebuilding
ISO 7519-1991技术制图 建筑工程制图 总体布置图和安装图画法的一般原则Technical drawings; construction drawings; general prinicples of presentation for general arrangement and assembly drawings
ISO 7671-2003建筑物内污、废水排放(低温和高温)用塑料管道系统.聚丙烯(PP)Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) inside buildings - Polypropylene (PP)
ISO 7675-2003建筑物内污、废水(低温和高温)排放用塑料管道系统.氯化聚氯乙烯Plastic piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) inside buildings - Chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-C)
ISO 7682-2003建筑物内污、废水排放(低温和高温)用塑料管道系统.丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯(ABS)Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) inside buildings - Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS)
ISO 769-1972建筑用纤维板 硬质和中质板:浸水后吸水性和厚度膨胀的测定Fibre building boards; Hard and medium boards; Determination of water absorption and of swelling in thickness after immersion in water
ISO 7727-1984建筑接缝 建筑构件的接缝原则 施工阶段尺度偏差的调节Joints in building; Principles for jointing of building components; Accommodation of dimensional deviations during construction
ISO 7737-1986建筑公差 尺寸准确度数据的表示法Tolerances for building; Presentation of dimensional accuracy data
ISO 7892-1988竖向建筑构件 抗撞击试验 撞击物和一般试验程序Vertical building elements; impact resistance tests; impact bodies and general test procedures
ISO 7976-1-1989建筑公差 建筑物和建筑制品的测量方法 第1部分:方法和仪器Tolerances for building; methods of measurement of buldings and building products; part 1: methods and instruments
ISO 7976-2-1989建筑公差 建筑物和建筑制品的测量方法 第2部分:测点的位置Tolerances for building; methods of measurement of buildings and building products; part 2: position of measuring points
ISO 8048-1984技术制图 建筑工程制图 视图、剖面图和断面图的表示法Technical drawings; Construction drawings; Representation of views, sections and cuts
ISO 8283-1-1991塑料管材和管件 建筑物内排水系统的承口和插口尺寸 第1部分:硬聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)和氯化聚氯乙烯(PVC-C)Plastics pipes and fittings; dimensions of sockets and spigots for discharge systems inside buildings; part 1: unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) and chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-C)
ISO 8283-2-1992塑料管材和管件 建筑物内排水系统的承口和插口尺寸 第2部分:聚乙烯(PE)Plastics pipes and fittings; dimensions of sockets and spigots for discharge systems inside buildings; part 2: polyethylene (PE)
ISO 8283-3-1992塑料管材和管件 建筑物内排水系统的承口和插口尺寸 第3部分:聚丙烯(PP)Plastics pipes and fittings; dimensions of sockets and spigots for discharge systems inside buildings; part 3: polypropylene (PP)
ISO 8283-4-1992塑料管材和管件 建筑物内排水系统的承口和插口尺寸 第4部分:丙烯腈/丁二烯/苯乙烯(ABS)Plastics pipes and fittings; dimensions of sockets and spigots for discharge systems inside buildings; part 4: acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene (ABS)
ISO 8339-2005房屋建筑.密封件.拉伸性能的测定(延展至断裂)Building construction - Sealants - Determination of tensile properties (Extension to break)
ISO 834-1-1999耐火试验 建筑构件 第1部分:一般要求Fire-resistance tests - Elements of building construction - Part 1: General requirements
ISO 834-4-2000耐火试验 建筑构件 第4部分:承重垂直构件的特殊要求Fire-resistance tests - Elements of building construction - Part 4: Specific requirements for loadbearing vertical separating elements
ISO 834-5-2000耐火试验 建筑构件 第5部分:承重水平构件的特殊要求Fire-resistance tests - Elements of building construction - Part 5: Specific requirements for loadbearing horizontal separating elements
ISO 834-6-2000耐火试验 建筑构件 第6部分:梁的特殊要求Fire-resistance tests - Elements of building construction - Part 6: Specific requirements for beams
