DIN building standards-德国建筑标准

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德国建筑标准(DIN building standards)

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DIN 1052-2004木结构的设计.总则和建筑物用规则Design of timber structures - General rules and rules for buildings
DIN 1054-2005建筑地基.土方工程和地基的安全验收Ground - Verification of the safety of earthworks and foundations
DIN 1055-1-2002对结构施加的作用力.第1部分:建筑材料、结构部件和贮存物料的密度和重量Action on structures - Part 1: Densities and weights of building materials, structural elements and stored materials
DIN 1055-2-1976建筑物的设计负荷.土壤特性值.比重、磨擦角、粘着力、墙壁摩擦角Design Loads for Buildings; Soil Characteristics; Specific Weight, Angle of Friction, Cohesion, Angle of Wall Friction
DIN 1055-3-2006对结构的作用.第3部分:建筑物的自重和施加载荷Action on structures - Part 3: Self-weight and imposed load in building
DIN 1055-6 Berichtigung 1-2006对结构物的作用.第6部分:建筑物的设计载荷和筒仓载荷.DIN 1005-6-2005的勘误Actions on structures - Part 6: Design loads for buildings and loads in silo bins, Corrigenda to DIN 1005-6:2005-03
DIN 1055-6-2005对结构物的作用.第6部分:建筑物的设计载荷和筒仓载荷Actions on structures - Part 6: Design loads for buildings and loads in silo bins
DIN 1055-7-2002对建筑物的作用.第7部分:热作用Actions on structures - Part 7: Thermal actions
DIN 1057-1-1985独立式烟囱用建筑材料.弧形砖.要求、检验、检查Building materials for free-standing chimneys; compass bricks; requirements, testing, inspection
DIN 107-1974楼房建筑.左和右边的标识Building construction; identification of right and left side
DIN 1080-4-1980土木建筑工程用术语、符号和单位.混凝土结构、复合钢结构和混凝土中的钢大梁Terms, Symbols and Units Used in Civil Engineering; Concrete Construction, Composite Steel Construction and Steel Girders in Concrete
DIN 1239-1999井筒、喷水池和其它供水建筑盖扳.结构原理Coverings for wells, spring water chambers and other water supply construction - Principles for construction
DIN 1249-11-1986建筑用玻璃.玻璃边缘.第11部分:边缘类别和精加工概念与特性Glass in building; glass edges; concept, characteristics of edge types and finishes
DIN 1356-1-1995建筑物和土木工程图纸.第1部分:类型、内容和表示法的一般规则Building and civil engineering drawings - Part 1: Types, content and general rules for representation
DIN 1356-6-2006技术产品文件.建筑和土木工程制图.第6部分:建筑和施工场地文件Technical product documentation - Building and civil engineering drawings - Part 6: Documentation of buildings and construction sites
DIN 14034-6-2005消防用图形符号.第6部分:建筑内部设备Graphical symbols for fire-brigade - Part 6: Equipments in buildings
DIN 14095-2007消防队用建筑物构件平面图Ground plans for components for buildings for fire brigade use
DIN 15306-2002电梯.住宅建筑物用载人电梯.功能尺寸Lifts - Passenger lifts in residential buildings - Functional dimensions
DIN 15309-2002升降机.非住宅建筑物用载人电梯和床式升降机.功能尺寸Lifts - Passenger lifts in non-residential buildings and bed lifts - Functional dimensions
DIN 15460-1979建筑材料用的负荷箱.安全要求Load box for building materials; safety requirements
DIN 15920-4-1978舞台和摄影棚建筑设施.平台种类.可任意移动的舞台车Stage and studio set up; practicals, boat-trucks
DIN 18000-1984建筑物模数协调Modular coordination in building
DIN 18012-2000建筑物中的家用连接设施.空间要求和设计原则House service connection facilities in buildings - Space requirements, principles for planning
DIN 18015-1-2007民用建筑物的电气装置.第1部分:规划原则Electrical installations in residential buildings - Part 1: Planning principles
DIN 18015-2-2004住宅建筑用电气设备.第2部分:最小设备的种类和范围Electrical installations in residential buildings - Part 2: Nature and extent of minimum equipment
DIN 18015-3-2007民用建筑物的电气装置.第3部分:电气设备的布线和配置Electrical installations in residential buildings - Part 3: Wiring and disposition of electrical equipment
DIN 18073-1990楼房建筑的滚动百叶窗和遮蔽设备.概念和要求Roller shutters, solar shading and black-out equipment in building construction; concepts and requirements
DIN 18101-1985门.住宅建筑的门.门板尺寸.折页和锁的位置.尺寸的相关性Doors; doors for residential buildings; sizes of door leaves, position of hinges and lock, interdependence of dimensions
DIN 18111-1-2004门框.钢门框.第1部分:砖石建筑中折式门的标准门框Door frames - Steel door frames - Part 1: Standard door frames for rebated doors in masonry
DIN 18122-1-1997建筑地基.勘探和试验.状态极限(浓度极限).第1部分:液流极限和塑性极限测定Soil, investigation and testing - Consistency limits - Part 1: Determination of liquid limit and plastic limit
DIN 18123-1996建筑地基.勘探和试验.粒度分布的测定Soil, investigation and testing - Determination of grain-size distribution
DIN 18124-1997建筑地基.勘探和试验.颗粒密度测定.毛细管比重计.宽口比重计Soil, investigation and testing - Determination of density of solid particles - Capillary pyknometer, wide mouth pycnometer
DIN 18126-1996建筑地基.勘探和试验.最疏松和最致密岩层非粘结性土壤密度测定Soil, investigation and testing - Determination of density of non-cohesive soils for maximum and minimum compactness
DIN 18129-1996建筑地基.勘探和试验.石灰含量测定Soil, investigation and testing - Determination of lime content
DIN 18147-2-1982三层烟囱用建筑材料和建筑部件.外层用的轻质混凝土元件.要求及检验Building material and building elements for three-layered chimneys; elements of light-weight concrete for the outer layer; requirements and tests
DIN 18150-1-1979烟囱建造用建筑材料和构件.第1部分:轻型混凝土烟道、同质烟囱、要求Building materials and components for building chimneys; lightweight concrete flues, homogenous chimneys, requirements
DIN 18150-2-1987一层烟囱用建筑材料和部件.轻质混凝土制烟道.检验和监督Building material and elements for one-layered chimneys; lightweight concrete flues; examination and supervision
DIN 18159-1-1991建筑工作现场发泡塑料用泡沫塑料.绝热用现场聚氨酯泡沫塑料.应用、性能、实施、检验Cellular plastics as in-situ cellular plastics in building; in-situ polyurethane (PUR) foam for thermal insulation; application, properties, execution, testing
DIN 18159-2-1978建筑中现场发泡用泡沫塑料.绝热用脲-甲醛树脂现场发泡的泡沫塑料.应用、性能、制作、检验Cellular Plastics as in-situ Foam in Building; In-situ Foam Produced from Urea-formaldehyde (UF) Resin for Thermal Insulation; Application, Properties, Execution, Testing
DIN 18181-2007楼房建筑用石膏灰泥板.应用Gypsum plasterboards for building construction - Application
DIN 18195 Bb.1-2006建筑物防水.密封剂定位控制一致性的例子Water-proofing of buildings - Examples of positioning of sealants in accordance
DIN 18195-1-2000建筑物的防水层.第1部分:原理、定义及防水层类型的属性Water-proofing of buildings - Part 1: Principles, definitions, attribution of waterproofing types
DIN 18195-10-2004建筑物的防水性.第10部分:防护层和防护措施Water-proofing of buildings - Part 10: Protective layers and protective measures
DIN 18195-2-2000建筑物的防水层.第2部分:材料Water-proofing of buildings - Part 2: Materials
DIN 18195-3-2000建筑物的防水层.第3部分:地面的要求和材料的工作特性Water-proofing of buildings - Part 3: Requirements to the ground and working properties of materials
DIN 18195-4-2000建筑物的防水层.第4部分:防地面潮气(毛细水、存留水)和地板下及墙上非累积渗漏水的防水层的设计和施工Water-proofing of buildings - Part 4: Water-proofing against ground moisture (capillary water, retained water) and non-accumulating seepage water under floor slabs and on walls, design and execution
DIN 18195-5-2000建筑物的防水.第5部分:对地板和潮湿区域非压力水的防水层.设计与施工Water-proofing of buildings - Part 5: Water-proofing against non-pressing water on floors and in wet areas; design and execution
DIN 18195-6-2000建筑物的防水层.第6部分:防外挤压水和累积渗漏水的防水层.设计与施工Water-proofing of buildings - Part 6: Water-proofing against outside pressing water and accumulating seepage water; design and execution
DIN 18195-7-1989建筑物和构件的防水.防止护墙板因水压原因漏水.第7部分:设计与工艺Waterproofing of buildings and structures; waterproofing sheeting subjected to hydrostatic pressure from the inside; design and workmanship
DIN 18195-8-2004建筑物的防水性.第8部分:活动连接接头的防水性Water-proofing of buildings - Part 8: Water-proofing over joints for movements
DIN 18195-9-2004建筑物的防水性.第9部分:渗透、转换、连接和端接Water-proofing of buildings - Part 9: Penetrations, transitions, connections and endings
DIN 18200-2000建筑产品的一致性评估.认证机构对建筑产品的认证Assessment of conformity for construction products - Certification of construction products by certification body
DIN 18202-2005建筑施工公差.建筑物Tolerances in building construction - Structures
DIN 18203-1-1997建筑施工尺寸公差.混凝土预制件.钢筋混凝土预制件和预应力混凝土制件Tolerances in building construction - Part 1: Prefabricated components made of concrete, reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete
DIN 18203-2-2006建筑施工公差.第2部分:预制钢部件Tolerances in building - Part 2: Prefabricated steel components
DIN 18203-3-1984建筑物的容差.木质板材制品的建筑物部件Tolerances for building; building components of timber and wood based panel products
DIN 18204-1-2007用纺织物和塑料薄膜(篷帐布)制造的建筑物和帐篷罩部件.第1部分:涂聚氯乙烯(PVC)的聚酯基底纤维Components for enclosures made of textile fabrics and plastic films (awnings) for structures and tents - Part 1: PVC coated polyester base fabric
DIN 18205-1996建筑设计简介Brief for building design
DIN 18215-1973混凝土与钢筋混凝土建筑物用木制模板.标准尺寸0.5m×1.5m厚21mmTimer form boards for concrete and reinforced concrete structures; standard dimension 0,50 m × 1,50 m; thickness = 21 mm
DIN 18225 Bb.1-1988工业建筑.工业建筑中的交通道路.规定Industrial construction; traffic ways in industrial buildings; regulations
DIN 18225-1988工业建筑.工业建筑中的交通道路Industrial construction; traffic ways in industrial buildings
DIN 18230-1-1998工业建筑中的结构防火.第1部分:分析要求的耐火时间Structural fire protection in industrial buildings - Part 1: Analytically required fire resistance time
DIN 18230-2-1999工业建筑中结构防火.第2部分:仓库库存材料燃烧性能的测定.烧损系数m值Structural fire protection in industrial buildings - Part 2: Determination of combustion behaviour of materials in storage arrangement - Combustion factor m
DIN 18230-3-2002工业建筑中结构防火.第3部分:计算值Structural fire protection in industrial buildings - Part 3: Values for calculation
DIN 18234-1-2003建筑物大型屋顶的防火安全.从下部起火.第1部分:定义、要求和试验.封闭式屋顶区Fire safety of large roofs for buildings - Fire exposure from below - Part 1: Definitions, requirements and tests; Roof areas without openings
DIN 18234-2-2003防止从下部起火的建筑物用大型屋顶的防火安全.第2部分:符合DIN18234-1要求的屋顶列表.无天窗的屋顶面积Fire safety of large roofs for buildings - Fire exposure from below - Part 2: List of roofs, which fulfil the requirements of DIN 18234-1; Roof areas without openings
DIN 18234-3-2003建筑物大型屋顶的防火安全.下部着火.第3部分:定义、要求及屋顶渗透和屋缘的试验Fire safety of large roofs for buildings - Fire exposure from below - Part 3: Definitions, requirements and tests at roof penetrations and roof edges
DIN 18234-4-2003建筑物大型屋顶的防火安全.从下部着火.第4部分:符合DIN 18234-3要求的屋顶渗透和屋顶缘的镶边Fire safety of large roofs for buildings - Fire exposure from below - Part 4: List of roof penetrations and roof edges, which fulfil the requirements of DIN 18234-3
DIN 18255-2002建筑用五金件.门把手、背面板和门框.定义、尺寸、要求和作标记Building hardware - Door lever handles, backplates and escutcheons - Definitions, dimensions, requirements and marking
DIN 18257-2003建筑用小五金.安全门板.定义、测量、要求和标记Building hardware - Security plates - Definitions, measurements, requirements, marking
DIN 18263-1-1997建筑五金.受控门锁.第1部分:用曲轴传动和螺旋弹簧的门锁Building hardware - Controlled door closing devices with hydraulic damping - Part 1: Surface(top) mounted door closer with crank drive and spiral spring (pot-type door closer)
DIN 18263-4-1997建筑五金.受控门锁.第4部分:带自动旋转叶片驱动的门锁Building hardware - Controlled door closing devices - Part 4: Automatic swing-door operator
DIN 18264-1978建筑五金.单动门用弹簧门枢Building hardware; spring hinges for doors, single action
DIN 18265-1978建筑五金.双动门用弹簧门枢Building hardware; spring hinges for doors, double action
DIN 18268-1985建筑五金件.门折页.折页基准线Building hardware; hinges for doors; reference-lines for hinges
DIN 18273-1997建筑五金件.防火门和防烟门把手组件.术语定义、尺寸、要求和试验Building hardware - Lever handle units for fire doors and smoke control doors - Concepts and definitions, dimensions, requirements and testing
DIN 18299-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).各种类型建筑工作总则Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - General rules applying to all types of construction works
DIN 18300-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).土方工程Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Earthworks
DIN 18301-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).钻孔作业Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Drilling work
DIN 18302-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分: 建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).地上凿洞沉降作业Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Borehole sinking operations
DIN 18303-2002建筑工程合同.第C部分:建筑工程通用技术规范.铺设工程Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV); Timbering to trenchwork
DIN 18304-2000建筑工程承包条例.第C部分:建筑工程通用技术规范.打桩工程Contract procedures for building works - Part C: General technical specifications in building works; Pile driving
DIN 18305-2000建筑工程承包条例.第C部分:建筑工程通用技术规范.预排水工程Contract procedures for building works - Part C: General technical specifications for building works (ATV); Predraining works
DIN 18306-2000建筑工程承包条例.第C部分:建筑工程通用技术规范.污水工程Contract procedures for building works - Part C: General technical specifications for building works; Sewage channel works
DIN 18307-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).建筑物外压力管道工程管敷设Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Laying of pressure pipework outside buildings
DIN 18308-2002建筑工程合同.第C部分:建筑工程通用技术规范.排水工程Contract procedures for building works - Part C: General technical specifications for building works; Drainage work
DIN 18309-2002建筑工程合同.第C部分:建筑工程通用技术规范.灌浆工程Contract procedures for buildings works - Part C: General technical specifications for building works; Grouting works
DIN 18310-2000建筑工程合同.第C部分:建筑工程通用技术规范.河流、堤坝和海岸沙滩安全防御工程Contracts procedures for buildings works - Part C: General technical specifications for building works; Security works at water, dikes and costal dunes
DIN 18311-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).挖泥工程Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Dredging work
DIN 18312-2002建筑工程合同.第C部分:建筑工程通用技术规范.地下建筑工程Contract procedures for building works - Part C: General technical specifications for building works; Underground construction work
DIN 18313-2002建筑工程合同.第C部分:建筑工程通用技术规范.带支撑液隔墙工程Contract procedures for building works - Part C: General technical specifications for building works; Works for diaphragm walls with supporting liquids
DIN 18314-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).喷注混凝土工程Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Sprayed concrete work
DIN 18315-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).道路建设.无胶凝材料路面Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Road construction - Surfacings without binders
DIN 18316-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).道路建设.水硬性胶凝材料路面层Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Road construction - Surfacings with hydraulic binders
DIN 18317-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).道路建设.沥青路面Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Road construction - Asphalt surfacings
DIN 18318-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).道路建设.接头易断裂的方块铺石和混凝土路面及环境Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Road construction - Dry-jointed sett and slab pavements, and surrounds
DIN 18319-2000建筑工程承包条例.第C部分:建筑工程通用技术规范.管道掘进工程Contract procedures for building works - Part C: General technical specifications for building works; Pipe drilling works
DIN 18320-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).园林设计工程Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Landscape work
DIN 18322-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).地下电缆敷设工作Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Underground cable laying work
DIN 18325-2002建筑工程合同.第C部分:建筑工程通用技术规范.铁路工程Contract procedures for building works - Part C: General technical specifications for building works; Railway track works
DIN 18330-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).砖石砌筑建筑工程Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Masonry work
DIN 18331-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).混凝土工程Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Concrete work
DIN 18332-2002建筑工程合同.第C部分:建筑工程通用技术规范.毛石作业Contract procedures for building works - Part C: General technical specifications for building works; Ashlar works
DIN 18333-2000建筑工程承包条例.第C部分:建筑工程通用技术规范.铸石工程Contract procedures for building works - Part C: General technical specifications for building works; Cast stone works
DIN 18334-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).木工Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Carpentry
DIN 18335-2002建筑工程合同.第C部分:建筑工程通用技术规范.钢结构建筑工程Contract procedures for building works - Part C: General technical specifications for building works; Steel construction works
DIN 18336-2002建筑工程合同.第C部分:建筑工程通用技术规范.防水工程Contract procedures for building works - Part C: General technical specifications for building works; Water-proofing works
DIN 18338-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).屋顶铺设工程Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Roofing work
DIN 18339-2002建筑工程合同.第C部分:建筑工程通用技术规范.冷作工Contract procedures for building works - Part C: General technical specifications for building works; Sheet metal works
DIN 18340-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV). 干衬垫和隔断作业Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Dry lining and partitioning work
DIN 18345-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).外部热绝缘复合系统作业Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Work on external thermal insulation composite systems
DIN 18349-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).混凝土结构养护工程Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Repair work on concrete structures
DIN 18350-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).抹灰和打底Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Plastering and rendering
DIN 18351-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).后面通风的幕墙工程Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Work on back-ventilated curtain walling
DIN 18352-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).墙面砖和地面砖Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Wall and floor tiling
DIN 18353-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).地板找平层敷设Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Laying of floor screed
DIN 18354-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).敷沥青作业Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Asphalt flooring work
DIN 18355-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).细木工Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Joinery
DIN 18356-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).镶木地板Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Laying of parquet flooring
DIN 18357-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).门窗配件安装Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Mounting of door and window hardware
DIN 18358-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).卷门和类似设备的安装Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Installation of roller shutters and similar equipment
DIN 18360-2002建筑工程合同.第C部分:建筑工程通用技术规范.金属结构工程Contract procedures for building works - Part C: General technical specifications for building works; Metal construction works
DIN 18361-2002建筑工程合同.第C部分:建筑工程通用技术规范.玻璃镶装工程Contract procedures for building works - Part C: General technical specifications for building works; Glazing works
DIN 18363-2006德国建筑合同程序.第C部分:建筑工程通用技术规范.喷漆.覆层工程Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Painting and coatings work
DIN 18364-2006德国建筑合同程序.第C部分:建筑工程通用技术规范.钢和铝结构的防护工程Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Corrosion protection of steel structures
DIN 18365-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).地面铺装作业Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Flooring work
DIN 18366-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).墙和天花板装饰涂层的应用Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Application of decorative coverings on walls and ceilings
DIN 18367-2002建筑工程合同.第C部分:建筑工程通用技术规范.木块铺砌路面工程Contract procedures for building works - Part C: General technical specifications for building works; Wood blocks paving works
DIN 18379-2006德国建筑合同程序.第C部分:建筑工程通用技术规范.房间通风系统Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Installation of air conditioning systems
DIN 18380-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).中央供热系统和热水供应系统装置Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Installation of central heating systems and hot water supply systems
DIN 18381-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).建筑物内气、水和排水管道工程的安装Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Installation of gas, water and drainage pipework inside buildings
DIN 18382-2002建筑工程合同.第C部分:建筑工程通用技术规范.标称电压不超过36kV的低压设备和中压设备Contract procedures for building works - Part C: General technical specifications for building works; Low-voltage installation and medium-voltage installation with nominal voltages up to including 36 kV
DIN 18384-2000建筑工程承包条例.第C部分:建筑工程通用技术规范.避雷设备Contract procedure for building works - Part C: General technical specifications for building works; Lightning protection systems
DIN 18385-2002建筑工程合同.第C部分:建筑工程通用技术规范.输送设备、电梯、自动扶梯和自动人行道Contract procedures for building works - Part C: General technical specifications for building works - Conveying installations, lifts, escalators and moving walkways
DIN 18386-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).建筑物自动化和控制系统Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Building automation and control systems
DIN 18421-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).服务设施隔离Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Insulation of service installations
DIN 18451-2006德国建筑合同程序.第C部分:建筑工程通用技术规范.脚手架作业Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Scaffolding work
DIN 18459-2006建筑合同程序(VOB).第C部分:建筑合同通用技术规范(ATV).拆除和解构工作Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Demolition and dismantling work
DIN 18516-4-1990回火安全玻璃板制背部通风、非承重的建筑物外围墙.要求和检验Back-ventilated, non-loadbearing, external enclosures of buildings, made from tempered safety glass panels; requirements and testing
DIN 18540-2006建筑物用填缝密封剂的外墙接合处密封Sealing of exterior wall joints in building using joint sealants
DIN 18560-1-2004房屋建筑中的地板找平层.第1部分:一般要求、检验和建筑Floor screeds in building construction - Part 1: General requirements, testing and construction
DIN 18560-2-2004房屋建筑中的地板找平层.第2部分:绝缘层上的地板找平层和保暖地板找平层Floor screeds in building construction - Part 2: Floor screeds and heating floor screeds on insulation layers
DIN 18560-3-2006房屋建筑中的地板刮板.第3部分:粘结地板刮板Floor screeds in building construction - Part 3: Bonded screed
DIN 18650-1-2005建筑五金.电动人行门.第1部分:产品要求和试验方法Building hardware - Powered pedestrian doors - Part 1: Product requirements and test methods
DIN 18650-2-2005建筑五金.电动人行门.第2部分:电动人行门的安全性Building hardware - Powered pedestrian doors - Part 2: Safety at powered pedestrian doors
DIN 18799-1-1999建筑工程用爬梯.第1部分:带两根支柱的爬梯.安全性要求和试验Ladders for construction works - Part 1: Ladders with two uprights; safety requirements and tests
DIN 18799-2-1999建筑工程用爬梯.第2部分:带一根支柱的爬梯.安全性要求和试验Ladders for construction works - Part 2: Ladders with one upright; safety requirements and tests
DIN 18799-3-1999建筑工程用爬梯.第3部分:烟囱用爬梯.安全性要求和试验Ladders for construction works - Part 3: Ladders for chimneys; safety requirements and tests
DIN 18801-1983钢结构建筑.设计和建造Structural steel in building; design and construction
DIN 18807-1/A1-2001建筑物用梯形板材.钢梯形板材.一般要求、承载能力计算.修改件A1Trapezoidal sheeting in building - Trapezoidal steel sheeting - General requirements and determination of loadbearing capacity by calculation; Amendment A1
DIN 18807-2/A1-2001建筑物用梯形板材.钢梯形板材.进行强度试验并评定.修改件A1Trapezoidal sheeting in building - Steel trapezoidal sheeting - Execution and evaluation of ultimate strenth tests; Amendment A1
DIN 18807-3-1987建筑物中梯形护墙板.梯形钢板.结构分析和设计Trapezoidal sheeting in building; trapezoidal steel sheeting; structural analysis and design
DIN 18807-3/A1-2001建筑物用梯形型材.钢梯形型材.分析、结构和设计.修改件A1Trapezoidal sheeting in building - Steel trapezoidal sheeting - Analysis, structural and design; Amendment A1
DIN 18807-7-1995建筑物用梯形板材.第7部分:铝制梯形板材及其连接件.通过试验对承载能力的测定Trapezoidal sheeting in buildings - Part 7: Aluminium trapezoidal sheeting and their connections; determination of load bearing capacity by test
DIN 18807-9-1998建筑物的梯形薄板.第9部分:铝梯形型材及其连接件.使用和构造Trapezoidal sheeting in buildings - Part 9: Aluminium trapezoidal sheeting and their connections; application and construction
DIN 18808-1984钢结构建筑物.以承受静负荷为主的空心型材支撑结构Steel structures; structures made from hollow sections subjected to predominantly static loading
DIN 18902-1986马厩建筑用上釉陶土构件.饲料槽、瓦、水槽、尺寸、要求和检验Vitrified clay elements for stable construction; mangers, tiles, troughs; sizes, requirements, testing
DIN 18918-2002风景设计中的植被技术.稳定土壤的生物方法.植草和种植稳定法.活的植物材料和无生命材料及建筑构件、组合施Vegetation technology in landscaping - Biological methods of site stabilization - Stabilization by seeding and planting, stabilization by means of living plant material, dead material and building elements, combined construction methods
DIN 18960-1999建筑的用户成本User costs of buildings
DIN 1946-6-1998通风和空调.第6部分:居住建筑物的通风.要求、性能和验收(VDI通风实施规程)Ventilation and air conditioning - Part 6: Ventilation for residential buildings; requirements, performance, acceptance (VDI ventilation code of practice)
DIN 19531-10-1999建筑物污水和污物排放系统用未增塑聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)套管道和配件.第10部分:燃烧性能、质量控制和安装的推荐Pipes and fittings made of unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) socket for waste and soil discharge systems inside buildings - Part 10: Fire behaviour, quality control and installation recommendations
DIN 19535-10-2000建筑物内耐热水排污系统(HT)用高密度聚乙烯(PE-HD)管和管件.第10部分:防火性能、质量控制和安装的推荐规范High-density polyethylene (PE-HD) pipes and fittings for hot-water resistant waste and soil discharge systems (HT) inside buildings - Part 10: Fire behaviour, quality control and installation recommendations
DIN 19538-10-1999建筑物内耐热污水和污物排放系统用氯化的聚氯乙烯(PVC-C)管道和配件.第10部分:燃烧性能、质量控制和安装的Pipes and fittings made of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (PVC-C) for hot-water resistant waste and soil discharge systems inside buildings - Part 10: Fire behaviour, quality control and installation recommendations
DIN 19560-10-1999建筑物中耐热的废水和污物排放系统用聚丙烯(PP)管材和管接头.第10部分:燃烧特性.质量控制和推荐标准Pipes and fittings made of polypropylene (PP) for hot water resistant waste and soil discharge systems inside buildings - Part-10: Fire behaviour, quality control and installation recommendations
DIN 19561-10-1999建筑物内部耐热水的废水和污物排放系统用苯乙烯共聚物制管和管件.第10部分:燃烧性能、质量控制和安装的推荐Pipes and fittings made of styrene-copolymerisats for hot water resistant waste and soil discharge systems inside buildings - Part 10: Fire behaviour, quality control and installation recommendations
DIN 19569-7-1999污水处理厂.建筑结构和技术设备的设计原理.第7部分:人类污物接收站Sewage treatment plants - Principles for the design of structures and technical equipment - Part 7: Station for the transfer of faecal sewage
DIN 1960-2006建筑工程承包条例.第A部分:建筑工程合同条款总则Contract procedures for building works - Part A: General directions of contract letting for building works
DIN 1961-2006德国建筑合同程序.第B部分:有关建筑工程施工的一般合同条件Construction contract procedures(VOB) - Part B: General conditions of contract relating to the execution of construction works
DIN 19661-1-1998水工建筑结构.第1部分.交叉结构工程、涵洞工程和排水工程Hydraulic structures - Part 1: Crossing works, culvert works and drain works
DIN 22434-8-2004无烟煤矿井下照明.照明工艺设计原理.第8部分:建筑工地用Underground lighting in hardcoal mining - Lighting-technological planning bases - Part 8: For building sites
DIN 24100-1-1978建筑和建筑材料工业用机械.机械粉碎.第1部分:与材料加工相关的概念Machines for the building and building material industries; mechanical comminution; concepts relating to materials processing
DIN 24100-2-1983建筑和建筑材料工业用机械.机械粉碎.第2部分:术语、规格Machines for the building and building material industries; mechanical comminution; terms, sizes
DIN 24117-2007建筑设备和建筑材料机械.混凝土泵用配送杆.计算原则和稳定性Construction equipment and building material machinery - Distributing mast for concrete pumps - Principles of calculation and stability
DIN 24118-2007建筑设备和建筑材料机械.混凝土传送管道.尺寸Construction equipment and building material machinery - Concrete delivery pipelines - Dimensions and calculations
DIN 25457-6-2000放射性废料和核技术设备部件的释放放射性强度测量方法.第6部分:建筑物橡胶和建筑物Activity measurement methods for the release of radioactive waste materials and nuclear facility components - Part 6: Building rubble and buildings
DIN 25487-1990核电厂建筑物的防水Water-proofing of buildings for nuclear power plants
DIN 276-1 Berichtigung 1-2007建筑物成本.第1部分:建筑物结构.对DIN 276-1-2006勘误Building costs - Part 1: Building construction, Corrigenda to DIN 276-1:2006-11
DIN 276-1-2006高层建筑成本.第1部分:建筑物Building costs - Part 1: Building construction
DIN 277-1-2005建筑物的面积和体积.第1部分:术语和计算基础Areas and volumes of buildings - Part 1: Terminology, bases of calculation
DIN 277-2-2005建筑物的面积和体积.第2部分:纯地面面积的分类(使用面积、技术操作面积和环行面积)Areas and volumes of buildings - Part 2: Classification of net ground areas (utilization areas, technical operating areas and circulation areas)
DIN 277-3-2005建筑物的面积和体积.第3部分:数量和相关单位Areas and volumes of building - Part 3: Quantities and reference units
DIN 3227-2002建筑物饮用水供水阀.角辅助阀.要求和试验Valves for potable water supply in buildings - Angle service valves - Requirements and tests
DIN 32736 Bb.1-2000建筑物管理.服务的定义和范围.服务的比较Building Management - Definitions and scope of services - Comparison of services
DIN 32736-2000建筑物管理.服务的定义和范围Building Management - Definitions and scope of services
DIN 32835-2-2007技术产品文件.设备管理文件.第2部分:建筑物用文件Technical product documentation - Facility management documentation - Part 2: Building occupancy documentation
DIN 4074-2-1958木材建筑构件用木材.建筑原木(针叶树材)的质量条件Building Timber for Wood Building Components; Quality Conditions for Building Logs (Softwood)
DIN 4102-12-1998建筑材料和建筑构件的耐燃性能.第3部分:电缆系统的电路整体性维护.要求和试验Fire behaviour of building materials and building components - Part 12: Circuit integrity maintenance of electric cable systems; requirements and testing
DIN 4102-13-1990建筑材料和构件的耐燃性能.耐火玻璃窗.概念、要求和试验Fire behaviour of building materials and elements; fire resistant glazing; concepts, requirements and testing
DIN 4102-14-1990建筑材料和构件的耐燃性能.用热辐射器测定地面覆层系统的燃烧特性Fire behaviour of building materials and elements; determination of the burning behaviour of floor covering systems using a radiant heat source
DIN 4102-15-1990建筑材料和构件耐燃性.防火竖井Fire behaviour of building materials and elements "Brandschacht"
DIN 4102-17-1990建筑材料和构件的防火性能.第17部分:矿物纤维绝缘材料熔点的测定.概念、要求和检验Fire behaviour of building materials and elements; determination of melting point of mineral fibre insulating materials; concepts, requirements and testing
DIN 4102-18-1991建筑材料和构件的防火性能.防火间隔.第18部分:自动关闭验证(连续性性能检验)Fire behaviour of building materials and components; fire barriers, verification of automatic closure (continuous performance test)
DIN 4102-22-2004建筑材料和构件的耐燃性能.第22部分:基于部分安全因素设计的DIN 4102-4的应用标准Fire behaviour of building materials and building components - Part 22: Application standard for DIN 4102-4 based on the design of partial safety factors
DIN 4102-3-1977建筑材料和构件的耐燃性能.耐火墙和不承重外墙.概念.要求和检验Fire Behaviour of Building Materials and Building Components; Fire Walls and Non-load-bearing External Walls; Definitions, Requirements and Tests
DIN 4102-4-1994建筑材料和建筑构件的耐火性能.概要和分级的建筑材料、构件和特种构件的应用Fire behaviour of building materials and building components; synopsis and application of classified building materials, components and special components
DIN 4102-4/A1-2004建筑材料和构件的耐燃性能.第4部分:分类的建筑材料、构件和特殊构件对照表和应用.修改件A1Fire behaviour of building materials and building components - Part 4: Synopsis and application of classified building materials, components and special components; Amendment A1
DIN 4102-6-1977建筑材料和构件的耐燃性能.通风管道.定义、要求和试验Fire Behaviour of Building Materials and Building Components; Ventilation Ducts; Definitions, Requirements and Tests
DIN 4102-7-1998建筑材料和构件耐燃性能.第7部分:屋顶.定义、要求和检测Fire behaviour of building materials and building components - Part 7: Roofing; definitions, requirements and testing
DIN 4102-8-2003建筑材料和构件的耐燃性能.第8部分:小型试验炉Fire behaviour of building materials and components - Part 8: Small scale test furnace
DIN 4102-9-1990建筑材料和构件易燃性.电缆抗穿透密封.术语 、要求和试验Fire behaviour of building materials and elements; seals for cable penetrations; concepts, requirements and testing
DIN 4107-1978地基.观察建造和建成的的建筑物的沉降Suboil; Settlement observations during and after construction of structures
DIN 4108 Bb.1-1982建筑物的隔热.索引.主题目录Thermal insulation in buildings; indexes; list of subjects
DIN 4108 Bb.2-2006建筑物中的隔热和节能.热桥.规划和施工实例Thermal insulation and energy economy in buildings - Thermal bridges - Examples for planning and performance
DIN 4108-2-2003建筑物热保护和节能.第2部分:最低绝热要求Thermal protection and energy economy in buildings - Part 2: Minimum requirements to thermal insulation
DIN 4108-7-2001建筑物绝热和能量经济学.第7部分:建筑物气密性.计划和执行的要求、推荐标准和实例Thermal insulation and energy economy of buildings - Part 7: Airtightness of building, requirements, recommendations and examples for planning and performance
DIN 4109 Bb.1-1989建筑物隔音.结构实例和计算方法Sound insulation in buildings; construction examples and calculation methods
DIN 4109 Bb.1/A1-2003建筑物隔音.建筑实例和计算方法.修改件A1Sound insulation in buildings - Construction examples and calculation methods; Amendment A1
DIN 4109 Bb.2-1989建筑物隔音.设计及施工指南.增强隔音效果建议.个人居住和工作区内隔音措施推荐标准Sound insulation in buildings; guidelines for planning and execution; proposals for increased sound insulation; recommendations for sound insulation in personal living and working areas
DIN 4109 Bb.3-1996建筑物隔音.根据实验室声音衰减指数Rw计算DIN4109规定舒适性评估指数Rw,RSound insulation in buildings - Calculation of R'<(index)w,r> for assessing suitability as defined in DIN 4109 on the basis of the sound reduction index R<(index)w> determined in laboratory tests
DIN 4109-11-2003建筑物隔音.第11部分:隔音检定.质量和适用性检验Sound insulation in buildings - Part 11: Verification of sound insulation; Quality and suitability testing
DIN 4109-1989建筑物隔音.要求和检验Sound insulation in buildings; requirements and testing
DIN 4109/A1-2001建筑物的隔音处理.要求和验证.修改件A1Sound insulation in buildings - Requirements and verifications; Amendment A1
DIN 4123-2000现有建筑物范围内的挖掘、地基和托换工程Excavations, foundations and underpinnings in the area of existing buildings
DIN 4140-2007工业和建筑设备的隔绝措施.隔热和隔冷方式Insulation work on industrial installations and building equipment - Execution of thermal and cold insulations
DIN 4141-2/A1-2003建筑业支架.第2部分:桥梁铰接系统.修改件1Structural bearings - Part 2: Articulation systems for bridges; Amendment 1
DIN 4149-2005德国地震区建筑物.设计载荷、分析和建筑物结构设计Buildings in german earthquake areas - Design loads, analysis and structural design of buildings
DIN 4150-1-2001建筑物振动.第1部分:振动参数预测Vibrations in buildings - Part 1: Prediction of vibration parameters
DIN 4150-2-1999建筑物振动.第2部分:对建筑物内人员的影响Vibrations in buildings - Part 2: Effects on persons in buildings
DIN 4150-3-1999建筑物振动.第3部分:对建筑物结构的影响Vibration in buildings - Part 3: Effects on structures
DIN 4172-1955建筑结构的模数协调Modular Co-ordination in Building Construction
DIN 4301-1981土木工程和楼房建筑用铁渣和金属渣Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgical slag for civil engineering and building construction use
DIN 4426-2001建筑物维修用安全设备.工作场所和通道的安全要求.设计和建造Equipment for building maintenance - Safety requirements for workplaces and accesses - Design and execution
DIN 45635-33-1979机器空气噪声的测量.包络面法.建筑设备Measurement of airborne noise emitted by machines; enveloping surface method, construction equipment
DIN 45680 Bb.1-1997相邻建筑低频躁音侵扰测量和评估.工业设施评估指南Measurement and assessment of low-frequency noise immissions in the neighbourhood - Guidelines for the assessment for industrial plants
DIN 45680-1997相邻建筑低频躁音侵扰测量和评估Measurement and assessment of low-frequency noise immissions in the neighbourhood
DIN 459-1-1995建筑材料机械.混凝土和灰浆用搅拌机.第1部分:性能和尺寸的术语和定义Building material machines - Mixers for concrete and mortar - Part 1: Terms, determination of performance, sizes
DIN 459-2-1995建筑材料机械.混凝土和灰浆用搅拌机.第2部分:混凝土搅拌机的搅拌效率的检验规程Building material machines - Mixers for concrete and mortar - Part 2: Procedure for the examination of the mixing efficiency of concrete mixers
DIN 50929-2-1985金属腐蚀.在承受外部腐蚀条件下金属材料的腐蚀概率.建筑物内部使用的构件Corrosion of metals; probability of corrosion of metallic materials when subject to corrosion from the outside; service components inside buildings
DIN 51231-1-2001材料试验机.建筑构件检验设备.第1部分:底板Material testing machines - Testing equipment for structural components - Part 1: Floor slabs
DIN 51302-2-2000材料试验机.拉伸.加压和弯曲试验机的检验.建筑材料压力试验机的钩检验Materials testing machines - Strain cylinder test method for compression testing machines for concrete
DIN 51308-2005建筑中应用和测量力用辅助装置的验证.夹紧装置、液压缸、夹紧工具用功率计Verification of auxiliary devices for application and measuring of forces in building - clamp-devices, hydraulic cylinders, dynamometer for clamp aim
DIN 52161-1-2006木材防腐剂的检验.木材中木材防腐剂的检定.使用中结构建筑木材的抽样Testing of wood preservatives - Detection of wood preservatives in wood - Sampling from structural timber in service
DIN 52210-6-1989建筑物声学检验.气载噪声和隔音.第6部分:噪声级差测量Testing of acoustics in buildings; airborne impact and sound insulation; measurement of level difference
DIN 52221-2006建筑声学试验.建筑物内技术装备产生的结构噪声的测量Tests in building acoustics - Measurements of structure-borne sound produced by technical appliances in buildings
DIN 52338-1985建筑用平板玻璃的试验方法.叠层玻璃的落球试验Methods of testing flat glass for use in buildings; ball drop test on laminated glass
DIN 52450-1985非金属无机建筑材料.小试件上的收缩率和膨胀的测定Testing of inorganic non-metallic building materials; determination of shrinkage and expansion on small specimens
DIN 52451-1-2007建筑物用密封材料的试验.第1部分:自流平填缝材料质量和体积变化的测定Testing of sealing materials for buildings - Part 1: Determination of change in mass and volume of self-levelling joint sealants
DIN 52452-1-1989建筑物密封材料与其他建筑材料的相容性测试Testing of building sealants for compatibility with construction materials
DIN 52452-2-1993建筑业中密封材料检验.密封材料的兼容性.与化学制品的兼容性Testing of sealants in building construction; compatibility of sealants; compatibility with chemicals
DIN 52452-4-1992建筑结构用密封材料的检验.密封材料的兼容性.与其他防护涂层材料的可混用性Testing of sealing compounds in building constructions; compatibility of sealing products; compatibility with other protection coatings
DIN 52455-1-2003建筑业密封材料试验.粘合和膨胀试验.第1部分:标准气候、水或高温预处理Testing of sealing compounds in buildings constructions - Adhesion and expansion test - Part 1: Conditioning in standard atmospheres, water,or increased temperatures
DIN 52455-3-1998建筑结构中密封剂的试验.粘附试验和伸长试验.第3部分:透过玻璃光线的影响Testing of sealants in building construction - Adhesion and extension test - Part 3: Influence of light through glass
DIN 52459-1981建筑密封材料的检验.回填材料吸水性的测定.蓄水能力Testing of building sealants; determination of the water absorption of backfill material; retentive capacity
DIN 52461-2000建筑施工中密封化合物的试验.新用的可喷接缝产品的耐雨强度Testing of sealing compounds in building construction - Rain strength of just applied sprayable jointing products