ISO 834-7-2000耐火试验 建筑构件 第7部分:柱的特殊要求Fire-resistance tests - Elements of building construction - Part 7: Specific requirements for columns
ISO 834-8-2002耐火试验.房屋建筑构件.第8部分:非承重垂直分离构件的特殊要求Fire-resistance tests - Elements of building construction - Part 8: Specific requirements for non-loadbearing vertical separating elements
ISO 834-9-2003耐火试验.建筑构件.第9部分:非承重顶棚构件的特殊要求Fire-resistance tests - Elements of building construction - Part 9: Specific requirements for non-loadbearing ceiling elements
ISO 8340-2005房屋建筑.密封件.保持延伸状态时拉伸性能的测定Building construction - Sealants - Determination of tensile properties at maintained extension
ISO 8368-1999水文测验 应用建筑物做明渠水流测量 建筑物选择指南Hydrometric determinations - Flow measurements in open channels using structures - Guidelines for selection of structure
ISO 8394-1988房屋建筑 连接件 单个密封件可挤压性的测定Building construction; jointing products; determination of extrudability of one-component sealants
ISO 8560-1986技术制图 建筑工程制图 模数尺寸图、图线和网格的画法Technical drawings; Construction drawings; Representation of modular sizes, lines and grids
ISO 8569-1996机械振动与冲击 振动与冲击对建筑物内敏感设备影响的测量和评定Mechanical vibration and shock - Measurement and evaluation of shock and vibration effects on sensitive equipment in buildings
ISO 8770-2003建筑物内污、废水排放(低温和高温)用塑料管道系统.聚乙烯(PE)Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) inside buildings - Polyethylene (PE)
ISO 9046-2002建筑结构.连接产品.恒温下密封剂的粘附和粘结性能的测定Building construction - Jointing products - Determination of adhesion/cohesion properties of sealants at constant temperature
ISO 9047-2001房屋建筑 连接件 变温下密封粘合性能的测定Building construction - Jointing products - Determination of adhesion/cohesion properties of sealants at variable temperatures
ISO 9048-1987房屋建筑 连接件 标准元件上密封稳定性测定Building construction; Jointing products; Determination of extrudability of sealants using standardized apparatus
ISO 9050-2003建筑玻璃.光透率、日光直射率、太阳能总透射率及紫外线透射率及有关光泽系数的测定Glass in building - Determination of light transmittance, solar direct transmittance, total solar energy transmittance, ultraviolet transmittance and related glazing factors
ISO 9051-2001建筑玻璃 用于建筑中装有耐火透明或半透明玻璃的装置Glass in building - Fire-resistant glazed assemblies containing transparent or translucent glass, for use in building
ISO 9242-1988夹扭钳和剪切钳 建筑用扎线钳 尺寸和试验值Pliers and nippers - Construction worker's pincers - Dimensions and test values
ISO 9431-1990建筑工程制图 图样说明纸和标题栏的位置Construction drawings; spaces for drawing and for text, and title blocks on drawing sheets
ISO 9589-1994自动扶梯 建筑尺寸Escalators - Building dimensions
ISO 9616-1989木工机械 建筑用圆锯机 术语 两种语言版Woodworking machines; circular sawing machines for building sites; nomenclature
ISO 9699-1994建筑物的性能标准 简要检验项目 建筑设计的简要内容Performance standards in building - Checklist for briefing - Contents of brief for building design
ISO 9774-2004建筑物设备的热绝缘.选择特性指南Thermal insulation for building applications - Guidelines for selecting properties
ISO 9836-1992建筑物的性能标准 面积和空间指标的定义和计算Performance standards in building; definition and calculation of area and space indicators
ISO 9869-1994绝热 建筑构件 现场测量热阻和传热系数Thermal insulation - Building elements - In-situ measurement of thermal resistance and thermal transmittance
ISO 9882-1993建筑物的性能标准 预制混凝土楼板的性能试验在非集中荷载下的工况Performance standards in building; performance test for precast concrete floors; behaviour under non-concentrated load
ISO 9883-1993建筑物的性能标准 预制混凝土楼板的性能试验 在集中荷载下的工况Performance standards in building; performance test for precast concrete floors; behaviour under concentrated load