DIN 52612-2-1984隔热材料的试验.用保护平板设备测定导热系数.建筑业中使用的测量值的换算Tesing of thermal insulating materials; determination of thermal conductivity by means of the guarded hot plate apparatus; conversion of the measured values for building applications
DIN 52612-3-1979绝热材料的检验.第3部分:采用保护式热板设备对导热性的测定.建筑业应用的叠层材料的热敏电阻Testing of Thermal Insulating Materials; Determination of Thermal Conductivity by the Guarded Hot Plate Apparatus; Thermal Resistance of Laminated Materials for Use in Building Practice
DIN 56920-2-1970剧场技术.第2部分:剧场建筑物术语Theatre technics; nomenclature, theatre buildings
DIN 57100-724-1980额定电压≤1kV的电力设备安装建筑物.家具和类似设备用具.带帘子的壁架装饰罩内的电气设备(VDE规范)Erection of power installations with rated voltages up to 1000 V; electrical equipment in furniture and similar fitments, e.g. curtain-ledges, decorative covering [VDE Specification]ts décoratifs
DIN 58125-2002学校建筑.防止意外的建筑要求Construction of schools - Constructional requirements for accident prevention
DIN 6280-13-1994发电机组.活塞式内燃机驱动的发电机组.第13部分:医院和公共建筑物的应急安全供电Generating sets - Reciprocating internal combustion engines driven generating sets - Part 13: For emergency power supply in hospitals and public buildings
DIN 6779-12-2003技术产品和技术产品文件标识分类系统.第12部分:建筑物和建筑技术Structuring principles for technical products and technical product documentation - Part 12: Buildings and building technology
DIN 68800-1-1974建筑物中使用的木材防护.通用规范Protection of timber used in buildings; general specifications
DIN 68800-2-1996木材防腐.第2部分:建筑物预防措施Protection of timber - Part 2: Preventive constructional measures in buildings
DIN 68800-5-1978建筑物中使用的木材的防护.以木料为基的材料的化学防防护措施Protection of timber used in buildings; preventive chemical protection for wood based materials
DIN 77400-2003清洁服务设施.学校建筑物.清洁处理要求Cleaning services - School buildings - Requirements for the cleaning
DIN 86287-1999船舶和海上建筑结构的管道.带插接口和插套的钢管和管接头.铺设和处理Pipework on ships and marine structures - Steel pipes and fittings with spigot and socket - Laying and treatment
DIN CEN/TS 13126-10-2004窗和落地窗用建筑五金和配件.要求和试验方法.第10部分:力臂平衡系统Building hardware, fittings for windows and door height windows - Requirements and test methods - Part 10: Arm balancing systems; German version CEN/TS 13126-10:2004
DIN CEN/TS 13126-11-2004窗和落地窗用建筑五金和配件.要求和试验方法.第11部分:顶悬伸出翻转五金Building hardware, fittings for windows and door height windows - Requirements and test methods - Part 11: Top hung projecting reversible hardware; German version CEN/TS 13126-11:2004
DIN CEN/TS 13126-12-2004窗和落地窗用建筑五金和配件.要求和试验方法.第12部分:边悬伸出翻转五金Building hardware, fittings for windows and door height windows - Requirements and test methods - Part 12: Side-hung projecting reversible hardware; German version CEN/TS 13126-12:2004
DIN CEN/TS 13126-13-2004窗和落地窗用建筑五金和配件.要求和试验方法.第13部分:窗框平衡Building hardware, fittings for windows and door height windows - Requirements and test methods - Part 13: Sash balances; German version CEN/TS 13126-13:2004
DIN CEN/TS 13126-14-2004窗和落地窗用建筑五金和配件.要求和试验方法.第14部分:窗框扣件Building hardware, fittings for windows and door height windows - Requirements and test methods - Part 14: Sash fasteners; German version CEN/TS 13126-14:2004
DIN CEN/TS 13126-15-2004窗和落地窗用建筑五金和配件.要求和试验方法.第15部分:滑轮Building hardware, fittings for windows and door height windows - Requirements and test methods - Part 15: Rollers; German version CEN/TS 13126-15:2004
DIN CEN/TS 13126-16-2004窗和落地窗用建筑五金和配件.要求和试验方法.第16部分:提升和滑动系统配件Building hardware, fittings for windows and door height windows - Requirements and test methods - Part 16: Fittings for lift and slide systems; German version CEN/TS 13126-16:2004
DIN CEN/TS 13126-17-2004窗和落地窗用建筑五金和配件.要求和试验方法.第17部分:倾斜和滑动系统配件Building hardware, fittings for windows and door height windows - Requirements and test methods - Part 17: Fittings for tilt and slide systems; German version CEN/TS 13126-17:2004
DIN CEN/TS 13126-2-2004窗和落地窗用建筑五金和配件.要求和试验方法.第2部分:窗销把手Building hardware, fittings for windows and door hight windows - Requirements and test methods - Part 2: Casement fastener handles; German version CEN/TS 13126-2:2004
DIN CEN/TS 13126-3-2004窗和落地窗用建筑五金和配件.要求和试验方法.第3部分:长插销和滑钮的操纵配件Building hardware, fittings for windows and door height windows - Requirements and test methods - Part 3: Manoeuvring fittings for espagnolette bolts/sliding button; German version CEN/TS 13126-3:2004
DIN CEN/TS 13126-4-2004窗和落地窗用建筑五金和配件.要求和试验方法.第4部分:长插销Building hardware, fittings for windows and door height windows - Requirements and test methods - Part 4: Espagnolette bolts; German version CEN/TS 13126-4:2004
DIN CEN/TS 13126-5-2004窗和落地窗用建筑五金和配件.要求和试验方法.第5部分:开窗限制设备Building hardware, fittings for windows and door height windows - Requirements and test methods - Part 5: Devices that restrict the opening of windows; German version CEN/TS 13126-5:2004
DIN CEN/TS 13126-6-2004窗和落地窗用建筑五金和配件.要求和试验方法.第6部分:(有或无摩擦系统的)可变几何形状固定铰链Building hardware, fittings for windows and door height windows - Requirements and test methods - Part 6: Variable geometry stay hinges (with or without a friction system); German version CEN/TS 13126-6:2004
DIN CEN/TS 13126-9-2004窗和门高窗户的建筑物五金和配件.要求和试验方法.第9部分:尖轴铰链Building hardware, fittings for windows and door height windows - Requirements and test methods - Part 9: Pivot hinges; German version CEN/TS 13126-9:2004
DIN CEN/TS 14383-3-2006犯罪行为预防.城市规划和建筑物设计.第3部分:住宅Prevention of crime - Urban planning and building design - Part 3: Dwellings; German version CEN/TS 14383-3:2005
DIN CEN/TS 15231-2006建筑自动化、控制和建筑管理中开放式数据通信.LONWORKS和BAC网之间的地图Open data communication in building automation, controls and building management - Mapping between LONWORKS and BACnet; English version CEN/TS 15231:2006
DIN CEN/TS 15331-2006建筑物维修设备的设计、管理和控制准则.德文版本 CEN/TS 15331-2005Criteria for design, management and control of maintenance services for buildings; German version CEN/TS 15331:2005
DIN CEN/TS 15379-2007建筑管理.设备术语和使用范围Building management - Terminology and scope of services; German version CEN/TS 15379:2006
DIN CEN/TS 15447-2006建筑产品指南下防火试验反应中的固定和安装Mounting and fixing in reaction to fire tests under the Construction Products Directive; German version CEN/TS 15447:2006
DIN EN 10169-2-2006连续有机覆层(覆层带卷)扁平钢轧材.第2部分:建筑物外部设施用品Continuously organic coated (coil coated) steel flat products - Part 2: Products for building exterior applications; English version of DIN EN 10169-2:2006-07
DIN EN 10169-3-2003连续有机覆层(覆层带卷)扁平钢轧材.第3部分:建筑物内部设施用品Continuously organic coated (coil coated) steel flat products - Part 3: Products for building interior applications; German version EN 10169-3:2003
DIN EN 1036 Bb.1-2003建筑物玻璃.室内部镀银浮法玻璃镜.说明Glass in building - Mirrors from silver-coated float glass for internal use - Explanations
DIN EN 1036-1999建筑业玻璃.室内涂银浮法玻璃镜Glass in building - Mirrors from silver-coated float glass for internal use; German version EN 1036:1999
DIN EN 1051-1-2003建筑物玻璃.玻璃空心砖和玻璃铺面.第1部分:定义和描述Glass in building - Glass blocks and glass pavers - Part 1: Definitions and description; German version EN 1051-1:2003
DIN EN 1051-2-2007建筑玻璃.玻璃砖和玻璃地面砖.第2部分:合格/产品标准的评定Glass in building - Glass blocks and glass pavers - Part 2: Evaluation of conformity/Product standard; German version EN 1051-2:2007
DIN EN 1054-1995塑料管道系统.建筑物排污热塑管道系统.连接件气密性试验方法Plastics piping systems - Thermoplastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge - Test method for airtightness of joints; German version EN 1054:1995
DIN EN 1055-1996塑料管道系统.建筑物排水排污热塑制管道系统.耐温度循环试验方法Plastics piping systems - Thermoplastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge inside buildings - Test method for resistance to elevated temperature cycling; German version EN 1055:1996
DIN EN 1062-11 Berichtigung 1-2005色漆和清漆.外部砖石建筑和混凝土用覆层材料和涂覆系统.第11部分:试验前的调节方法.对DIN EN 1062-11-2002Paints and varnishes - Coating materials and coating systems for exterior masonry and concrete - Part 11: Methods of conditioning before testing; German version EN 1062-11:2002, Corrigenda to DIN EN 1062-11:2002-10; German version EN 1062-11:2002/AC:2005
DIN EN 1062-11-2002色漆和清漆.外部砖石建筑和混凝土用覆层材料和涂覆系统.试验前的修整方法Paints and varnishes - Coating materials and coating systems for exterior masonry and concrete - Part 11: Methods of conditioning before testing; German version EN 1062-11:2002
DIN EN 1063-2000建筑物玻璃.安全玻璃.防弹玻璃试验和分类Glass in building - Security glazing - Testing and classification of resistance against bullet attack; German version EN 1063:1999
DIN EN 1091-1997建筑物外真空排污系统Vacuum sewerage systems outside buildings; German version EN 1091:1996
DIN EN 1096-1-1999建筑业玻璃.涂层玻璃.第1部分:定义和分率Glass in building - Coated glass - Part 1: Definitions and classification; German version EN 1096-1:1998
DIN EN 1096-2-2001建筑物玻璃.涂层玻璃.第2部分:A、B、S级涂层要求和试验方法Glass in building - Coated glass - Part 2: Requirements and test methods for class A, B and S coatings; German version EN 1096-2:2001
DIN EN 1096-3-2001建筑物玻璃.涂层玻璃.第3部分:C、D类涂层的要求和试验方法Glass in building - Coated glass - Part 3: Requirements and test methods for class C and D coatings; German version EN 1096-3:2001
DIN EN 1096-4-2005建筑物用玻璃.涂层玻璃.第4部分:合格评价/产品标准Glass in building - Coated glass - Part 4: Evaluation of conformity/Product standard; German version EN 1096-4:2004
DIN EN 1125-2002建筑五金.用水平杆控制的应急出口装置.要求和试验方法Building hardware - Panic exit devices operated by a horizontal bar - Requirements and test methods (includes Amendment A1:2001); German version EN 1125:1997 + A1:2001
DIN EN 1154 Bb.1-2003建筑五金件.控制门的关闭装置.固定尺寸和安装Building hardware - Controlled door closing devices - Fixing dimensions and installation
DIN EN 1154 Berichtigung 1-2006建筑五金.控制门锁紧装置.要求和检验方法(包括修改件A1-2002)Building hardware - Controlled door closing devices - Requirements and test methods (includes amendment 1:2002); German version EN 1154:1996 + A1:2002, Corrigenda to DIN EN 1154:2003-04; German version EN 1154:1996/AC:2006
DIN EN 1154-2003建筑物五金件.受控门锁装置.要求和试验方法Building hardware - Controlled door closing devices - Requirements and test methods (includes amendment A1:2002); German version EN 1154:1996 + A1:2002
DIN EN 1155 Berichtigung 1-2006建筑五金.旋转门用电源固定装置.要求和检验方法(包括修改件A1-2002)Building hardware - Electrically powered hold-open devices for swing doors - Requirements and test methods (includes amendment A1:2002); German version EN 1155:1997 + A1:2002, Corrigenda to DIN EN 1155:2003-04; German version EN 1155:1997/AC:2006
DIN EN 1155-2003建筑物五金件.旋转门电动定位装置.要求和试验方法Building hardware - Electrically powered hold-open devices for swing doors - Requirements and test methods (includes amendment A1:2002); German version EN 1155:1997 + A1:2002
DIN EN 1158 Berichtigung 1-2006建筑五金.门锁紧装置.要求和试验方法(包括修改件A1-2002)Building hardware - Door coordinator devices - Requirements and test methods (includes amendment A1:2002); German version EN 1158:1997 + A1:2002, Corrigenda to DIN EN 1158:2003-04; German version EN 1158:1997/AC:2006
DIN EN 1158-2003建筑五金件.门调节装置.要求和试验方法Building hardware - Door coordinator devices - Requirements and test methods (includes amendment A1:2002); German version EN 1158:1997 + A1:2002
DIN EN 1172-1996铜和铜合金.建筑用薄板和带材Copper and copper alloys - Sheet and strip for building purposes; German version EN 1172:1996
DIN EN 12050-1-2001建筑物和施工场地废水提升装置.制造和试验原理.第1部分:含粪便废水提升装置Wastewater lifting plants for buildings and sites - Principles of construction and testing - Part 1: Lifting plants for wastewater containing faecal matter; German version EN 12050-1:2001
DIN EN 12050-2-2001建筑物和现场用废水提升装置.施工和试验原理.第2部分:无粪便废水的提升装置Wastewater lifting plants for buildings and sites - Principles of construction and testing - Part 2: Lifting plants for faecal-free wastewater; German version EN 12050-2:2000
DIN EN 12050-3-2001建筑物和施工场地废水提升装置.制造和试验原理.第3部分:限制使用的含粪便废水提升装置Wastewater lifting plants for buildings and sites - Principles of construction and testing - Part 3: Lifting plants for wastewater containing faecal matter for limited application; German version EN 12050-3:2000
DIN EN 12050-4-2001建筑物和施工场地废水提升装置.制造和试验原理.第4部分:无粪便废水和含粪便废水单向阀Wastewater lifting plants for buildings and sites - Principles of construction and testing - Part 4: Non-return valves for faecal-free wastewater and wastewater containing faecal matter; German version EN 12050-4:2000
DIN EN 12051-1999建筑五金.门窗用螺栓.要求和试验方法Building hardware - Door and window bolts - Requirements and test methods; German version EN 12051:1999
DIN EN 12056-1-2001建筑物重力排水系统.第1部分:总则和性能要求Gravity drainage systems inside buildings - Part 1: General and performance requirements; German version EN 12056-1:2000
DIN EN 12056-2-2001建筑物内重力排水系统.第2部分:卫生管道的布局和计算Gravity drainage systems inside buildings - Part 2: Sanitary pipework, layout and calculation; German version EN 12056-2:2000
DIN EN 12056-3-2001建筑物重力排水系统.第3部分:屋顶排水、布局和计算Gravity drainage systems inside buildings - Part 3: Roof drainage, layout and calculation; German version EN 12056-3:2000
DIN EN 12056-4-2001建筑物重力排水系统.第4部分:废水提升设备、布置和计算Gravity drainage systems inside buildings - Part 4: Wastewater lifting plants, layout and calculation; German version EN 12056-4:2000
DIN EN 12056-5-2001建筑物重力排水系统.第5部分:安装、试验及操作、维护和用户说明书Gravity drainage systems inside buildings - Part 5: Installation and testing, instructions for operation, maintenance and user; German version EN 12056-5:2000
DIN EN 12085-1997建筑业用隔热材料.试样线性尺寸测定Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of linear dimensions of test specimen; German version EN 12085:1997
DIN EN 12086-1997建筑物绝热产品.水蒸气渗透性测定Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of water vapour transmission properties; German version EN 12086:1997
DIN EN 12087-2007建筑用隔热制品.用浸渍法测定长期吸水性Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of long term water absorption by immersion; German version EN 12087:1997 + A1:2006
DIN EN 12088-1997建筑业用隔热材料.通过渗透测定吸水量Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of long term water absorption by diffusion; German version EN 12088:1997
DIN EN 12089-1997建筑物用热绝缘产品.弯曲性能的测定; 德文版本 EN 12089:1997Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of bending behaviour; German version EN 12089:1997
DIN EN 12090-1997建筑业用隔热材料.剪切性能测定Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of shear behaviour; German version EN 12090:1997
DIN EN 12091-1997建筑业用隔热材料.耐霜露性测定Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of freeze-thaw resistance; German version EN 12091:1997
DIN EN 12097-2006建筑物通风.空气管道.空气管道系统维护用空管组件要求Ventilation for buildings - Ductwork - Requirements for ductwork components to facilitate maintenance of ductwork systems; English version of DIN EN 12097:2006-11
DIN EN 12109-1999建筑物内的真空排水系统Vacuum drainage systems inside buildings; German version EN 12109:1999
DIN EN 12114-2000建筑物热性能.建筑构件和部件透气率.实验室试验方法Thermal performances of buildings - Air permeability of building components and building elements - Laboratory test method; German version EN 12114:2000
DIN EN 1213-1999建筑阀门.建筑物饮用水铜合金截止阀.试验和要求Building valves - Copper alloy stopvalves for potable water supply in buildings - Tests and requirements; German version EN 1213:1999
DIN EN 12150-1-2000建筑物用玻璃.热钢化硅酸盐安全玻璃.第1部分:定义和说明Glass in building - Thermally toughened soda lime silicate safety glass - Part 1: Definition and description; German version EN 12150-1:2000
DIN EN 12150-2-2005建筑物用玻璃.热钢化钠钙安全玻璃.第2部分:合格评价/产品标准Glass in building - Thermally toughened soda lime silicate safety glass - Part 2: Evaluation of conformity/Product standard; German version EN 12150-2:2004
DIN EN 12158-1-2001建筑物载货提升机.第1部分:带可达平台的提升机Builders hoists for goods - Part 1: Hoists with accessible platforms; German version EN 12158-1:2000
DIN EN 12158-2-2001建筑用货物提升机.第2部分:带不可达承载装置的斜提升机Builders hoists for goods - Part 2: Inclined hoists with non-accessible load carrying devices; German version EN 12158-2:2000
DIN EN 12159-2001带垂直升降机箱的人和物料用建筑提升机Builders hoists for persons and materials with vertically guided cages; German version EN 12159:2000
DIN EN 12170-2002建筑物的采暖系统.关于操作、维护和使用方面的文件制备程序.采暖系统要求有受过训练的操作员; 德文版本 ENHeating systems in buildings - Procedure for the preparation of document in respect of operation, maintenance and use - Heating systems requiring a trained operator; German version EN 12170:2002
DIN EN 12171-2002建筑物的采暖系统.操作、维护和使用的文件制备程序.采暖系统操作员不须培训; 德文版本 EN 12171:2002Heating systems in buildings - Procedure for the preparation of document for operation, maintenance and use - Heating systems not requiring a trained operator; German version EN 12171:2002
DIN EN 1218-3-2002木材加工机械的安全性.开榫机.第3部分:建筑木材切割用手工喂料式带滑动工作台的开榫机; 德文版本 EN 1218-3Safety of woodworking machines - Tenoning machines - Part 3: Hand fed tenoning machines with sliding table for cutting structural timbers; German version EN 1218-3:2001
DIN EN 12206-1-2004色漆和清漆.建筑用铝和铝合金涂层.第1部分:从涂料粉制备的涂层Paints and varnishes - Coating of aluminium and aluminium alloys for architectural purposes - Part 1: Coatings prepared from coating powder; German version EN 12206-1:2004
DIN EN 12209 Berichtigung 1-2006建筑五金.门锁和插销.机控锁,插销和锁片.要求和试验方法Building hardware - Locks and latches - Mechanically operated locks, latches and locking plates - Requirements and test methods; German version EN 12209:2003, Corrigenda to DIN EN 12209:2004-03; German version EN 12209:2003/AC:2005
DIN EN 12209-2004建筑物五金.锁和闩.机械锁、闩和锁板.要求和试验方法Building hardware - Locks and latches - Mechanically operated locks, latches and locking plates - Requirements and test methods; German version EN 12209:2003
DIN EN 12220-1998建筑物内通风.空气管道.一般通风用圆形法兰尺寸Ventilation for buildings - Ductwork - Dimensions of circular flanges for general ventilation; German version EN 12220:1998
DIN EN 12236-2002建筑物通风.管道悬吊装置和支撑物.强度要求Ventilation for buildings - Ductwork hangers and supports - Requirements for strength; German version EN 12236:2002
DIN EN 12237-2003建筑物的通风.管道作业.圆形薄金属板管道的强度和泄漏Ventilation for buildings - Ductwork - Strength and leakage of circular sheet metal ducts; German version EN 12237:2003
DIN EN 12238-2001建筑物通风.空气终端装置.混流的空气动力学试验和额定值Ventilation for buildings - Air terminal devices - Aerodynamic testing and rating for mixed flow application; German version EN 12238:2001
DIN EN 12239-2001建筑物通风.空气终端装置.空气动力试验和流动置换速率.Ventilation for buildings - Air terminal devices - Aerodynamic testing and rating for displacement flow applications; German version EN 12239:2001
DIN EN 12320-2001建筑五金.挂锁和挂锁配件.要求和试验方法Building hardware - Padlocks and padlock fittings - Requirements and test methods; German version EN 12320:2001
DIN EN 12337-1-2000建筑物玻璃.化学增强钠钙安全玻璃.第1部分:定义和描述Glass in building - Chemically strengthened soda lime silicate glass - Part 1: Definition and description; German version EN 12337-1:2000
DIN EN 12337-2-2005建筑物用玻璃.化学增强钠钙安全玻璃.第2部分:合格评价/产品标准Glass in building - Chemically strengthened soda lime silicate glass - Part 2: Evaluation of conformity/Product standard; German version EN 12337-2:2004
DIN EN 12354-1-2000建筑声学.从产品性能评定建筑物的声学性能.第1部分:房间之间对气载声音的隔绝Building acoustics - Estimation of acoustic performance of buildings from the performance of products - Part 1: Airborne sound insulation between rooms; German version EN 12354-1:2000
DIN EN 12354-2-2000建筑声学.根据元件性能评估建筑物声学性能.第2部分:房间冲击声隔绝Building acoustics - Estimation of acoustic performance of buildings from the performance of elements - Part 2: Impact sound insulation between rooms; German version EN 12354-2:2000
DIN EN 12354-3-2000建筑声学.根据元件性能评定建筑物声学性能.第3部分:室外气载声隔绝Building acoustics - Estimation of acoustic performance of buildings from the performance of elements - Part 3: Airborne sound insulation against outdoor sound; German version EN 12354-3:2000
DIN EN 12354-4-2001建筑声学.根据元件性能评估建筑物的声学性能.第4部分:室内到室外声音传递Building acoustics - Estimation of acoustic performance of buildings from the performance of products - Part 4: Transmission of indoor sound to the outside; German version EN 12354-4:2000
DIN EN 12354-6-2004建筑声学.从元件性能评估建筑物的声学性能.第6部分:封闭空间的声音吸收Building acoustics - Estimation of acoustic performance of buildings from the performance of elements - Part 6: Sound absorption in enclosed spaces; German version EN 12354-6:2003
DIN EN 12365-1-2003建筑五金.门、窗、百叶窗和幕墙用密封垫和挡风雨条.第1部分:性能要求和分类Building hardware - Gaskets and weatherstripping for doors, windows, shutters and curtain walling - Part 1: Performance requirements and classification; German version EN 12365-1:2003
DIN EN 12365-2-2003建筑五金.门、窗、百叶窗和幕墙用密封垫和挡风雨条.第2部分:线性压力试验方法Building hardware - Gaskets and weatherstripping for doors, windows, shutters and curtain walling - Part 2: Linear compression force test methods; German version EN 12365-2:2003
DIN EN 12365-3-2003建筑五金.门、窗、百叶窗和幕墙用密封垫和挡风雨条.第3部分:弯曲回复试验方法Building hardware - Gaskets and weatherstripping for doors, windows, shutters and curtain walling - Part 3: Deflection recovery test method; German version EN 12365-3:2003
DIN EN 12365-4-2003建筑五金.门、窗、百叶窗和幕墙用密封垫和挡风雨条.第4部分:加速老化后回复的试验方法Building hardware - Gaskets and weatherstripping for doors, windows, shutters and curtain walling - Part 4: Recovery after accelerated ageing test method; German version EN 12365-4:2003
DIN EN 12429-1998建筑业隔热材料.在特定的温度和湿度条件下调节湿度平衡Thermal insulating products for building applications - Conditioning to moisture equilibrium under specified temperature and humidity conditions; German version EN 12429:1998
DIN EN 12430-2007建筑用隔热制品.在点载荷下测定性能Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of behaviour under point load; German version EN 12430:1998 + A1:2006
DIN EN 12431-2007建筑用隔热制品.浮隔地板绝缘制品的厚度测定Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of thickness for floating floor insulating products; German version EN 12431:1998 + A1:2006
DIN EN 12524-2000建筑材料和产品.湿热性能.表列设计值Building materials and products - Hygrothermal properties - Tabulated design values; German version EN 12524:2000
DIN EN 1253-1-2003建筑物用集水沟.第1部分:要求Gullies for buildings - Part 1: Requirements; German version EN 1253-1:2003
DIN EN 1253-2-2004建筑物的集水沟.第2部分:试验方法Gullies for buildings - Part 2: Test methods; German version EN 1253-2:2003
DIN EN 1253-3-1999建筑物的雨水进口.第3部分:质量控制Gullies for buildings - Part 3: Quality control; German version EN 1253-3:1999
DIN EN 1253-4-2000建筑物的雨水进口.第4部分:入口封盖物Gullies for buildings - Part 4: Access covers; German version EN 1253-4:1999
DIN EN 1253-5-2004建筑物用集水沟.第5部分:可截流轻液体的集水沟Gullies for buildings - Part 5: Gullies with light liquids closure; German version EN 1253-5:2003
DIN EN 12588-2007铅和铅合金.建筑用轧制铅薄板Lead and lead alloys - Rolled lead sheet for building purposes; English version of DIN EN 12588:2007-03
DIN EN 12589-2002建筑物通风.空气终端设备.恒速和变速终端设备空气动力学试验和额定值Ventilation for buildings - Air terminal units - Aerodynamic testing and rating of constant and variable rate terminal units; German version EN 12589:2001
DIN EN 12599-2000建筑物通风.已安装的通风和空调系统交付使用试验程序和测量方法Ventilation for buildings - Test procedures and measuring methods for handing over installed ventilation and air conditioning systems; German version EN 12599:2000
DIN EN 12600-2003建筑物玻璃.摆锤试验.冲击试验方法和平板玻璃分类Glass in building - Pendulum tests - Impact test method and classification for flat glass; German version EN 12600:2002
DIN EN 12603-2003建筑物玻璃.魏布尔分布玻璃强度数据置信区间和适配性程序Glass in building - Procedures for goodness of fit and confidence intervals for Weibull distributed glass strength data; German version EN 12603:2002
DIN EN 12629-1-2001混凝土和硅酸盐建筑材料生产机械.安全性.第1部分:通用要求Machines for the manufacture of constructional products from concrete and calcium-silicate - Safety - Part 1: Common requirements; German version EN 12629-1:2000
DIN EN 12629-2-2003制造混凝土和硅酸钙建筑产品的设备.安全.第2部分:砌块制造机Machines for the manufacture of constructional products from concrete and calcium-silicate - Safety - Part 2: Block making machines; German version EN 12629-2:2002
DIN EN 12629-3-2003制造混凝土和硅酸钙建筑产品的设备.安全.第3部分:滑动和转盘机Machines for the manufacture of constructional products from concrete and calcium-silicate - Safety - Part 3: Slide and turntable machines; German version EN 12629-3:2002
DIN EN 12629-5-1-2004生产混凝土和硅酸盐建筑产品用机器.安全.第5-1部分:垂直轴的管道制造机械Machines for the manufacture of constructional products from concrete and calcium-silicate - Safety - Part 5-1: Pipe making machines manufacturing in the vertical axis; German version EN 12629-5-1:2003
DIN EN 12629-5-2-2004生产混凝土和硅酸盐建筑产品用机器.安全.第5-2部分:水平轴的管道制造机械Machines for the manufacture of constructional products from concrete and calcium-silicate - Safety - Part 5-2: Pipe making machines manufacturing in the horizontal axis; German version EN 12629-5-2:2003
DIN EN 12629-5-3-2004生产混凝土和硅酸盐建筑产品用机器.安全.第5-3部分:管道预加应力机械Machines for the manufacture of constructional products from concrete and calcium-silicate - Safety - Part 5-3: Pipe prestressing machines; German version EN 12629-5-3:2003
DIN EN 12629-5-4-2004生产混凝土和硅酸盐建筑产品用机器.安全.第5-4部分:混凝土管道涂层机械Machines for the manufacture of constructional products from concrete and calcium-silicate - Safety - Part 5-4: Concrete pipe coating machines; German version EN 12629-5-4:2003
DIN EN 12629-6-2005生产混凝土和硅酸钙建筑产品用机器.安全.第6部分:生产预制加筋产品的固定和移动设备Machines for the manufacture of constructional products from concrete and calcium-silicate - Safety - Part 6: Stationary and mobile equipment for the manufacture of precast reinforced products; German version EN 12629-6:2004
DIN EN 12629-7-2004生产混凝土和硅酸盐建筑产品用机器.安全.第7部分:预应力产品的长线生产用固定和移动设备Machines for the manufacture of constructional products from concrete and calcium-silicate - Safety - Part 7: Stationary and mobile equipment for long line manufacture of prestressed products; German version EN 12629-7:2004
DIN EN 12629-8-2003制造混凝土和硅酸盐建筑产品用生产设备.安全.第8部分:制造硅酸盐(和混凝土)建筑产品用机器和设备Machines for the manufacture of constructional products from concrete and calcium-silicate - Safety - Part 8: Machines and equipment for the manufacture of constructional products from calcium-silicate (and concrete); German version EN 12629-8:2002
DIN EN 12664-2001建筑材料和产品的热性能.用保温板和热流计测定耐热性.中等耐热性和低耐热性干燥产品和潮湿产品Thermal performance of building materials and products - Determination of thermal resistance by means of guarded hot plate and heat flow meter methods - Dry and moist products with medium and low thermal resistance; German version EN 12664:2001
DIN EN 12667-2001建筑材料和产品热性能.用保温板和热流计测定耐热性.高耐热性和中等耐热性产品Thermal performance of building materials and products - Determination of thermal resistance by means of guarded hot plate and heat flow meter methods - Products of high and medium thermal resistance; German version EN 12667:2001
DIN EN 12758-2002建筑物用玻璃.玻璃装配和空气隔声.定义和性能测定; 德文版本 EN 12758-1:2001Glass in building - Glazing and airborne sound insulation - Definitions and determination of properties; German version EN 12758-1:2001
DIN EN 12763-2000建筑物排水系统纤维水泥管道和配件.尺寸和交货技术条件Fibre-cement pipes and fittings for discharge systems for buildings - Dimensions and technical terms of delivery; German version EN 12763:2000
DIN EN 1279-1-2004建筑用玻璃.绝缘玻璃组件.第1部分:概论、尺寸公差和系统描述规则Glass in building - Insulating glass units - Part 1: Generalities, dimensional tolerances and rules for the system description; German version EN 1279-1:2004
DIN EN 1279-2-2003建筑玻璃.隔声玻璃组件.第2部分:长期试验法和透湿性要求Glass in building - Insulating glass units - Part 2: Long term test method and requirements for moisture penetration; German version EN 1279-2:2002
DIN EN 1279-3-2003建筑物玻璃.绝缘玻璃组件.第3部分:长期试验方法以及漏气率和气体浓度公差要求Glass in building - Insulating glass units - Part 3: Long term test method and requirements for gas leakage rate and for gas concentration tolerances; German version EN 1279-3:2002
DIN EN 1279-4-2002建筑物用玻璃.绝缘玻璃组件.第4部分:边缘密封件的物理属性的试验方法; 德文版本 EN 1279-4:2002Glass in building - Insulating glass units - Part 4: Methods of test for the physical attributes of edge seals; German version EN 1279-4:2002
DIN EN 1279-5-2005建筑物用玻璃.绝缘玻璃组件.第5部分:合格评价Glass in building - Insulating glass units - Part 5: Evaluation of conformity; German version EN 1279-5:2005
DIN EN 1279-6-2002建筑物用玻璃.绝缘玻璃组件.第6部分:工厂生产控制和周期试验; 德文版本 EN 1279-6:2002Glass in building - Insulating glass units - Part 6: Factory production control and periodic tests; German version EN 1279-6:2002
DIN EN 12792-2004建筑物通风.符号、术语和图形符号Ventilation for buildings - Symbols, terminology and graphical symbols; German version EN 12792:2003
DIN EN 12828-2003建筑物中的供暖系统.水基供暖系统的设计Heating systems in buildings - Design of water-based heating systems; German version EN 12828:2003
DIN EN 12831 Bb.1-2004建筑物中的加热系统.设计热负荷的计算方法.国家标准附录NAHeating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of the design heat load - National Annex NA
DIN EN 12831 Bb.1/A1-2005建筑物加热系统.设计热负载的计算方法.国家附录NA.修改件A1Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of the design heat load - National Annex NA; Amendment A1
DIN EN 12831-2003建筑物供暖系统.设计供热量计算方法Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of the design heat load; German version EN 12831:2003
DIN EN 12865-2001建筑物构件和单元件湿热性能.脉动空气压力下外墙系统防雨性能测定Hygrothermal performance of building components and building elements - Determination of the resistance of external wall systems to driving rain under pulsating air pressure; German version EN 12865:2001
DIN EN 12878-2006基于水泥和/或石灰的建筑材料着色用颜料.规范和试验方法Pigments for the colouring of building materials based on cement and/or lime - Specifications and methods of test; English version of DIN EN 12878:2006-05
DIN EN 1288-1-2000建筑物玻璃.玻璃弯曲强度测定.第1部分:玻璃试验基本原则Glass in building - Determination of the bending strength of glass - Part 1: Fundamentals of testing glass; German version EN 1288-1:2000
DIN EN 1288-2-2000建筑物玻璃.玻璃弯曲强度测定.第2部分:平板玻璃试样表面大面积同轴双环试验Glass in building - Determination of the bending strength of glass - Part 2: Coaxial double ring test on flat specimens with large test surface areas; German version EN 1288-2:2000
DIN EN 1288-3-2000建筑物用玻璃.玻璃弯曲强度测定.第3部分:(四点弯曲)两点支撑试样试验Glass in building - Determination of the bending strength of glass - Part 3: Test with specimen supported at two points (four point bending); German version EN 1288-3:2000
DIN EN 1288-4-2000建筑物玻璃.玻璃弯曲强度测定.第4部分:U型玻璃试验Glass in building - Determination of the bending strength of glass - Part 4: Testing of channel shaped glass; German version EN 1288-4:2000
DIN EN 1288-5-2000建筑物玻璃.玻璃弯曲强度测定.第5部分:平板玻璃试样表面小面积同轴双环试验Glass in building - Determination of the bending strength of glass - Part 5: Coaxial double ring test on flat specimens with small test surface areas; German version EN 1288-5:2000
DIN EN 12898-2001建筑物玻璃.热辐射测定Glass in building - Determination of the emissivity; German version EN 12898:2001
DIN EN 12939-2001建筑材料和产品热性能.用防护热板和热流量计测定热阻.厚产品的高热阻和中热阻Thermal performance of building materials and products - Determination of thermal resistance by means of guarded hot plate and heat flow meter methods - Thick products of high and medium thermal resistance; German version EN 12939:2000
DIN EN 13009-2000建筑材料和产品湿热性能.湿膨胀系数测定Hygrothermal performance of building materials and products - Determination of hygric expansion coefficient; German version EN 13009:2000
DIN EN 13022-1-2006建筑玻璃.建筑密封玻璃.第1部分:支撑和无支撑单层和多层玻璃的建筑密封玻璃系统的玻璃产品Glass in building - Structural sealant glazing - Part 1: Glass products for structural sealant glazing systems for supported and unsupported monolithic and multiple glazing; English version of DIN EN 13022-1:2006-08
DIN EN 13022-2-2006建筑玻璃.建筑密封玻璃.第2部分:安装规范Glass in building - Structural sealant glazing - Part 2: Assembly rules; English version of DIN EN 13022-2:2006-08
DIN EN 13024-1-2002建筑用玻璃.热钢化硼硅酸盐安全玻璃.第1部分:定义和说明; 德文版本 EN 13024-1:2002Glass in building - Thermally toughened borosilicate safety glass - Part 1: Definition and description; German version EN 13024-1:2002
DIN EN 13024-2-2005建筑用玻璃.热钢化硼硅酸盐安全玻璃.第2部分:合格评价/产品标准Glass in building - Thermally toughened borosilicate safety glass - Part 2: Evaluation of conformity/Product standard; German version EN 13024-2:2004
DIN EN 1303-2005建筑五金.锁用圆柱形锁芯.要求和试验方法Building hardware - Cylinders for locks - Requirements and test methods; German version EN 1303:2005
DIN EN 13030-2002建筑物通风.终端.通气孔模拟雨试验Ventilation for buildings - Terminals - Performance testing of louvres subjected to simulated rain; German version EN 13030:2001
DIN EN 13053-2007建筑物通风.空气调节装置.装置、部件和零件的额定值与性能Ventilation for buildings - Air handling units - Rating and performance for units, components and sections; German version EN 13053:2006
DIN EN 13090-2001建筑物燃气管道螺纹接头再密封方法Means for resealing threaded joints of gas pipework in buildings; German version EN 13090:2000
DIN EN 13107-2005载人用索道装置的安全要求.土木工程建筑Safety requirements for cableway installations designed to carry persons - Civil engeneering works; German version EN 13107:2004
DIN EN 13126-1-2006建筑五金件.窗和落地窗的要求和试验方法.第1部分:所有类型五金件的通用要求Building hardware - Requirements and test methods for windows and doors height windows - Part 1: Requirements common to all types of hardware English version of DIN EN 13126-1:2006-05
DIN EN 13126-7-2007建筑五金.窗和门高窗的要求和试验方法.第7部分:指形拉手Building hardware - Requirements and test methods for windows and door height windows - Part 7: Finger catches; German version EN 13126-7:2007
DIN EN 13126-8-2006建筑五金件.窗和落地窗的要求和试验方法.第8部分:倾斜和旋转以及先倾斜和只旋转的五金件Building hardware - Requirements and test methods for windows and doors height windows - Part 8: Tilt & Turn, Tilt-First and Turn-Only hardware English version of DIN EN 13126-8:2006-05
DIN EN 13141-1-2004建筑物的通风.住宅通风用组件/产品的性能试验.第1部分:外部和内部安装的空气传送设备Ventilation for buildings - Performance testing of components/products for residential ventilation - Part 1: Externally and internally mounted air transfer devices; German version EN 13141-1:2004
DIN EN 13141-2-2004建筑物的通风.住宅通风用组件/产品的性能试验.第2部分:排气和供气终端装置Ventilation for buildings - Performance testing of components/products for residential ventilation - Part 2: Exhaust and supply air terminal devices; German version EN 13141-2:2004
DIN EN 13141-3-2004建筑物的通风.住宅通风用组件/产品的性能试验.第3部分:住宅用排油烟机Ventilation for buildings - Performance testing of components/products for residential ventilation - Part 3: Range hoods for residential use; German version EN 13141-3:2004
DIN EN 13141-4-2004建筑物的通风.住宅用通风组件/产品的性能试验.第4部分:住宅通风系统中使用的风扇Ventilation for buildings - Performance testing of components/products for residential ventilation - Part 4: Fans used in residential ventilation systems; German version EN 13141-4:2004
DIN EN 13141-5-2005建筑物通风.住宅通风用部件/产品的性能检验.通道和屋顶出口终端装置Ventilation for buildings - Performance testing of components/products for residential ventilation - Part 5: Cowls and roof outlet terminal devices; German version EN 13141-5:2004
DIN EN 13141-6-2004建筑物的通风.住宅用通风组件/产品的性能试验.第6部分:独院住宅用排气通风系统封壳Ventilation for buildings - Performance testing of components/products for residential ventilation - Part 6: Exhaust ventilation system packages used in a single dwelling; German version EN 13141-6:2004
DIN EN 13141-7-2004建筑物的通风.住宅通风用组件/产品的性能试验.第7部分:独户住宅机械通风系统用机械供气和排气通风装置(包括Ventilation for buildings - Performance testing of components/products for residential ventilation - Part 7: Performance testing of mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation units (including heat recovery) for mechanical ventilation systems intended for single family dwellings; German version EN 13141-7:2004
DIN EN 13141-8-2006建筑物的通风.住宅通风用组件/产品的性能试验.第8部分:机械通风系统的非输送管供应和排气通风元件(包括热恢Ventilation for buildings - Performance testing of components/products for residential ventilation - Part 8: Performance testing of un-ducted mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation units (including heat recovery) for mechanical ventilation systems intended for a single room English version of DIN EN 13141-8:2006-05
DIN EN 13142-2004建筑物的通风.住宅用通风组件/产品.必须和可选的性能特征Ventilation for buildings - Components/products for residential ventilation - Required and optional performance characteristics; German version EN 13142:2004
DIN EN 13162 Berichtigung 1-2006建筑物用隔热产品.工厂制矿物棉(MW)制品.规范Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made mineral wool (MW) products - Specification; German version EN 13162:2001, Corrigenda to DIN EN 13162:2001-10; German version EN 13162:2001/AC:2005
DIN EN 13162-2001建筑物绝热产品.工厂制矿棉制品.规范Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made mineral wool (MW) products - Specification; German version EN 13162:2001
DIN EN 13163 Berichtigung 1-2006建筑物隔热产品.工厂制弹性聚苯乙烯(EPS)制品.规范Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made products of expanded polystyrene (EPS) - Specification; German version EN 13163:2001, Corrigenda to DIN 13163:2001-10; German version EN 13163:2001/AC:2005
DIN EN 13163-2001建筑物隔热产品.工厂制弹性聚苯乙烯制品.规范Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made products of expanded polystyrene (EPS) - Specification; German version EN 13163:2001
DIN EN 13164 Berichtigung 1-2006建筑物用绝热产品.工厂制作的挤压聚亚氨酯泡沫塑料(XPS)产品.规范Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made products of extruded polystyrene foam (XPS) - Specification; German version EN 13164:2001, Corrigenda to DIN EN 13164:2001-10; German version EN 13164:2001/AC:2005
DIN EN 13164-2001建筑物隔热产品.工厂制弹性聚苯乙烯泡沫制品.规范Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made products of extruded polystyrene foam (XPS) - Specification; German version EN 13164:2001
DIN EN 13164/A1-2004建筑物用热隔绝产品.挤压聚苯乙烯泡沫的工厂制产品.规范Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made products of extruded polystyrene foam (XPS) - Specification; German version EN 13164:2001/A1:2004
DIN EN 13165 Berichtigung 1-2006建筑物用绝热产品.工厂制作的硬质聚亚氨酯(PUR)泡沫塑料产品.规范Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made rigid polyurethane foam (PUR) products - Specification; German version EN 13165:2001 + A1:2004 + A2:2004, Corrigenda to DIN EN 13165:2005-02; German version EN 13165:2001/AC:2005
DIN EN 13165-2005建筑物用隔热产品.工厂制硬质聚氨酯泡沫制品.规范Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made rigid polyurethane foam (PUR) products - Specification; German version EN 13165:2001 + A1:2004 + A2:2004
DIN EN 13166 Berichtigung 1-2006建筑物用绝热产品.工厂生产的酚醛泡沫(PF)产品.规范Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made products of phenolic foam (PF) - Specification; German version EN 13166:2001, Corrigenda to DIN EN 13166:2001-10; German version EN 13166:2001/AC:2005
DIN EN 13166-2001建筑物隔热产品.工厂制酚醛泡沫制品.规范Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made products of phenolic foam (PF) - Specification; German version EN 13166:2001