ISO 9896-1996建筑物内排水管网系统用塑料存水弯Plastics traps for discharge pipework systems inside buildings
ISO 9972-2006建筑物的热性能.透气率测定.风扇增压法Thermal performance of buildings - Determination of air permeability of buildings - Fan pressurization method
ISO/IEC 11801 Corrigendum 1-2002信息技术.用户建筑群的通用布缆.技术勘误1Information technology - Generic cabling for customer premises; Corrigendum 1
ISO/IEC 11801 Corrigendum 2-2002信息技术.用户建筑群的通用布缆.技术勘误2Information technology - Generic cabling for customer premises; Corrigendum 2
ISO/IEC 11801-2002信息技术.用户建筑群的通用布缆Information technology - Generic cabling for customer premises
ISO/IEC 14543-3-3-2007信息技术.家用电子系统(HES)建筑.第3-3部分:通讯层.基于1级HES控制网络的用户程序Information technology - Home electronic system (HES) architecture - Part 3-3: User process for network based control of HES Class 1
ISO/IEC 14763-1 AMD 1-2004信息技术.用户建筑群布缆的实现和操作.第1部分:管理.修改件1Information technology - Implementation and operation of customer premises cabling - Part 1: Administration; Amendment 1
ISO/IEC 14763-1-1999信息技术.用户建筑群布缆的实现和操作.第1部分:管理Information technology - Implementation and operation of customer premises cabling - Part 1: Administration
ISO/IEC 14763-3-2006信息技术.用户建筑群布缆的实现和操作.第3部分:光线铺设试验Information technology - Implementation and operation of customer premises cabling - Part 3: Testing of optical fibre cabling
ISO/IEC 18010 AMD 1-2005信息技术.用户建筑群布缆的路径和空间.修改件1Information technology - Pathways and spaces for customer premises cabling; Amendment 1
ISO/IEC 18010-2002信息技术.用户建筑群布缆的路径和空间Information technology - Pathways and spaces for customer premises cabling
ISO/IEC 24702-2006信息技术.工业建筑综合布线Information technology - Generic cabling - Industrial premises
ISO/IEC 42010-2007系统和软件工程.软件加强系统建筑学描述的推荐实施规程Systems and software engineering - Recommended practice for architectural description of software-intensive systems
ISO/IEC TR 12075-1994信息技术 用户建筑群布缆 支持ISO/IEC8802_5令牌环站的规划和安装指南()
ISO/IEC TR 14543-4-2002信息技术.家用电子系统(HES)体系结构.第4部分:住宅和混用建筑内建筑的自动化Information technology - Home electronic systems (HES) architecture - Part 4: Home and building automation in a mixed-use building
ISO/IEC TR 14763-2-2000信息技术.用户建筑群布缆的实施和操作.第2部分:铜电缆缚设的规划和安装Information technology - Implementation and operation of customer premises cabling - Part 2: Planning and installation
ISO/PAS 16940-2004建筑物玻璃.门窗玻璃和空气声隔绝.多层玻璃机械阻抗的测量Glass in building - Glazing and airborne sound insulation - Measurement of the mechanical impedance of laminated glass
ISO/TR 10158-1991有关建筑构件耐火性的原理和基础计算方法Principles and rationale underlying calculation methods in relation to fire resistance of structural elements
ISO/TR 11696-1-1999对火反应试验结果的应用 第1部分:利用试验结果预测内饰材料和其他建筑制品的燃烧性能Uses of reaction to fire test results - Part 1: Application of test results to predict fire performance of internal linings and other building products
ISO/TR 11696-2-1999对火反应试验结果的应用 第2部分:建筑制品火焰危险性的判定Uses of reaction to fire test results - Part 2: Fire hazard assessment of construction products
ISO/TR 11925-1-1999对火反应试验 火焰直接接触建筑制品的点燃性 第1部分:点燃性指南Reaction to fire tests - Ignitability of building products subjected to direct impingement of flame - Part 1: Guidance on ignitability
ISO/TR 12603-1996建筑施工机械和设备 分类Building construction machinery and equipment - Classification
ISO/TR 14177-1994建筑工业信息分类Classification of information in the construction industry
ISO/TR 19033-2000技术产品文件 建筑文件用元数据Technical product documentation - Metadata for construction documentation