DIN EN 13166/A1-2004建筑物用热隔绝产品.酚醛泡沫的工厂制产品.规范Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made products of phenolic foam (PF) - Specification; German version EN 13166:2001/A1:2004
DIN EN 13167 Berichtigung 1-2006建筑物用绝热产品.工厂制作的蜂窝状玻璃产品(CG).规范Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made cellular glass (CG) products - Specification; German version EN 13167:2001, Corrigenda to DIN EN 13167:2001-10; German version EN 13167:2001/AC:2005
DIN EN 13167-2001建筑物隔热产品.工厂制多孔泡沫玻璃制品.规范Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made cellular glass (CG) products - Specification; German version EN 13167:2001
DIN EN 13167/A1-2004建筑物用热隔绝产品.工厂制泡沫玻璃产品.规范Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made cellular glass (CG) products - Specification; German version EN 13167:2001/A1:2004
DIN EN 13168 Berichtigung 1-2006建筑物用绝热产品.工厂生产的木丝(WW)产品.规范Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made wood wool (WW) products - Specification; German version EN 13168:2001, Corrigenda to DIN EN 13168:2001-10; German version EN 13168:2001/AC:2005
DIN EN 13168-2001建筑物隔热产品.工厂制木纤维制品.规范Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made wood wool (WW) products - Specification; German version EN 13168:2001
DIN EN 13168/A1-2004建筑物用热隔绝产品.工厂制木丝产品.规范Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made wood wool (WW) products - Specification; German version EN 13168:2001/A1:2004
DIN EN 13169 Berichtigung 1-2006建筑物用绝热产品.工厂制作的膨胀的珍珠岩产品(EPB).规范Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made products of expanded perlite (EPB) - Specification; German version EN 13169:2001, Corrigenda to DIN EN 13169:2001-10; German version EN 13169:2001/AC:2005
DIN EN 13169-2001建筑物隔热产品.工厂制弹性珍珠岩制品.规范Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made products of expanded perlite (EPB) - Specification; German version EN 13169:2001
DIN EN 13169/A1-2004建筑物用热隔绝产品.工厂制膨胀珍珠岩.规范Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made products of expanded perlite (EPB) - Specification; German version EN 13169:2001/A1:2004
DIN EN 13170 Berichtigung 1-2006建筑物用绝热产品.工厂制作的膨胀软木(ICB)产品.规范Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made products of expanded cork (ICB) - Specification; German version EN 13170:2001, Corrigenda to DIN EN 13170:2001-10; German version EN 13170:2001/AC:2005
DIN EN 13170-2001建筑物隔热产品.工厂制弹性软木制品.规范Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made products of expanded cork (ICB) - Specification; German version EN 13170:2001
DIN EN 13171 Berichtigung 1-2006建筑物用绝热产品.工厂生产的木纤维产品.规范Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made wood fibre (WF) products - Specification; German version EN 13171:2001, Corrigenda to DIN EN 13171:2001-10; German version EN 13171:2001/AC:2005
DIN EN 13171-2001建筑物隔热产品.工厂制木纤维制品.规范Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made wood fibre (WF) products - Specification; German version EN 13171:2001
DIN EN 13171/A1-2004建筑物用热隔绝产品.工厂制木纤维产品.规范Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made wood fibre (WF) products - Specification; German version EN 13171:2001/A1:2004
DIN EN 13180-2002建筑物通风.通气管结构.软管尺寸和机械要求Ventilation for buildings - Ductwork - Dimensions and mechanical requirements for flexible ducts; German version EN 13180:2001
DIN EN 13181-2001建筑物通风.终端.烟囱的性能试验Ventilation for building - Terminals - Performance testing of louvres subject to simulated sand; German version EN 13181:2001
DIN EN 13182-2002建筑物的通风设备.通风空间气流速度测量用设备要求 (包括技术勘误 AC:2002); 德文版本 EN 13182:2002 + AC:Ventilation for buildings - Instrumentation requirements for air velocity measurements in ventilated spaces (including corrigendum AC:2002); German version EN 13182:2002 + AC:2002
DIN EN 13187-1999建筑物热性能.建筑物表层热不均匀性定性检测.红外线法Thermal performance of buildings - Qualitative detection of thermal irregularities in building envelopes - Infrared method (ISO 6781:1983, modified); German version EN 13187:1998
DIN EN 13242-2003土木工程和道路建筑用非结合和液压结合材料用集料Aggregates for unbound and hydraulically bound materials for use in civil engineering work and road construction; German version EN 13242:2002
DIN EN 13245-1-2004塑料.建筑物用未增塑聚氯乙烯型材.第1部分:浅色型材的名称与符号Plastics - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) profiles for building applications - Part 1: Designation of light coloured profiles; German version EN 13245-1:2004
DIN EN 13264-2001建筑物通风.地板固定空气终端装置.结构分类试验Ventilation for buildings - Floor mounted air terminal devices - Tests for structural classification; German version EN 13264:2001
DIN EN 1329-1-1999建筑物污物和污水排放(低温和高温)用塑料管道系统.未增塑聚氯乙烯(PVC-U).第1部分:管道、配件和系统规范;Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) within the building structure - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system; German version EN 1329-1:1999
DIN EN 13309-2000建筑机械.带有内部电源的机器的电磁兼容性Construction machinery - Electromagnetic compatibility of machines with internal electrical power supply; German version EN 13309:2000
DIN EN 13321-1-2006建筑物自动控制和建筑物管理中的开放数据通讯.家庭和建筑物用电子设备.第1部分:产品和系统要求Open data communication in building automation, controls and building management - Home and building electronic system - Part 1: Product and system requirements; German version EN 13321-1:2006
DIN EN 13321-2-2007建筑物自动控制和建筑物管理中的开放数据通讯.家庭和建筑物电子系统.第2部分:KNXnet/IP通信Open data communication in building automation, controls and building management - Home and building electronic systems - Part 2: KNXnet/IP Communication; English version EN 13321-2:2006
DIN EN 1337-11-1998建筑业轴承.第11部分:运输、储存和安装Structural bearings - Part 11: Transport, storage and installation; German version EN 1337-11:1997
DIN EN 1337-9-1998建筑业轴承.第9部分:防护Structural bearings - Part 9: Protection; German version EN 1337-9:1997
DIN EN 13380-2001建筑物外部排水和下水道系统翻新和修理构件一般要求General requirements for components used for renovation and repair of drain and sewer systems outside buildings; German version EN 13380:2001
DIN EN 13403-2003建筑物通风.非金属管.绝缘板制管道Ventilation for buildings - Non-metallic ducts - Ductwork made from insulation ductboards; German version EN 13403:2003
DIN EN 13438 Berichtigung 1-2007涂料和清漆.建筑用镀锌或镀锌粉钢产品用的粉末有机涂层Paints and varnishes - Powder organic coatings for galvanized or sherardised steel products for construction purposes; German version EN 13438:2005, Corrigenda to DIN EN 13438:2006-01
DIN EN 13438-2006色漆和清漆.建筑用镀锌或粉末镀锌钢产品用的粉末有机涂层Paints and varnishes - Powder organic coatings for galvanized or sherardised steel products for construction purposes; German version EN 13438:2005
DIN EN 13443-2-2007建筑物内水调节设备.机械过滤器.第2部分:颗粒额定值1μm到80μm(不含80μm).性能、安全和测试要求Water conditioning equipment inside buildings - Mechanical filters - Part 2: Particle rating 1 ?m to less than 80 ?m - Requirements for performance, safety and testing; German version EN 13443-2:2005+A1:2007
DIN EN 13465-2004建筑物通风.住房中空气流动率测定的计算方法Ventilation for buildings - Calculation methods for the determination of air flow rates in dwellings; German version EN 13465:2004
DIN EN 13467-2001建筑设备和工业设施隔热制品.预制管绝缘层尺寸、垂直度和线性度测定Thermal insulating products for building equipment and industrial installations - Determination of dimensions, squareness and linearity of preformed pipe insulation; German version EN 13467:2001
DIN EN 13468-2001建筑设备和工业设施隔热制品.痕量水溶性氯化物、氟化物、硅酸盐、钠离子和pH值测定Thermal insulating products for building equipment and industrial installations - Determination of trace quantities of water soluble chloride, fluoride, silicate, and sodium ions and pH; German version EN 13468:2001
DIN EN 13469-2001建筑设备和工业设施隔热制品.预制管绝缘层水蒸汽渗透率测定Thermal insulating products for building equipment and industrial installations - Determination of water vapour transmission properties of preformed pipe insulation; German version EN 13469:2001
DIN EN 13470-2001建筑设备和工业设施隔热制品.预制管绝缘层外观密度测定Thermal insulating products for building equipment and industrial installations - Determination of the apparent density of preformed pipe insulation; German version EN 13470:2001
DIN EN 13471-2001建筑设备和工业设施隔热制品.热膨胀系数测定Thermal insulating products for building equipment and industrial installations - Determination of the coefficient of thermal expansion; German version EN 13471:2001
DIN EN 13472-2001建筑设备和工业设施用隔热制品.部分浸入法测定预制管绝缘层的短期吸水性Thermal insulating products for building equipment and industrial installations - Determination of short term water absorption by partial immersion of preformed pipe insulation; German version EN 13472:2001
DIN EN 13494-2003建筑物隔热产品.隔热材料基底涂层和粘合剂拉伸连接强度测定Thermal insulation products for building applications - Determination of the tensile bond strength of the adhesive and of the base coat to the thermal insulation material; German version EN 13494:2002
DIN EN 13495-2003建筑物隔热产品.外部隔热复合系统(ETICS)耐拉脱的测定(泡沫块试验)Thermal insulation products for building applications - Determination of the pull-off resistance of external thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS) (foam block test); German version EN 13495:2002
DIN EN 13496-2003建筑物热绝缘产品.玻璃纤维绝热网机械特性测定Thermal insulation products for building applications - Determination of the mechanical properties of glass fibre meshes; German version EN 13496:2002
DIN EN 13497-2003建筑物隔热产品.外部复合隔热系统(ETICS)耐冲击测定Thermal insulation products for building applications - Determination of the resistance to impact of external thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS); German version EN 13497:2002
DIN EN 13498-2003建筑物隔热产品.外部复合隔热系统(ETICS)耐穿透度测定Thermal insulation products for building applications - Determination of the resistance to penetration of external thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS); German version EN 13498:2002
DIN EN 13499-2003建筑物用保温产品.基于多孔聚苯乙烯的外保温复合系统(ETICS).规范Thermal insulation products for buildings - External thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS) based on expanded polystyrene - Specification; German version EN 13499:2003
DIN EN 13500-2003建筑物用保温产品.基于矿棉的外保温复合系统(ETICS).规范Thermal insulation products for buildings - External thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS) based on mineral wool - Specification; German version EN 13500:2003
DIN EN 13501-1-2007建筑产品和建筑物构件的火灾分类.第1部分:根据着火试验的反应数据分类Fire classification of construction products and building elements - Part 1: Classification using data from reaction to fire tests; German version EN 13501-1:2007
DIN EN 13501-3-2006施工产品和建筑部件的燃烧性能分类.第3部分:对建筑服务设施中使用的产品和部件的耐火试验数据进行分类:耐火Fire classification of construction products and building elements - Part 3: Classification using data from fire resistance tests on products and elements used in building service installations: fire resisting ducts and fire dampers; German version EN 13501-3:2005
DIN EN 13501-4-2007施工产品和建筑部件燃烧性能分类.第4部分:烟控制系统构件耐火性试验用数据分类Fire classification of construction products and building elements - Part 4: Classification using data from fire resistance tests on components of smoke control systems; German version EN 13501-4:2007
DIN EN 13501-5 Berichtigung 1-2007施工产品和建筑部件的燃烧性能分类.第5部分:对外部屋顶燃烧试验数据进行分类Fire classification of construction products and building elements - Part 5: Classification using data from external fire exposure to roofs tests; German version EN 13501-5:2005, Corrigenda to DIN EN 13501-5:2006-03
DIN EN 13501-5-2006施工产品和建筑部件的燃烧性能分类.第5部分:对外部屋顶燃烧试验数据进行分类.德文版本EN 13501-5-2005Fire classification of construction products and building elements - Part 5: Classification using data from external fire exposure to roofs tests; German version EN 13501-5:2005
DIN EN 13508-1-2004建筑物外部排水和排污系统的条件.第1部分:一般要求Condition of drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Part 1: General requirements; German version EN 13508-1:2003
DIN EN 13508-2 Berichtigung 1-2007建筑物外部排水和排污系统条件.第2部分:目视检验编码系统.DIN EN 13508-2-2003技术勘误Conditions of drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Part 2: Visual inspection coding system; German version EN 13508-2:2003, Corrigenda to DIN EN 13508-2:2003-09; German version EN 13508-2:2003/AC:2007
DIN EN 13508-2-2003建筑物外部排水和排污系统条件.第2部分:目视检验编码系统Conditions of drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Part 2: Visual inspection coding system; German version EN 13508-2:2003
DIN EN 13541-2001建筑物玻璃.保险玻璃.防爆压力试验和分类Glass in building - Security glazing - Testing and classification of resistance against explosion pressure; German version EN 13541:2000
DIN EN 13564-1-2002建筑物防淹装置.第1部分:要求; 德文版本 EN 13564-1:2002Anti-flooding devices for buildings - Part 1: Requirements; German version EN 13564-1:2002
DIN EN 13564-2-2003建筑物防水装置.第2部分:试验方法Anti-flooding devices for buildings - Part 2: Test methods; German version EN 13564-2:2002
DIN EN 13564-3-2004建筑物用防水淹装置.第3部分:质量保证Anti-flooding devices for buildings - Part 3: Quality assurance; German version EN 13564-3:2003
DIN EN 13779-2007非居住用建筑物通风.通风和室内空调装置的性能要求Ventilation for non-residential buildings - Performance requirements for ventilation and room-conditioning systems; German version EN 13779:2007
DIN EN 13793-2003建筑物用保温产品.周期性荷载下性能测定Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of behaviour under cyclic loading; German version EN 13793:2003
DIN EN 13814-2005博览会和露天游艺场机械和建筑物.安全Fairground and amusement park machinery and structures - Safety; German version EN 13814:2004
DIN EN 13820-2003建筑物用保温材料.有机物含量的测定Thermal insulating materials for building applications - Determination of organic content; German version EN 13820:2003
DIN EN 13823-2002建筑产品燃烧试验反应.建筑产品,包括遭受单一燃烧物热袭击的地板Reaction to fire tests for building products - Building products excluding floorings exposed to the thermal attack by a single burning item; German version EN 13823:2002
DIN EN 13828-2003建筑物用阀.建筑物内饮用水供应用手动铜合金和不锈钢球阀.试验和要求Building valves - Manually operated copper alloy and stainless steel ball valves for potable water supply in buildings - Tests and requirements; German version EN 13828:2003
DIN EN 13829-2001建筑物热性能.建筑物空气渗透率测定.风扇增压法Thermal performance of buildings - Determination of air permeability of buildings - Fan pressurization method (ISO 9972:1996, modified); German version EN 13829:2000
DIN EN 13986-2005建筑用木质板条.特性、合格评定和标记Wood-based panels for use in construction - Characteristics, evaluation of conformity and marking; German version EN 13986:2004
DIN EN 14095-2004建筑物内的水调节设备.铝阳极电解质处理设备.性能、安全和试验要求Water conditioning equipment inside buildings - Electrolytic treatment systems with aluminium anodes - Requirements for performance and safety, testing; German version EN 14095:2003
DIN EN 14114-2002建筑设备和工业设施的湿热性能.水蒸汽扩散计算.制冷管道绝缘系统; 德文版本 EN 14114:2002Hygrothermal performance of building equipment and industrial installations - Calculation of water vapour diffusion - Cold pipe insulation systems; German version EN 14114:2002
DIN EN 14134-2004建筑物通风.住宅通风形态的性能试验和安装检查Ventilation for buildings - Performance testing and installation checks of residential ventilation systems; German version EN 14134:2004
DIN EN 14178-1-2005建筑物用玻璃.基本碱土硅酸盐玻璃制品.第1部分:浮法玻璃Glass in building - Basic alkaline earth silicate glass products - Part 1: Float glass; German version EN 14178-1:2004
DIN EN 14178-2-2005建筑物用玻璃.基本碱土硅酸盐玻璃制品.第2部分:合格评价/产品标准Glass in Building - Basic alkaline earth silicate glass products - Part 2: Evaluation of conformity/Product standard; German version EN 14178-2:2004
DIN EN 14179-1-2005建筑物用玻璃.吸热热钢化硅酸盐钙钠安全玻璃.第1部分:定义和描述Glass in building - Heat soaked thermally toughened soda lime silicate safety glass - Part 1: Definition and description; German version EN 14179-1:2005
DIN EN 14179-2-2005建筑用玻璃.吸热热钢化钙钠硅酸盐安全玻璃.第2部分:合格评定/产品标准Glass in building - Heat soaked thermally toughened soda lime silicate safety glass - Part 2: Evaluation of conformity/Product standard; German version EN 14179-2:2005
DIN EN 14239-2004建筑物通风.管道系统.管道系统表面积的测量Ventilation for buildings - Ductwork - Measurement of ductwork surface area; German Version EN 14239:2004
DIN EN 14240-2004建筑物通风.冷凝天花板.试验和等级Ventilation for buildings - Chilled ceilings - Testing and rating; German version EN 14240:2004
DIN EN 14277-2006建筑物的通风.空气终端装置.在或接近ATD/充气箱通过刻度传感器测量气流的方法Ventilation for buildings - Air terminal devices - Method for airflow measurement by calibrated sensors in or close to ATD/plenum boxes; English version of DIN EN 14277:2006-11
DIN EN 14316-1-2004建筑物的热绝缘产品.膨胀珍珠岩制品的现场热绝缘成形.第1部分:粘结和松填装产品的安装前规范Thermal insulation products for buildings - In-situ thermal insulation formed from expanded perlite (EP) products - Part 1: Specification for bonded and loose-fill products before installation; German version EN 14316-1:2004
DIN EN 14316-2-2007建筑物用热绝缘产品.膨胀珍珠岩形成的现场热绝缘产品.第2部分:安装产品规范Thermal insulating products for buildings - In-situ thermal insulation formed from expanded perlite (EP) products - Part 2: Specification for the installed products; English version of DIN EN 14316-2:2007-04
DIN EN 14317-1-2004建筑物的热绝缘产品.片状蛭石产品的现场热绝缘成形.第1部分:粘结和松填装产品的安装前规范Thermal insulation products for buildings - In-situ thermal insulation formed from exfoliated vermiculite (EV) products - Part 1: Specification for bonded and loose-fill products before installation; German version EN 14317-1:2004
DIN EN 14317-2-2007建筑物用热绝缘产品.片状蛭石形成的现场热绝缘产品.第2部分:产品安装规范Thermal insulation products for buildings - In-situ thermal insulation formed from exfoliated vermiculite (EV) products - Part 2: Specification for the installed products; English version of DIN EN 14317-2:2007-04
DIN EN 14321-1-2005建筑物用玻璃.热钢化碱土硅酸盐安全玻璃.第1部分:定义和描述Glass in building - Thermally toughened alkaline earth silicate safety glass - Part 1: Definition and description; German version EN 14321-1:2005
DIN EN 14321-2-2005建筑物玻璃.热钢化碱土硅酸盐安全玻璃.第2部分:合格评价/产品标准Glass in building - Thermally toughened alkaline earth silicate safety glass - Part 2: Evaluation of conformity/Product standard; German version EN 14321-2:2005
DIN EN 14336-2005建筑物取暖系统.水基取暖系统的安装和交付使用Heating systems in buildings - Installation and commissioning of water based heating systems; German version EN 14336:2004
DIN EN 14337-2006建筑物的供热系统.直接电房间供暖系统的设计和安装.德文版本 EN 14337-2005Heating systems in buildings - Design and installation of direct electrical room heating systems; German version EN 14337:2005
DIN EN 14383-1-2006犯罪防范.城市规划和建筑设计.第1部分:专门术语的定义Prevention of crime - Urban planning and building design - Part 1: Definition of specific terms; Trilingual version EN 14383-1:2006
DIN EN 14431-2004釉和搪瓷.用于建筑钢板的瓷釉涂层的特性Vitreous and porcelain enamels - Characteristics of the enamel coatings applied to steel panels intended for architecture; German version EN 14431:2004
DIN EN 14449-2005建筑物玻璃.夹层玻璃和夹层安全玻璃.合格评价/产品标准Glass in building - Laminated glass and laminated safety glass - Evaluation of conformity/Product standard; German version EN 14449:2005
DIN EN 1451-1-1999建筑物结构体中的废水和污物排放系统用塑料管道系统(低温和高温).聚丙烯(PP).第1部分:管、管接头和管道系统Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) within the building structure - Polypropylene (PP) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system; German version EN 1451-1:1998
DIN EN 14518-2005建筑物的通风.冷却梁.无源冷却梁的试验和检测Ventilation for buildings - Chilled beams - Testing and rating of passive chilled beams; German version EN 14518:2005
DIN EN 1453-1-2000建筑物内污物和废物排出(高温和低温)用承重墙管的塑料管道系统. 硬氯乙烯管(PVC-U).第1部分:管道和系统规范Plastics piping systems with structured-wall pipes for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) inside buildings - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes and the system; German version EN 1453-1:2000
DIN EN 1455-1-1999建筑结构中污物和废水排放(低温和高温)用塑料管道系统.丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物.第1部分:管道、管件和系Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) within the building structure - Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) - Part 1: Specification for pipes, fittings and the system; German version EN 1455-1:1999
DIN EN 14648-2007建筑五金.百叶窗配件.要求和试验方法Building hardware - Fittings for shutters - Requirements and test methods; German version EN 14648:2007
DIN EN 14652-2007建筑物内水处理设备.薄膜分离设备.性能、安全和试验的要求Water conditioning equipment inside buildings - Membrane separation devices - Requirements for performance, safety and testing; German version EN 14652:2005+A1:2007
DIN EN 14678-1-2006LPG设备和附件.自动供应站的LPG设备的建筑和性能.第1部分:自动售货机LPG equipment and accessories - Construction and performance of LPG equipment for automotive filling stations - Part 1: Dispensers English version of DIN EN 14678-1:2006-05
DIN EN 14706-2006建筑设备和工业装置用隔热产品.最高使用温度的测定.德文版本 EN 14706-2005Thermal insulation products for building equipment and industrial installations - Determination of maximum service temperature; German version EN 14706:2005
DIN EN 14707-2006建筑设备和工业设施用绝热制品.预制管绝缘层的最高安全使用温度测定.德文版本 EN 14707-2005Thermal insulation products for building equipment and industrial installations - Determination of maximum service temperature for preformed pipe insulation; German version EN 14707:2005
DIN EN 14743-2007建筑物内水处理设备.软化剂.性能、安全和测试的要求Water conditioning equipment inside buildings - Softeners - Requirements for performance, safety and testing; German version EN 14743:2005+A1:2007
DIN EN 14811-2006铁路设施.轨道.专用铁轨.凹槽及其相关建筑Railway applications - Track - Special purpose rail - Grooved and associated construction; English version of DIN EN 14811:2006-10
DIN EN 14812-2007建筑物内水处理设备.化学药品剂量.预调剂量系统.性能要求、安全和试验.德文版本EN 14812:2005+A1-2007Water conditioning equipment inside buildings - Chemical dosing systems - Pre-set dosing systems - Requirements for performance, safety and testing; German version EN 14812:2005+A1:2007
DIN EN 1487-2000建筑物阀门.液压安全类.试验和要求Building valves - Hydaulic safety groups - Tests and requirements; German version EN 1487:2000
DIN EN 1488-2000建筑物阀门.膨胀类.试验和要求Building valves - Expansion groups - Tests and requirements; German version EN 1488:2000
DIN EN 1489-2000建筑物阀门.压力安全阀门.试验和要求Building valves - Pressure safety valves - Tests and requirements; German version EN 1489:2000
DIN EN 14897-2007建筑物内水处理设备.水银低压紫外散热器的使用设备.性能、安全和试验要求Water conditioning equipment inside buildings - Devices using mercury low-pressure ultraviolet radiators - Requirements for performance, safety and testing; German version EN 14897:2006+A1:2007
DIN EN 14898-2007建筑物内水处理设备.活性媒介过滤器.性能、安全和试验要求Water conditioning equipment inside buildings - Active media filters - Requirements for performance, safety and testing; German version EN 14898:2006+A1:2007
DIN EN 1490-2000建筑物阀门.组合型温度压力安全阀.试验和要求Building valves - Combined temperature and pressure relief valves - Tests and requirements; German version EN 1490:2000
DIN EN 14908-1-2007建筑自动化、控制和建筑管理的开放数据通信.建筑物网络协议.第1部分:协议栈Open Data Communication in Building Automation, Controls and Building Management - Building Network Protocol - Part 1: Protocol Stack; English version EN 14908-1:2005
DIN EN 14908-2-2006建筑自动化、控制和建筑管理的开放式数据通信.控制网络协议.第2部分:双扭线通信Open Data Communication in Building Automation, Controls and Building Management - Control Network Protocol - Part 2: Twisted Pair Communication; English version EN 14908-2:2005
DIN EN 14908-3-2007建筑自动控制和建筑管理的开放式数据通讯.控制网络协议.第3部分:功率线信道规范Open Data Communication in Building Automation, Controls and Building Management - Control Network Protocol - Part 3: Power Line Channel Specification; English version EN 14908-3:2006
DIN EN 14908-4-2007建筑自动控制和建筑管理用开放式数据通讯.控制网络协议.第4部分:IP通讯Open Data Communication in Building Automation, Controls and Building Management - Control Network Protocol - Part 4: IP Communication; English version EN 14908-4:2006
DIN EN 1491-2000建筑物阀门.膨胀阀门.试验和要求Building valves - Expansions valves - Tests and requirements; German version EN 1491:2000
DIN EN 15026-2007建筑物构件和元件的温湿性能.用数值模拟评估潮气传递Hygrothermal performance of building components and building elements - Assessment of moisture transfer by numerical simulation; German version EN 15026:2007
DIN EN 1505-1998建筑物通风.矩形截面薄板制通风管道和异型件.尺寸Ventilation for buildings - Sheet metal air ducts and fittings with rectangular cross-section - Dimensions; German version EN 1505:1997
DIN EN 1506-2007建筑物通风.圆形截面薄板制通风管道和异型件.尺寸Ventilation for buildings - Sheet metal air ducts and fittings with circular cross-section - Dimensions; German version EN 1506:2007
DIN EN 1507-2006建筑物通风.矩形面薄板金属送气管.强度和泄漏要求Ventilation for buildings - Sheet metal air ducts with rectangular section - Requirements for strength and leakage; English version of DIN EN 1507:2006-07
DIN EN 15161-2007建筑物内水调节设备.安全、操作、维护和修理Water conditioning equipment inside buildings - Installation, operation, maintenance and repair; English version of DIN EN 15161:2007-02
DIN EN 1519-1-2000建筑结构中排污(低温和高温)用塑料管道系统.聚乙烯(PE).第1部分:管、管件和系统的规范Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) within the building structure - Polyethylene (PE) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system; German version EN 1519-1:1999
DIN EN 15217-2007建筑物能量性能.表示建筑物能量性能和能量认证的方法Energy performance of buildings - Methods for expressing energy performance and for energy certification of buildings; German version EN 15217:2007
DIN EN 15219-2007建筑物内水调节设备.祛除硝酸盐设备.性能、安全和试验要求Water equipment inside buildings - Nitrate removal devices - Requirements for performance, safety and testing; English version of DIN EN 15219:2007-02
DIN EN 15232-2007建筑物的能量性能.建筑自动化、控制和建筑管理的效果Energy performance of buildings - Impact of Building Automation, Controls and Building Management; German version EN 15232:2007
DIN EN 15239-2007建筑物通风.建筑物能量性能.通风系统检验指南Ventilation for buildings - Energy performance of buildings - Guidelines for inspection of ventilation systems; German version EN 15239:2007
DIN EN 15240-2007建筑物通风.建筑物能量性能.空调系统检验指南Ventilation for buildings - Energy performance of buildings - Guidelines for inspection of air-conditioning systems; German version EN 15240:2007
DIN EN 15241-2007建筑物通风.商用建筑物中通风和渗透风量引起能量损耗的计算方法;德文版本 EN 15241:2007Ventilation for buildings - Calculation methods for energy losses due to ventilation and infiltration in commercial buildings; German version EN 15241:2007
DIN EN 15242-2007建筑物通风.包含渗透的住房中空气流动率测定的计算方法Ventilation for buildings - Calculation methods for the determination of air flow rates in buildings including infiltration; German version EN 15242:2007
DIN EN 15243-2007建筑物通风.带室内空气调节系统建筑物用室温和负荷及能量的计算Ventilation for buildings - Calculation of room temperatures and of load and energy for buildings with room conditioning systems; German version EN 15243:2007
DIN EN 15251-2007建筑物选址室内空气质量、热环境、照明和声学设计和能量性能评估用室内环境输入参数Indoor environmental input parameters for design and assessment of energy performance of buildings addressing indoor air quality, thermal environment, lighting and acoustics; German version EN 15251:2007
DIN EN 15255-2007建筑物的能量性能.有效的房间制冷负荷计算.一般标准和确认程序Energy performance of buildings - Sensible room cooling load calculation - General criteria and validation procedures; German version EN 15255:2007
DIN EN 15265-2007建筑物的能量性能.用动力学方法计算对流加热和制冷所需的能量.一般标准和确认程序Energy performance of buildings - Calculation of energy needs for space heating and cooling using dynamic methods - General criteria and validation procedures; German version EN 15265:2007
DIN EN 15266-2007建筑物中工作压力等于0.5bar的气体用不锈钢柔性波管工具Stainless steel pliable corrugated tubing kits in buildings for gas with an operating pressure up to 0,5 bar; German version EN 15266:2007
DIN EN 1527-1998锁扣和建筑五金.推拉门和折叠门用五金件.要求和检验方法Building hardware - Hardware for sliding doors and folding doors - Requirements and test methods; German version EN 1527:1998
DIN EN 15316-1-2007建筑物供热系统.系统能量要求和系统功效的计算方法.第1部分:总论Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 1: General; German version EN 15316-1:2007
DIN EN 15316-2-1-2007建筑物供热系统.系统能量要求和系统功效的计算方法.第2-1部分:对流式供暖排放系统Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 2-1: Space heating emission systems; German version EN 15316-2-1:2007
DIN EN 15316-2-3-2007建筑物的供热系统.系统能量要求和系统功效的计算方法.第2-3部分:对流式供暖分配系统Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 2-3: Space heating distribution systems; German version EN 15316-2-3:2007
DIN EN 15316-3-1-2007建筑物供暖系统.系统能量要求和系统功效的计算方法.第3-1部分:家用热水系统需求特征(出水要求)Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 3-1: Domestic hot water systems, characterisation of needs (tapping requirements); German version EN 15316-3-1:2007
DIN EN 15316-3-3-2007建筑物供暖系统.系统能量要求和系统功效的计算方法.第3-3部分:家用热水器系统Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 3-3: Domestic hot water systems, generation; German version EN 15316-3-3:2007
DIN EN 15316-4-3-2007建筑物供热系统.系统能量要求和系统功效的计算方法.第4-3部分:发热系统和热太阳能系统Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 4-3: Heat generation systems, thermal solar systems; German version EN 15316-4-3:2007
DIN EN 15316-4-4-2007建筑物供热系统.系统能量要求和系统功效的计算方法.第4-4部分:发热系统和建筑综合同时发热发电系统Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 4-4: Heat generation systems, building-integrated cogeneration systems; German version EN 15316-4-4:2007
DIN EN 15316-4-5-2007建筑物供热系统.系统能量要求和系统功效的计算方法.第4-5部分:对流式供暖系统和区域供暖及大型容积系统的性Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 4-5: Space heating generation systems, the performance and quality of district heating and large volume systems; German version EN 15316-4-5:2007
DIN EN 15316-4-6-2007建筑物供热系统.系统能量要求和系统功效的计算方法.第4-6部分:发热系统和光电系统Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies - Part 4-6: Heat generation systems, photovoltaic systems; German version EN 15316-4-6:2007
DIN EN 15377-3-2007建筑物供暖系统.内部水基表面加热和冷却系统的设计.第3部分:再生能源的使用优化Heating systems in buildings - Design of embedded water based surface heating and cooling systems - Part 3: Optimizing for use of renewable energy sources; German version EN 15377-3:2007
DIN EN 15434-2006建筑玻璃.建筑和/或抗紫外线密封材料的产品标准(用于暴露密封的建筑密封打光和/或绝缘玻璃单元)Glass in building - Product standard for structural and/or ultra-violet resistant sealant (for use with structural sealant glazing and/or insulating glass units with exposed seals) English version of DIN EN 15434:2006-08
DIN EN 15450-2007建筑物加热系统.热泵加热系统的设计Heating systems in buildings - Design of heat pump heating systems; German version EN 15450:2007
DIN EN 1565-1-1999建筑结构中污物和废水排放(低温和高温)用塑料管道系统.苯乙烯共聚掺混料(SAN+PVC).第1部分:管道、管件和系Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) within the building structure - Styrene copolymer blends (SAN+PVC) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system; German version EN 1565-1:1998
DIN EN 1566-1-1999建筑结构中污物和废水排放(低温和高温)用塑料管道系统.氯化聚氯乙烯(PVC-C).第1部分:管道、管件和系统规范Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) within the building structure - Chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-C) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system; German version EN 1566-1:1998
DIN EN 1567-2000建筑物阀门.水减压阀和组合水减压阀.要求和试验Building valves - Water pressure reducing valves and combination water pressure reducing valves - Requirements and tests; German version EN 1567:1999
DIN EN 1602-1997建筑物绝热产品.表观密度测定Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of the apparent density; German version EN 1602:1996
DIN EN 1603-2007建筑用隔热制品.在持续正常实验室条件(23℃/50%相对湿度)下测定尺寸稳定性Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of dimensional stability under constant normal laboratory conditions (23 °C/ 50 % relative humidity); German version EN 1603:1996 + A1:2006
DIN EN 1604-2007建筑用隔热制品.在特定温度和湿度条件下测定尺寸稳定性Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of dimensional stability under specified temperature and humidity conditions; German version EN 1604:1996 + A1:2006
DIN EN 1605-2007建筑用隔热制品.在特定的压力负荷和温度条件下测定变形Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of deformation under specified compressive load and temperature conditions; German version EN 1605:1996 + A1:2006
DIN EN 1606-2007建筑用隔热制品.压缩蠕变的测定Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of compressive creep; German version EN 1606:1996 + A1:2006
DIN EN 1607-1997建筑物绝热产品.表面垂直抗拉强度测定Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of tensile strength perpendicular to faces; German version EN 1607:1996
DIN EN 1608-1997建筑物绝热产品.表面平行抗拉强度测定Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of tensile strength parallel to faces; German version EN 1608:1996
DIN EN 1609-2007建筑用隔热制品.用部分浸渍法测定短期吸水性能Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of dimensional short term water absorption by partial immersion; German version EN 1609:1996 + A1:2006
DIN EN 1620-1996生物技术.大规模处理和生产.与危险等级相应的建筑物Biotechnology - Large-scale process and production - Plant building according to the degree of hazard; German version EN 1620:1996
DIN EN 1670-2007建筑五金器具.耐腐蚀.要求和试验方法Building hardware - Corrosion resistance - Requirements and test methods; German version EN 1670:2007
DIN EN 1671-1997建筑物外压力排污系统Pressure sewerage systems outside buildings; German version EN 1671:1997
DIN EN 1748-1-1-2004建筑玻璃.特种基础产品.硼硅酸盐玻璃.第1-1部分:定义和一般物理和机械性能Glass in building - Special basic products - Borosilicate glasses - Part 1-1: Definitions and general physical and mechanical properties; German version EN 1748-1-1:2004
DIN EN 1748-1-2-2005建筑用玻璃.特种基础产品.硼硅酸盐玻璃.第1-2部分:合格评价/产品标准Glass in building - Special basic products - Borosilicate glasses - Part 1-2: Evaluation of conformity/Product standard; German version EN 1748-1-2:2004
DIN EN 1748-2-1-2004建筑玻璃.特种基础产品.玻璃陶瓷.第2-1部分:定义和一般物理和机械性能Glass in building - Special basic products - Glass ceramics - Part 2-1: Definitions and general physical and mechanical properties; German version EN 1748-2-1:2004
DIN EN 1748-2-2-2005建筑用玻璃.特种基础产品.玻璃陶瓷.第2-2部分:合格评价/产品标准Glass in building - Special basic products - Glass ceramics - Part 2-2: Evaluation of conformity/Product standard; German version EN 1748-2-2:2004
DIN EN 1751-1999建筑物通风.气配装置.节流元件和闭锁元件空气动力检验Ventilation for buildings - Air terminal devices - Aerodynamic testing of dampers and valves; German version EN 1751:1998
DIN EN 1775-2007供气.建筑物用煤气管道工程.最大工作压力≤5bar.功能推荐Gas supply - Gas pipework for buildings - Maximum operating pressure less than or equal to 5 bar - Functional recommendations; German version EN 1775:2007
DIN EN 179-2002建筑硬件.手柄或推转柄操作的紧急出口装置.要求和试验方法Building hardware - Emergency exit devices operated by a lever handle or push pad - Requirements and test methods (includes Amendment A1:2001); German version EN 179:1997 + A1:2001
DIN EN 1863-1-2000建筑物用玻璃.热增强钠钙玻璃.第1部分:定义和说明Glass in building - Heat strengthened soda lime silicate glass - Part 1: Definition and description; German version EN 1863-1:2000
DIN EN 1863-2-2005建筑物用玻璃.热增强钠钙玻璃.第2部分:合格评价/产品标准Glass in building - Heat strengthened soda lime silicate glass - Part 2: Evaluation of conformity/Product standard; German version EN 1863-2:2004
DIN EN 1870-1-2007木工机械安全.圆盘锯床.第1部分:圆盘锯架(带和不带滑动台)、方板锯和建筑工地用锯Safety of woodworking machines - Circular sawing machines - Part 1: Circular saw benches (with and without sliding table), dimension saws and building site saws; German version EN 1870-1:2007
DIN EN 1886-1998建筑物通风.中央室内通风设备.机械性能和测量方法Ventilation for buildings - Air handling units - Mechanical performance; German version EN 1886:1998
DIN EN 1906-2002建筑五金件.杠杆式门拉手和旋钮装置.要求和试验方法Building hardware - Lever handles and knob furniture - Requirements and test methods; German version EN 1906:2002
DIN EN 1934-1998建筑物热性能.热阻测量.热流计热箱法.砌墙Termal performance of buildings - Determination of thermal resistance by hot box method using heat flow meter - Masonry; German version EN 1934:1998
DIN EN 1935-2002建筑五金件.单轴铰链.要求和试验方法Building hardware - Single-axis hinges - Requirements and test methods; German version EN 1935:2002
DIN EN 1946-1-1999建筑产品和建筑部件的热性能.热传导性能实验室评估专用准则.第1部分:通用准则Thermal performance of building products and components - Specific criteria for the assessment of laboratories measuring heat transfer properties - Part 1: Common criteria; German version EN 1946-1:1999
DIN EN 1946-2-1999建筑产品和建筑部件热性能.热传导性能实验室评估专用准则.第2部分:平板仪法测量Thermal performance of building products and components - Specific criteria for the assessment of laboratories measuring heat transfer properties - Part 2: Measurements by the guarded hot plate method; German version EN 1946-2:1999
DIN EN 1946-3-1999建筑产品和建筑部件热性能.热传导性能实验室评估专用准则.第3部分:热流测量平板仪法Thermal performance of building products and components - Specific criteria for the assessment of laboratories measuring heat transfer properties - Part 3: Measurements by the guarded heat flow meter method; German version EN 1946-3:1999
DIN EN 1946-4-2000建筑产品和建筑部件的热性能.实验室评估热传导性能专用准则.第4部分:高温箱测量法Thermal performance of building products and components - Specific criteria for the assessment of laboratories measuring heat transfer properties - Part 4: Measurements by hot box methods; German version EN 1946-4:2000
DIN EN 1946-5-2000建筑产品和部件热性能.实验室评估热传导性能专用准则.第5部分:管试验测量法Thermal performance of building products and components - Specific criteria for the assessment of laboratories measuring heat transfer properties - Part 5: Measurements by pipe test methods; German version EN 1946-5:2000
DIN EN 1990/A1-2006欧洲法规:建筑设计基础Eurocode: Basis of structural design English version of DIN EN 1990/A1:2006-04
DIN EN 1991-1-1-2002欧洲法规1:对结构的作用.第1-1部分:一般作用.建筑物的比重、固有负荷和有效负荷Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-1: General actions; Densities, self-weight, imposed loads for buildings; German version EN 1991-1-1:2002
DIN EN 1991-1-2-2003欧洲法规1.对建筑物的作用.第1-2部分:一般作用.对建筑物防火的作用Eurocode 1 - Actions on structures - Part 1-2: General actions; Actions on structures exposed to fire; German version EN 1991-1-2:2002
DIN EN 1991-4-2006欧洲法规1.建筑物作用.第4部分:筒仓和竖井Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 4: Silos and tanks; English version of DIN EN 1991-4:2006-12
DIN EN 1992-1-1-2005欧洲法规2.混凝土结构设计.第1-1部分:一般规则和建筑规则Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings; German version EN 1992-1-1:2004
DIN EN 1993-1-1 Berichtigung 1-2006欧洲法规3:钢结构的设计.第1-1部分:一般规则和建筑规则.DIN EN 1993-1-1-2005勘误Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings; German version EN 1993-1-1:2005, Corrigenda to DIN EN 1993-1-1:2005-07; German version EN 1993-1-1:2005/AC:2006
DIN EN 1993-1-1-2005欧洲法规3:钢结构的设计.第1-1部分:一般规则和建筑物规则Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings; German version EN 1993-1-1:2005
DIN EN 1994-1-1-2006欧洲法规4:复合钢和混凝土结构的设计.第1-1部分:建筑规则和通用规则Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings; English version of DIN EN 1994-1-1:2004
DIN EN 1995-1-1-2005欧洲法规 5:木材结构设计.第1-1部分:总则.一般原则和建筑原则.德文版本 EN 1995-1-1-2004Eurocode 5: Design of timber structures - Part 1-1: General - Common rules and rules for buildings; German version EN 1995-1-1:2004