ISO/TR 22898-2006防火工程中建筑物用防火试验的效率评价Review of outputs for fire containment tests for buildings in the context of fire safety engineering
ISO/TR 24532-2006智能运输系统.系统建筑学、分类学和术语学.在ITS标准、数据登记和数据字典中使用CORBA(公用对象请求代理调Intelligent transport systems - Systems architecture, taxonomy and terminology - Using CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) in ITS standards, data registries and data dictionaries
ISO/TR 3814-1989建筑材料对火反应试验的发展与应用Tests for measuring "reaction-to-fire" of building materials; their development and application
ISO/TR 5924-1989着火试验 对火反应 建筑制品的产烟(双室法)Fire tests; reaction to fire; smoke generated by building products (dual-chamber test)
ISO/TR 7240-14-2003火灾探测和报警系统.第14部分:建筑物内部和外部使用的火灾探测和报警系统的设计、安装和使用规程的标准起草Fire detection and alarm systems - Part 14: Guidelines for drafting codes of practice for design, installation and use of fire detection and fire alarm systems in and around buildings
ISO/TR 834-3-1994耐火试验 建筑构件 第3部分:有关试验方法及试验数据应用的说明Fire resistance tests - Elements of building construction - Part 3: Commentary on test method and test data application
ISO/TR 8389-1984房屋建筑 模数协调 确定扩大模数尺寸的优化数值体系Building construction; Modular coordination; System of preferred numbers defining multimodular sizes
ISO/TR 8390-1984房屋建筑 模数协调 水平扩大模数的应用Building construction; Modular coordination; Application of horizontal multimodules
ISO/TR 9165-1988建筑材料和制品的实际热性质Practical thermal properties of building materials and products
ISO/TR 9527-1994房屋建筑 建筑物中残疾人的需要 设计指南Building construction - Needs of disabled people in buidlings - Design guidelines
ISO/TS 10303-1144-2005工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和交换.第1144部分:应用模块:建筑项目Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Part 1144: Application module: Building item
ISO/TS 10303-1145-2005工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和交换.第1145部分:应用模块:建筑结构Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Part 1145: Application module: Building structure
ISO/TS 10303-1146-2005工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和交换.第1146部分:应用模块:建筑位置Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Part 1146: Application module: Location in building
ISO/TS 10303-325-2004工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和交换.第325部分:抽象测试套:用显式形状表示法表示的建筑物构件Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Part 325: Abstract test suite: Building elements using explicit shape representation
ISO/TS 10811-1-2000机械振动与冲击 具有敏感设备的建筑物的振动和冲击 第1部分:测量和评价Mechanical vibration and shock - Vibration and shock in buildings with sensitive equipment - Part 1: Measurement and evaluation
ISO/TS 10811-2-2000机械振动与冲击 具有敏感设备的建筑物的振动和冲击 第2部分:分类Mechanical vibration and shock - Vibration and shock in buildings with sensitive equipment - Part 2: Classification
ISO/TS 21929-1-2006建筑施工的可持续性.可持续性指示器.第1部分:建筑物用指示器的开发框架Sustainability in building construction - Sustainability indicators - Part 1: Framework for development of indicators for buildings
ISO/TS 21931-1-2006建筑施工的可持续性.施工环境性能评定方法的框架.第1部分:建筑物Sustainability in building construction - Framework for methods of assessment for environmental performance of construction works - Part 1: Buildings
ISO/TS 7024-2005建筑物内污水废水排放用塑料管道系统(低温和高温).热塑塑料.推荐的安装规范Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) inside buildings - Thermoplastics - Recommended practice for installation
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