DIN EN 1998-1-2006欧洲法规8:抗地震结构物设计.第1部分:建筑物的一般规则、地震作用和规则Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance - Part 1: General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings; German version EN 1998-1:2004
DIN EN 1998-3-2006欧洲法规8:抗地震结构设计.第3部分:建筑物的评定和翻新Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance - Part 3: Assessment and retrofitting of buildings; German version EN 1998-3:2005
DIN EN 20140-10-1992声学.建筑物和建筑物构件隔音性能测量.小型构件气载声隔离性能实验室测量Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 10: Laboratory measurement of airborne sound insulation of small building elements; German version EN 20140-10:1992
DIN EN 20140-2-1993声学.建筑物和建筑物构件隔音性能测量.第2部分:精度数据的测定、验证和应用Acoustics; measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements; part 2: determination, verification and application of precision data (ISO 140-2:1991); German version EN 20140-2:1993
DIN EN 26927-1991建筑结构.连接产品.密封剂.词汇Building construction; jointing products; sealants; vocabulary (ISO 6927:1981); german version EN 26927:1990
DIN EN 28394-1991建筑结构.连接产品.单组分密封剂可挤压性的测定(ISO 8394:1988)Building construction; jointing products; determination of extrudability of one-component sealants (ISO 8394:1988); german version EN 28394:1990
DIN EN 29048-1991建筑结构.连接产品.用标准化的仪器测定密封剂的可挤压性(ISO 9048:1987)Building construction; jointing products; determination of extrudability of sealants using standardized apparatus (ISO 9048:1987); german version EN 29048:1990
DIN EN 331-1999建筑物燃气设备上的手动球阀和底部关闭锥形塞阀Manually operated ball valves and closed bottom taper plug valves for gas installations for buildings; German version EN 331:1998
DIN EN 356-2000建筑物玻璃.安全玻璃.防人力攻击试验和分类Glass in building - Security glazing - Testing and classification of resistance against manual attack; German version EN 356:1999
DIN EN 357-2005建筑用玻璃.有透明或半透明玻璃制品的耐火镶玻璃构件.耐火性分类Glass in building - Fire resistant glazed elements with transparent or translucent glass products - Classification of fire resistance; German version EN 357:2004
DIN EN 410-1998建筑玻璃.窗玻璃发光特性和阳光辐射特性的测定Glass in building - Determination of luminous and solar characteristics of glazing; German version EN 410:1998
DIN EN 459-1-2002建筑石灰.第1部分:定义、规范和符合性准则Building lime - Part 1: Definitions, specifications and conformity criteria; German version EN 459-1:2001
DIN EN 459-2-2002建筑石灰.第2部分:试验方法Building lime - Part 2: Test methods; German version EN 459-2:2001
DIN EN 459-3-2002建筑石灰.第3部分:合格评定Building lime - Part 3: Conformity evaluation; German version EN 459-3:2001
DIN EN 50090-2-1-1994住家和建筑物用电气系统(HBES).第2-1部分:系统综述.体系结构; 德文版本 EN 50090-2-1:1994Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 2-1: System overview; architecture; German version EN 50090-2-1:1994
DIN EN 50090-2-2-2007住宅和建筑物电子系统(HBES).第2-2部分:系统概述.一般技术要求Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 2-2: System overview - General technical requirements; German version EN 50090-2-2:1996 + Corrigendum:1997 + A1:2002 + A2:2007
DIN EN 50090-2-3-2005住宅和建筑物的电子系统(HBES).第2-3部分:系统综述.HBES中产品的一般功能性安全要求Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 2-3: System overview - General functional safety requirements for products intended to be integrated in HBES; German version EN 50090-2-3:2005
DIN EN 50090-3-1-1995住家和建筑物用电气系统(HBES).第3-1部分:使用特点.使用构造介绍; 德文版本 EN 50090-3-1:1994Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 3-1: Aspects of application; introduction to the application structure; German version EN 50090-3-1:1994
DIN EN 50090-3-2-2004家用和建筑物用电子系统(HBES).第3-2部分:使用方面.1类HBES的用户说明Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 3-2: Aspects of application - User process for HBES Class 1; German version EN 50090-3-2:2004, text English
DIN EN 50090-4-1-2004家用和建筑物用电子系统.第4-1部分:媒介独立层.HBES 1级应用层Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 4-1: Media independent layers - Application layer for HBES Class 1; German version EN 50090-4-1:2004, text English
DIN EN 50090-4-2-2004家用和建筑物用电子系统(HBES).第4-2部分:介质独立层.1级HBES运输层、网络层和数据链路层的通用部分Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 4-2: Media independent layers - Transport layer, network layer and general parts of data link layer for HBES Class 1; German version EN 50090-4-2:2004, text English
DIN EN 50090-5-1-2005家用和建筑物用电子系统(HBES).第5-1部分:介质和介质相关层.1类HBES用输电线Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 5-1: Media and media dependent layers - Power line for HBES Class 1; German version EN 50090-5-1:2005, text English
DIN EN 50090-5-2-2004家用和建筑物用电子系统(HBES).第5-2部分:介质和介质相关层.基于HBES1类的双扭线网络Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 5-2: Media and media dependent layers - Network based on HBES Class 1, Twisted Pair; German version EN 50090-5-2:2004, text English
DIN EN 50090-5-3-2007家用和建筑物用电子系统(HBES).第5-3部分:媒介和媒介附属层.无线电频率Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 5-3: Media and media dependent layers - Radio frequency; English version EN 50090-5-3:2006
DIN EN 50090-7-1-2004家用和建筑物用电子系统(HBES).第7-1部分:系统管理.管理规程Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 7-1: System management - Management procedures; German version EN 50090-7-1:2004, text English
DIN EN 50090-8-2001家用和建筑物用电子系统(HBES).第8部分:产品合格评定Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES) - Part 8: Conformity assessment of products; German version EN 50090-8:2000
DIN EN 50098-1-2003建筑群中信息电缆敷设.第1部分:ISDN基础连接Customer premises cabling for information technology - Part 1: ISDN basic access; German version EN 50098-1:1998 + A1:2002 + Corrigendum January 2003
DIN EN 50098-2-1996建筑物信息电缆敷设.第2部分:2048 千字节/秒ISDN初级多路传送连接和租用专线网络接口Customer premises cabling for information technology - Part 2: 2048 kbit/s ISDN primary access and leased line network interface; German version EN 50098-2:1996
DIN EN 50173-3-2007信息技术.通用布线系统.第3部分:工业建筑Information technology - Generic cabling systems - Part 3: Industrial premises; German version EN 50173-3:2007
DIN EN 50173-4-2007信息技术.通用布线系统.第4部分:住宅建筑Information technology - Generic cabling systems - Part 4: Residential premises; German version EN 50173-4:2007
DIN EN 50174-2-2001信息技术.电缆安装.第2部分:建筑物内的安装计划和惯例.Information technology - Cabling installation - Part 2: Installation planning and practices inside buildings; German version EN 50174-2:2000
DIN EN 50288-2-1-2004用于模拟和数字通信和控制的多元金属电缆.第2-1部分:100MHZ及以下的屏蔽电缆的分规范.水平和建筑物主干电缆Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control - Part 2-1: Sectional specification for screened cables characterised up to 100 MHz - Horizontal and building backbone cables; German version EN 50288-2-1:2003
DIN EN 50288-3-1-2004用于模拟和数字通信和控制的多元金属电缆.第3-1部分:100MHZ及以下的非屏蔽电缆的分规范.水平和建筑物主干电Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control - Part 3-1: Sectional specification for unscreened cables characterised up to 100 MHz - Horizontal and building backbone cables; German version EN 50288-3-1:2003
DIN EN 50288-4-1-2004用于模拟和数字通信和控制的多元金属电缆.第4-1部分:600MHZ及以下的非屏蔽电缆的分规范.水平和建筑物主干电Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control - Part 4-1: Sectional specification for screened cables characterised up to 600 MHz - Horizontal and building backbone cables; German version EN 50288-4-1:2003
DIN EN 50288-5-1-2004用于模拟和数字通信和控制的多元件金属电缆.第5-1部分:250 MHz及以下的屏蔽电缆的分规范.水平及建筑物主电Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control - Part 5-1: Sectional specification for screened cables characterized up to 250 MHz - Horizontal and building backbone cables; German version EN 50288-5-1:2003
DIN EN 50288-6-1-2004用于模拟和数字通信和控制的多元件金属电缆.第6-1部分:250 MHz及以下的非屏蔽电缆的分规范.水平和建筑物主Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control - Part 6-1: Sectional specification for unscreened cables characterised up to 250 MHz - Horizontal and building backbone cables; German version EN 50288-6-1:2003
DIN EN 50310-2006建筑物内信息技术设备连接和接地应用Application of equipotential bonding and earthing in buildings with information technology equipment; German version EN 50310:2006
DIN EN 50428-2006家用和类似固定电气设备用开关.并列标准.家庭和建筑物电子系统(HBES)用开关和相关附件Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Collateral standard - Switches and related accessories for use in home and building electronic systems (HBES); German version EN 50428:2005
DIN EN 572-1-2004建筑用玻璃.基本钠钙玻璃制品.第1部分:定义和一般物理及机械特性Glass in building - Basic soda lime silicate glass products - Part 1: Definitions and general physical and mechanical properties; German version EN 572-1:2004
DIN EN 572-2-2004建筑用玻璃.基本钠钙玻璃制品.第2部分:平板玻璃Glass in building - Basic soda lime silicate glass products - Part 2: Float glass; German version EN 572-2:2004
DIN EN 572-3-2004建筑用玻璃.基本钠钙玻璃制品.第3部分:抛光嵌丝玻璃Glass in building - Basic soda lime silicate glass products - Part 3: Polished wire glass; German version EN 572-3:2004
DIN EN 572-4-2004建筑用玻璃.基本钠钙玻璃制品.第4部分:拉制平板玻璃Glass in building - Basic soda lime silicate glass products - Part 4: Drawn sheet glass; German version EN 572-4:2004
DIN EN 572-5-2004建筑用玻璃.基本钠钙玻璃制品.第5部分:压花玻璃Glass in building - Basic soda lime silicate glass products - Part 5: Patterned glass; German version EN 572-5:2004
DIN EN 572-6-2004建筑用玻璃.基本钠钙玻璃制品.第6部分:嵌丝压花玻璃Glass in building - Basic soda lime silicate glass products - Part 6: Wired patterned glass; German version EN 572-6:2004
DIN EN 572-7-2004建筑用玻璃.基本钠钙玻璃制品.第7部分:嵌丝或不嵌丝的槽形玻璃Glass in building - Basic soda lime silicate glass products - Part 7: Wired or unwired channel shaped glass; German version EN 572-7:2004
DIN EN 572-8-2004建筑用玻璃.基本钠钙玻璃产品.第8部分:供货和最终切割尺寸Glass in building - Basic soda lime silicate glass products - Part 8: Supplied and final cut sizes; German version EN 572-8:2004
DIN EN 572-9-2005建筑用玻璃.基本钠钙玻璃产品.第9部分:合格性评定/产品标准Glass in building - Basic soda lime silicate glass products - Part 9: Evaluation of conformity/Product standard; German version EN 572-9:2004
DIN EN 60617-11-1997线图图形符号.第11部分:建筑物与地形测量平面图和线图Graphical symbols for diagrams - Part 11: Architectural and topographical installation plans and diagrams (IEC 60617-11:1996); German version EN 60617-11:1996
DIN EN 60794-2-21-2006光缆.第2-21部分:室内光缆.建筑群用多模光纤配电电缆的详细规范(IEC 60794-2-21-2005)Optical fibre cables - Part 2-21: Indoor cables - Detailed specification for multi-fibre optical distribution cables for use in premises cabling (IEC 60794-2-21:2005); German version EN 60794-2-21:2006
DIN EN 60794-2-31-2006光学纤维电缆.第2-31部分:室内电缆.建筑群布缆用光纤带状电缆的详细规范(IEC 60794-2-31:2005)Optical fibre cables - Part 2-31: Indoor cables - Detailed specification for optical fibre ribbon cables for use in premises cabling (IEC 60794-2-31:2005); German version EN 60794-2-31:2006
DIN EN 60794-3-12-2006光缆电缆.第3-12部分:室外电缆.建筑布线用管道和直埋通信光缆的详细规范Optical fibre cables - Part 3-12: Outdoor cables - Detailed specification for duct and directly buried optical telecommunication cables for use in premises cabling (IEC 60794-3-12:2005); German version EN 60794-3-12:2006
DIN EN 62305-2 Bb.1-2007雷电防护.第2部分:风险管理:建筑物风险评估.补充件1:德国的雷电威胁Protection against lightning - Part 2: Risk management: Assessment of risk for structures - Supplement 1: Lightning threat in Germany
DIN EN 62305-2 Bb.2-2007避雷.第2部分:风险管理.附录2:建筑物风险评估计算方式Protection against lightning - Part 2: Risk management - Supplement 2: Calculation assistance for assessment of risk for structures
DIN EN 62305-3 Bb.1-2007避雷系统.第3部分:对建筑物的物理损伤和寿命危害.补充件1:应用DIN EN 62305-3(VDE 0185-305-3)的补充信息Protection against lightning - Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard - Supplement 1: Additional information for the application of DIN EN 62305-3 (VDE 0185-305-3)
DIN EN 62305-3 Bb.2-2007避雷系统.第3部分:对建筑物的物理损伤和寿命危害.补充件2:特殊建筑物的补充信息Protection against lightning - Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard - Supplement 2: Additional information for special structures
DIN EN 62305-3 Bb.3-2007避雷系统.第3部分:对建筑物的物理损伤和寿命危害.补充件3:测试和维护避雷系统的补充信息Protection against lightning - Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard - Supplement 3: Additional information for the testing and maintenance of lightning protection systems
DIN EN 62305-3 Berichtigung 1-2007雷电防护.第3部分:建筑物物理损坏和生命危险.DIN EN 62305-3 (VDE 0185-305-3)-2006技术勘误Protection against lightning - Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard (IEC 62305-3:2006, modified); German version EN 62305-3:2006, Corrigenda to DIN EN 62305-3 (VDE 0185-305-3):2006-10; German version CENELEC-Cor.:2006 to EN 62305-3:2006
DIN EN 62305-3-2006避雷系统.第3部分:对建筑物的物理损伤和寿命危害(IEC 62305-3-2006, 修改)Protection against lightning - Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard (IEC 62305-3:2006, modified); German version EN 62305-3:2006
DIN EN 62305-4 Berichtigung 1-2007雷电防护.第4部分:建筑物内电气和电子系统.DIN EN 62305-4 (VDE 0185-305-4)-2006技术勘误Protection against lightning - Part 4: Electrical and electronic systems within structures (IEC 62305-4:2006); German version EN 62305-4:2006, Corrigenda to DIN EN 62305-4 (VDE 0185-305-4):2006-10; German version CENELEC-Cor.:2006 to EN 62305-4:2006
DIN EN 62305-4-2006避雷.第4部分:建筑物中电气和电子系统(IEC 62305-4-2006)Protection against lightning - Part 4: Electrical and electronic systems within structures (IEC 62305-4:2006); German version EN 62305-4:2006
DIN EN 673-2003建筑物用玻璃.传热系数(U值)的测定.计算方法Glass in building - Determination of thermal transmittance (U value) - Calculation method (including Amendment A1:2000 + Amendment A2:2002); German version EN 673:1997 + A1:2000 + A2:2002
DIN EN 674-1999建筑物用玻璃.导热系数(U值)的测定.防护热板法Glass in building - Determination of the thermal transmittance (U value) - Guarded hot plate method; German version EN 674:1997
DIN EN 675-1999建筑物用玻璃.导热系数(U值)的测定.热流量计法Glass in building - Determination of the thermal transmittance (U value) - Heat flow meter method; German version EN 675:1997
DIN EN 752 Bb.1-1999建筑物外的污水和排放系统.索引Drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Index
DIN EN 752-1-1996建筑物外部排水系统.第1部分:概述和定义Drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Part 1: Generalities and definitions; German version EN 752-1:1995
DIN EN 752-2-1996建筑物外部排水系统.第2部分:性能要求Drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Part 2: Performance requirements; German version EN 752-2:1996
DIN EN 752-3-1996建筑物外部排水系统.第3部分:规划Drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Part 3: Planning; German version EN 752-3:1996
DIN EN 752-4-1997建筑物外部排水系统.第4部分:液压设计和对环境的考虑Drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Part 4: Hydraulic design and environmental considerations; German version EN 752-4:1997
DIN EN 752-5-1997建筑物外部排水系统.第5部分:整理复原Drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Part 5: Rehabilitation; German version EN 752-5:1997
DIN EN 752-6-1998建筑物外部排水和污水系统.第6部分:泵设备Drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Part 6: Pumping installations; German version EN 752-6:1998
DIN EN 752-7-1998建筑物外部排水和污水系统.第7部分:维护和使用Drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Part 7: Maintenance and operations; German version EN 752-7:1998
DIN EN 805-2000供水.建筑物外部系统和元件要求Water supply - Requirements for systems and components outside buildings; German version EN 805:2000
DIN EN 806-1-2001建筑物内部饮用水输送设备规范.第1部分:总则; 德文版本 EN 806-1:2001 + A1:2001Specifications for installations inside buildings conveying water for human consumption - Part 1: General; German version EN 806-1:2001 + A1:2001
DIN EN 806-2-2005建筑物内部人类生活用水输送设备规范.第2部分:设计Specification for installations inside buildings conveying water for human consumption - Part 2: Design; German version EN 806-2:2005
DIN EN 806-3-2006建筑物内部人类生活用水输送设备规范.第3部分:管尺寸.简化法Specifications for installations inside buildings conveying water for human consumption - Part 3: Pipe sizing - Simplified method; English version of DIN EN 806-3:2006-07
DIN EN 822-1994建筑物热绝缘产品.长度和宽度测定Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of length and width; German version EN 822:1994
DIN EN 823-1994建筑物热绝缘产品.厚度测定Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of thickness; German version EN 823:1994
DIN EN 824-1994建筑物热绝缘产品.垂直度测定Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of squareness; German version EN 824:1994
DIN EN 825-1994建筑物热绝缘产品.平直度测定Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of flatness; German version EN 825:1994
DIN EN 826-1996建筑物绝热产品.压缩性测定Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of compression behaviour; German version EN 826:1996
DIN EN 832-2003建筑物的热性能.供热用能量需求量的计算.住宅建筑(包括勘误AC-2002)Thermal performance of building - Calculation of energy use for heating - Residential buildings (includes Corrigenda AC:2002); German version EN 832:1998 + AC:2002
DIN EN 877-2000建筑物排水用铸铁管道、管件及其接头和附件.要求、试验方法和质量保证Cast iron pipes and fittings, their joints and accessories for the evacuation of water from buildings - Requirements, test methods and quality assurance; German version EN 877:1999
DIN EN 877/A1-2007建筑物排水用铸铁管道、管件、接头和附件.要求、试验方法和质量保证Cast iron pipes and fittings, their joints and accessories for the evacuation of water from buildings - Requirements, test methods and quality assurance; German version EN 877:1999/A1:2006
DIN EN 988-1996锌和锌合金.建筑用轧制板料规范Zinc and zinc alloys - Specification for rolled flat products for building; German version EN 988:1996
DIN EN ISO 10211-1-1995建筑结构中的热桥.热流和表面温度.第1部分:一般计算方法Thermal bridges in building construction - Heat flows and surface temperatures - Part 1: General calculation methods (ISO 10211-1:1995); German version EN ISO 10211-1:1995
DIN EN ISO 10211-2-2001建筑结构热桥.热流和表面温度计算.第2部分:线性热桥Thermal bridges in building construction - Calculation of heat flows and surface temperatures - Part 2: Linear thermal bridges (ISO 10211-2:2001); German version EN ISO 10211-2:2001
DIN EN ISO 10456-2000建筑材料和制品.申报和设计热值的测定程序Building materials and products - Procedures for determining declared and design thermal values (ISO 10456:1999); German version EN ISO 10456:1999
DIN EN ISO 10563-2005房屋建筑.密封胶.质量和体积变化的测定Building construction - Sealants - Determination of change in mass and volume (ISO 10563:2005); German version EN ISO 10563:2005
DIN EN ISO 10590-2005房屋建筑.密封胶.浸水后在保持延伸状态下测定密封胶的拉伸性能Building construction - Sealants - Determination of tensile properties of sealants at maintained extension after immersion in water (ISO 10590:2005); German version EN ISO 10590:2005
DIN EN ISO 10591-2005房屋建筑.密封胶.浸水后密封胶的粘结/粘合性能测定Building construction - Sealants - Determination of adhesion/cohesion properties of sealants after immersion in water (ISO 10591:2005); German version EN ISO 10591:2005
DIN EN ISO 11091-1999建筑制图.园林设计制图实用规程Construction drawings - Landscape drawing practice (ISO 11091:1994); German version EN ISO 11091:1999
DIN EN ISO 11431-2003房屋建筑.连接件.密封胶受热、遇水和透过玻璃的人造光照射后粘合力测定Building construction - Jointing products - Determination of adhesion/cohesion properties of saelants after exposure to heat, water and artificial light through glass (ISO 11431:2002); German version EN ISO 11431:2002
DIN EN ISO 11432-2005房屋建筑.密封胶.耐压性测定Building construction - Sealants - Determination of resistance to compression (ISO 11432:2005); German version EN ISO 11432:2005
DIN EN ISO 11600-2004房屋建筑.连接件.密封件的分类和要求Building construction - Jointing products - Classification and requirements for sealants (ISO 11600:2002); German version EN ISO 11600:2003
DIN EN ISO 11654-1997声学.建筑物声音吸收.声音吸收评定Acoustics - Sound absorbers for use in buildings - Rating of sound absorption (ISO 11654:1997); German version EN ISO 11654:1997
DIN EN ISO 12241-1998建筑设备和工业装置绝热.计算规则Thermal insulation for building equipment and industrial installations - Calculation rules (ISO 12241:1998); German version EN ISO 12241:1998
DIN EN ISO 12543-1-1998建筑物玻璃.复合玻璃和复合安全玻璃.第1部分:成份定义和说明Glass in building - Laminated glass and laminated safety glass - Part 1: Definitions and description of component parts (ISO 12543-1:1998); German version EN ISO 12543-1:1998
DIN EN ISO 12543-2-2006建筑玻璃.夹层玻璃和夹层安全玻璃.第2部分:夹层安全玻璃Glass in building - Laminated glass and laminated safety glass - Part 2: Laminated safety glass (ISO 12543-2:1998); German version EN ISO 12543-2:1998 + A1:2004
DIN EN ISO 12543-3-1998建筑物玻璃.复合玻璃和复合安全玻璃.第3部分:复合玻璃Glass in building - Laminated glass and laminated safety glass - Part 3: Laminated glass (ISO 12543-3:1998); German version EN ISO 12543-3:1998
DIN EN ISO 12543-4-1998建筑物玻璃.复合玻璃和复合安全玻璃.第4部分:耐受性检验方法Glass in building - Laminated glass and laminated safety glass - Part 4: Test methods for durability (ISO 12543-4:1998); German version EN ISO 12543-4:1998
DIN EN ISO 12543-5-1998建筑物玻璃.复合玻璃和复合安全玻璃.第5部分:尺寸和边角加工Glass in building - Laminated glass and laminated safety glass - Part 5: Dimensions and edge finishing (ISO 12543-5:1998); German version EN ISO 12543-5:1998
DIN EN ISO 12543-6-1998建筑物玻璃.复合玻璃和复合安全玻璃.第6部分:外观Glass in building - Laminated glass and laminated safety glass - Part 6: Appearance (ISO 12543-6:1998); German version EN ISO 12543-6:1998
DIN EN ISO 12569-2001建筑物热性能.建筑物中空气变化测定.示踪气体稀释法Thermal performance of buildings - Determination of air change in buildings - Tracer gas dilution method (ISO 12569:2000); German version EN ISO 12569:2000
DIN EN ISO 12570-2000建筑材料和产品湿热性能.高温下干燥法测定含水量Hygrothermal performance of building materials and products - Determination of moisture content by drying at elevated temperature (ISO 12570:2000); German version EN ISO 12570:2000
DIN EN ISO 12571-2000建筑材料和产品湿热性能.吸湿性能测定Hygrothermal performance of building materials and products - Determination of hygroscopic sorption properties (ISO 12571:2000); German version EN ISO 12571:2000
DIN EN ISO 12572-2001建筑材料和产品湿热性能.水蒸汽传输特性测定Hygrothermal performance of building materials and products - Determination of water vapour transmission properties (ISO 12572:2001); German version EN ISO 12572:2001
DIN EN ISO 13370-1998建筑物热性能.经由地面的热传递.计算方法Thermal performance of buildings - Heat transfer via the ground - Calculation methods (ISO 13370:1998); German version EN ISO 13370:1998
DIN EN ISO 13567-2-2002技术产品文件管理.计算机辅助设计(CAD)用各层的编制和命名.第2部分:建筑工程文件管理用概念、格式和代码 (ITechnical product documentation - Organization and naming of layers for CAD - Part 2: Concepts, format and codes used in construction documentation (ISO 13567-2:1998); German version EN ISO 13567-2:2002
DIN EN ISO 13786-1999建筑物构件热性能.动态热特性.计算方法Thermal performance of building components - Dynamic thermal characteristics - Calculation methods (ISO 13786:1999); German version EN ISO 13786:1999
DIN EN ISO 13787-2003建筑设备和工业装置用热绝缘产品.声明的导热系数的测定Thermal insulation products for building equipment and industrial installations - Determination of declared thermal conductivity (ISO 13787:2003); German version EN ISO 13787:2003
DIN EN ISO 13788-2001建筑物构件和元件湿热性能.避免严重表面潮湿和冷凝的内表面温度.计算方法Hygrothermal performance of building components and building elements - Internal surface temperature to avoid critical surface humidity and interstitial condensation - Calculation methods (ISO 13788:2001); German version EN ISO 13788:2001
DIN EN ISO 13789-1999建筑物热性能.热传输损耗率.计算方法Thermal performance of buildings - Transmission heat loss coefficient - Calculation method (ISO 13789:1999); German version EN ISO 13789:1999
DIN EN ISO 13790-2004建筑物的热性能.房间取暖用能量的计算Thermal performance of buildings - Calculation of energy use for space heating (ISO 13790:2004); German version EN ISO 13790:2004
DIN EN ISO 13791-2005建筑物的热性能.夏季无机械通风冷却时房间内部温度的计算.通用标准和确认程序Thermal performance of buildings - Calculation of internal temperatures of a room in summer without mechanical cooling - General criteria and validation procedures (ISO 13791:2004); German version EN ISO 13791:2004
DIN EN ISO 13792-2005建筑物的热性能.无机器制冷条件下夏季房间内温度的计算.简化法Thermal performance of buildings - Calculation of internal temperatures of a room in summer without mechanical cooling - Simplified method (ISO 13792:2005); German version EN ISO 13792:2005
DIN EN ISO 13793-2001建筑物热性能.避免霜冻的地基热设计Thermal performance of buildings - Thermal design of foundations to avoid frost heave (ISO 13793:2001); German version EN ISO 13793:2001
DIN EN ISO 140-1-2005声学.建筑物和建筑构件的隔音测量.第1部分:抑制侧向传播的实验室试验装置的要求Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 1: Requirements for laboratory test facilities with suppressed flanking transmission (ISO 140-1:1997 + AM 1:2004); German version EN ISO 140-1:1997 + A1:2004
DIN EN ISO 140-11-2005声学.建筑物和建筑构件的隔声测量.第11部分:轻型标准楼板上地板覆盖物传递冲击声音降低的实验室测量Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 11: Laboratory measurements of the reduction of transmitted impact sound by floor coverings on lightweight reference floors (ISO 140-11:2005); German version EN ISO 140-11:2005
DIN EN ISO 140-14-2004声学.建筑物和建筑构件的隔音测量.第14部分:场地的特殊情况的指南Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 14: Guidelines for special situations in the field (ISO 140-14:2004); German version EN ISO 140-14:2004
DIN EN ISO 140-16-2006声学.建筑物和建筑物构件的隔音测量.第16部分:通过附加衬套对噪音减少索引改进的实验室测量(ISO 140-16:200Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 16: Laboratory measurement of the sound reduction index improvement by additional lining (ISO 140-16:2006); English version of DIN EN ISO 140-16:2006-11
DIN EN ISO 140-18-2007声学.建筑物和建筑构件的隔声测量.第18部分:建筑物构件隔雨声实验室测量Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 18: Laboratory measurement of sound generated by rainfall on building elements (ISO 140-18:2006); English version of DIN EN ISO 140-18:2007-02
DIN EN ISO 140-3-2005声学.建筑物和建筑构件的隔声测量.第3部分:建筑物构件空气声隔绝的实验室测量Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 3: Laboratory measurements of airborne sound insulation of building elements (ISO 140-3:1995 + AM 1:2004); German version EN 20140-3:1995 + A1:2004
DIN EN ISO 140-4-1998声学.建筑物和建筑构件隔音性能测量.第4部分:房间气载声音隔绝现场测量Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 4: Field measurement of airborne sound insulation between rooms (ISO 140-4:1998); German version EN ISO 140-4:1998
DIN EN ISO 140-5-1998声学.建筑物和建筑构件隔音性能测量.第5部分:房屋正面和正面构件气载声隔绝测量Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 5: Field measurement of airborne sound insulation of facade elements and facades (ISO 140-5:1998); German version EN ISO 140-5:1998
DIN EN ISO 140-6-1998声学.建筑物和建筑构件隔音性能测量.第6部分:楼层板蹬踏声隔绝实验室测量Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 6: Laboratory measurements of impact sound insulation of floors (ISO 140-6:1998); German version EN ISO 140-6:1998
DIN EN ISO 140-7-1998声学.建筑物和建筑构件隔音性能测量.第7部分:建筑物楼层板蹬踏声隔绝测量Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 7: Field measurements of impact sound insulation of floors (ISO 140-7:1998); German version EN ISO 140-7:1998
DIN EN ISO 140-8-1998声学.建筑物及建筑构件隔音性能测量.第8部分:标准负荷地板地板铺覆物降低冲击声效果的实验室测量Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 8: Laboratory measurements of the reduction of transmitted impact noise by floor coverings on a heavyweight standard floor (ISO 140-8:1997); German version EN ISO 140-8:1997
DIN EN ISO 14438-2002建筑物用玻璃.能量平衡值的测定.计算方法 (ISO 14438:2002); 德文版本 EN ISO 14438:2002Glass in building - Determination of energy balance value - Calculation method (ISO 14438:2002); German version EN ISO 14438:2002
DIN EN ISO 14683-1999建筑物热桥.线性热穿透系数.简化方法和缺陷值Thermal bridges in building construction - Linear thermal transmittance - Simplified methods and default values (ISO 14683:1999); German version EN ISO 14683:1999
DIN EN ISO 15148-2003建筑材料和产品温湿吸收性.局部浸湿法测定吸水系数Hygrothermal performance of building materials and products - Determination of water absorption coefficient by partial immersion (ISO 15148:2002); German version EN ISO 15148:2002
DIN EN ISO 15186-1-2003声学.用声强作建筑物和建筑构件的隔声测量.第1部分:实验室测量Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements using sound intensity - Part 1: Laboratory measurements (ISO 15186-1:2000); German version EN ISO 15186-1:2003
DIN EN ISO 15748-1-2002船舶和航海技术.船舶和海上建筑物饮用水的供应.第1部分:规划和设计 (ISO 15748-1:2002); 德文版本 EN ISO 1Ships and marine technology - Potable water supply on ships and marine structures - Part 1: Planning and design (ISO 15748-1:2002); German version EN ISO 15748-1:2002
DIN EN ISO 15748-2-2002船舶和航海技术.船舶和海上建筑物饮用水的供应.第2部分:计算方法 (ISO 15748-2:2002); 德文版本 EN ISO 157Ships and marine technology - Potable water supply on ships and marine structures - Part 2: Method of calculation (ISO 15748-2:2002); German version EN ISO 15748-2:2002
DIN EN ISO 15749-1-2004船舶和海上技术.船舶和海上建筑物的排水系统.第1部分:卫生排水系统设计Ships and marine technology - Drainage systems on ships and marine structures - Part 1: Sanitary drainage-system design (ISO 15749-1:2004); German version EN ISO 15749-1:2004
DIN EN ISO 15749-2-2004船舶和海上技术.船舶和海上建筑物的排水系统.第2部分:重力系统用卫生排水和排水管道Ships and marine technology - Drainage systems on ships and marine structures - Part 2: Sanitary drainage, drain piping for gravity systems (ISO 15749-2:2004); German version EN ISO 15749-2:2004
DIN EN ISO 15749-3-2004船舶和海上技术.船舶和海上建筑物排水系统.第3部分:真空系统用卫生排水和排水管道Ships and marine technology - Drainage systems on ships and marine structures - Part 3: Sanitary drainage, drain piping for vacuum systems (ISO 15749-3:2004); German version EN ISO 15749-3:2004
DIN EN ISO 15749-4-2004船舶和海上技术.船舶和海上建筑物的排水系统.第4部分:卫生排水和污物排出管Ships and marine technology - Drainage systems on ships and marine structures - Part 4: Sanitary drainage, sewage disposal pipes (ISO 15749-4:2004); German version EN ISO 15749-4:2004
DIN EN ISO 15749-5-2004船舶和海上技术.船舶和海上建筑物的排水系统.第5部分:甲板、货舱和游泳池的排水Ships and marine technology - Drainage systems on ships and marine structures - Part 5: Drainage of decks, cargo spaces and swimming pools (ISO 15749-5:2004); German version EN ISO 15749-5:2004
DIN EN ISO 15927-1-2004建筑物的湿热性能.气象数据的计算与显示.第1部分:单一气象元素的月均值和年均值Hygrothermal performance of buildings - Calculation and presentation of climatic data - Part 1: Monthly and annual means of single meteorological elements (ISO 15927-1:2003); German version EN ISO 15927-1:2003
DIN EN ISO 15927-4-2005建筑物的温湿性能.气候数据的计算和表示.第4部分:取暖和制冷年使用能量评定用小时数据Hygrothermal performance of buildings - Calculation and presentation of climatic data - Part 4: Hourly data for assessing the annual energy use for heating and cooling (ISO 15927-4:2005); German version EN ISO 15927-4:2005
DIN EN ISO 15927-5-2005建筑物的温湿性能.气候数据的计算和表示.第5部分:空间加热用设计热负载用数据Hygrothermal performance of buildings - Calculation and presentation of climatic data - Part 5: Data for design heat load for space heating (ISO 15927-5:2004); German version EN ISO 15927-5:2004
DIN EN ISO 15927-6-2007建筑的温湿性能.气候数据的计算和表示.第6部分:积聚的温差(户外每日平均温度的单位)Hygrothermal performance of buildings - Calculation and presentation of climatic data - Part 6: Accumulated temperature differences (degree-days) (ISO 15927-6:2007); German version EN ISO 15927-6:2007
DIN EN ISO 16000-10-2006室内空气.第9部分:建筑产品和家具释放挥发性有机化合物的测定.释放试验容器法Indoor air - Part 10: Determination of the emission of volatile organic compounds from building products and furnishing - Emission test cell method (ISO 16000-10:2006); English version of DIN EN ISO 16000-10:2006-06
DIN EN ISO 16000-11-2006室内空气.第11部分:建筑产品和家具释放挥发性有机化合物的测定.取样、样品储藏和试验样品制备Indoor air - Part 11: Determination of the emission of volatile organic compounds from building products and furnishing - Sampling, storage of samples and preparation of test specimens (ISO 16000-11:2006); English version of DIN EN ISO 16000-11:2006-06
DIN EN ISO 16000-9-2006室内空气.第9部分:建筑产品和家具释放挥发性有机化合物的测定.释放试验室法Indoor air - Part 9: Determination of the emission of volatile organic compounds from building products and furnishing - Emission test chamber method (ISO 16000-9:2006); English version of DIN EN ISO 16000-9:2006-06
DIN EN ISO 16032-2004声学.建筑物服务设备的声压级测量.工程法Acoustics - Measurement of sound pressure level from service equipment in buildings - Engineering method (ISO 16032:2004); German version EN ISO 16032:2004
DIN EN ISO 16484-2-2004建筑物自动化和控制系统.第2部分:硬件Building automation and control systems (BACS) - Part 2: Hardware (ISO 16484-2:2004); German version EN ISO 16484-2:2004
DIN EN ISO 16484-3-2005建筑自动化和控制系统(BACS).第3部分:功能Building automation and control systems (BACS) - Part 3: Functions (ISO 16484-3:2005); German version EN ISO 16484-3:2005
DIN EN ISO 16484-5-2004建筑物自动化和控制系统.第5部分:数据通信协议Building automation and control systems - Part 5: Data communication protocol (ISO 16484-5:2003); English version EN ISO 16484-5:2003
DIN EN ISO 16484-6-2006建筑物自动控制系统.第6部分:数据通信.合格检验(ISO 16484-6-2005)Building automation and control systems - Part 6: Data communication - Conformance testing (ISO 16484-6:2005); English version EN ISO 16484-6:2005
DIN EN ISO 18233-2006声学.建筑物和房间声学新测量方法的应用(ISO 18233-2006)Acoustics - Application of new measurement methods in building and room acoustics (ISO 18233:2006) English version of DIN EN ISO 18233:2006-08
DIN EN ISO 19432-2006建筑施工机械和设备.便携、手持、内燃机引擎驱动的切断机.安全要求和试验(ISO 19432:2006)Building construction machinery and equipment - Portable, hand-held internal combustion engine driven cut-off machines - Safety requirements and testing (ISO 19432:2006); English version of DIN EN ISO 19432:2006-11
DIN EN ISO 19900-2005石油和天然气工业.近海建筑物的一般要求Petroleum and natural gas industries - General requirements for offshore structures (ISO 19900:2002); English version EN ISO 19900:2002
DIN EN ISO 19901-1-2006石油和天然气工业.海上建筑物的特殊要求.第1部分:Metocean设计和运行研究(ISO 19901-1-2005).英文版本EN ISPetroleum and natural gas industries - Specific requirements for offshore structures - Part 1: Metocean design and operating considerations (ISO 19901-1:2005); English version EN ISO 19901-1:2005
DIN EN ISO 19901-2-2005石油和天然气工业.近海建筑物的特殊要求.第2部分:地震设计规程和标准Petroleum and natural gas industries - Specific requirements for offshore structures - Part 2: Seismic design procedures and criteria (ISO 19901-2:2004); English version EN ISO 19901-2:2004
DIN EN ISO 19901-4-2005石油和天然气工业.近海建筑物的特殊要求.第4部分:土工和地基设计考虑Petroleum and natural gas industries - Specific requirements for offshore structures - Part 4: Geotechnical and foundation design considerations (ISO 19901-4:2003); English version EN ISO 19901-4:2003
DIN EN ISO 19901-5-2005石油和天然气工业.近海建筑物的特殊要求.第5部分:设计和施工过程中的重量控制Petroleum and natural gas industries - Specific requirements for offshore structures - Part 5: Weight control during engineering and construction (ISO 19901-5:2003); English version EN ISO 19901-5:2003
DIN EN ISO 19901-7-2006石油和天然气工业.海上建筑物的特殊要求.第7部分:浮动式海上建筑物和移动式海上设备的定位系统(ISO 19901-7Petroleum and natural gas industries - Specific requirements for offshore structures - Part 7: Stationkeeping systems for floating offshore structures and mobile offshore units (ISO 19901-7:2005); English version EN ISO 19901-7:2005
DIN EN ISO 3766-2004建筑工程制图.钢筋混凝土的简化画法Construction drawings - Simplified representation of concrete reinforcement (ISO 3766:2003); German version EN ISO 3766:2003
DIN EN ISO 4157-1-1999建筑图样.命名制度.第1部分:建筑物和建筑物组成部分Construction drawings - Designation systems - Part 1: Buildings and parts of buildings (ISO 4157-1:1998); German version EN ISO 4257-1:1998
DIN EN ISO 4157-2-1999建筑图样.命名制度.第2部分:房间名称与号码Construction drawings - Designation systems - Part 2: Room names and numbers (ISO 4157-2:1998); German version EN ISO 4157-2:1998
DIN EN ISO 4157-3-1999建筑图样.命名制度.第3部分:房间标识Construction drawings - Designation systems - Part 3: Room identifiers (ISO 4157-3:1998); German version EN ISO 4157-3:1998
DIN EN ISO 6946-2003建筑部件与构件.热电阻和传热系数.计算方法Building components and building elements - Thermal resistance and thermal transmittance - Calculation method (ISO 6946:1996 + Amd 1:2003) (includes Amendment A1:2003); German version EN ISO 6946:1996 + A1:2003
DIN EN ISO 717-1-2006声学.建筑物和建筑物构件的隔音参数.第1部分:气载音隔绝(ISO 717-1-1996 + 修改件1:2006)Acoustics - Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 1: Airborne sound insulation (ISO 717-1:1996 + AM1:2006); English version of DIN EN ISO 717-1:1996 + A1:2006-11
DIN EN ISO 717-2-2006声学.建筑物和建筑物构件隔音评级.第2部分:冲击声隔绝(ISO 717-2-1996 + 修改件1:2006)Acoustics - Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 2: Impact sound insulation (ISO 717-2:1996 + AM1:2006); English version of DIN EN ISO 717-2:1996 + A1:2006-11
DIN EN ISO 7389-2004房屋建筑.连接件.密封件的回弹性测定Building construction - Jointing products - Determination of elastic recovery of sealants (ISO 7389:2002); German version EN ISO 7389:2003
DIN EN ISO 7390-2004房屋建筑.连接件.密封件的耐流动性测定Building construction - Jointing products - Determination of resistance to flow of sealants (ISO 7390:2002); German version EN ISO 7390:2003
DIN EN ISO 8339-2005房屋建筑.密封件.拉伸性能(拉至断裂)的测定Building construction - Sealants - Determination of tensile properties (Extension to break) (ISO 8339:2005); German version EN ISO 8339:2005
DIN EN ISO 8340-2005房屋建筑.密封件.保持延伸状态时拉伸性能的测定Building construction - Sealants - Determination of tensile properties at maintained extension (ISO 8340:2005); German version EN ISO 8340:2005
DIN EN ISO 9046-2005房屋建筑.连接产品.恒温下密封胶的粘附/粘合性能的测定Building construction - Jointing products - Determination of adhesion/cohesion properties of sealants at constant temperature (ISO 9046:2002); German version EN ISO 9046:2004
DIN EN ISO 9047-2003房屋建筑.连接件.变温下密封胶粘合性能的测定Building construction - Jointing products - Determination of adhesion/cohesion properties of sealants at variable temperatures (ISO 9047:2001); German version EN ISO 9047:2003
DIN ISO 10209-4-2000技术产品文件.词汇.第4部分:与建筑工程文件有关的术语Technical product documentation - Vocabulary - Part 4: Terms relating to construction documentation (ISO 10209-4:1999)
DIN ISO 128-23-2000技术制图.画法的一般原理.第23部分:建筑工程制图线Technical drawings - General principles of presentation - Part 23: Lines on construction drawings (ISO 128-23:1999)
DIN ISO 21537-2-2005超磨料切割砂轮用夹具法兰.第2部分:建筑和施工Clamping flanges for superabrasive cutting-off wheels - Part 2: Building and construction (ISO 21537-2:2004)
DIN ISO 21538-2005超磨料切割砂轮用坯件.安装和固定孔.建筑施工和土木工程Blanks for superabrasive cutting-off wheels - Mounting and fixing bores - Building construction and civil engineering (ISO 21538:2004)
DIN ISO 3828-1989造船和海上建筑结构.甲板机械.词汇Shipbuilding and marine structures; deck machinery; vocabulary; identical with ISO 3828:1984
DIN ISO 4172-1992建筑工程图纸.预制结构件的装配图Construction drawings; drawings for the assembly of prefabricated structures; identical with ISO 4172:1991
DIN ISO 6105-1-2005超级研磨切割砂轮用坯件.第1部分:建筑物和土木工程用人工切割Blanks for superabrasive cutting-off wheels - Part 1: Manually guided cutting-off in building and civil engineering (ISO 6105-1:2004)
DIN ISO 6105-2-2005超级研磨切割砂轮用坯件.第2部分:建筑物和土木工程用手持式切割Blanks for superabrasive cutting-off wheels - Part 2: Hand-held cutting-off in building and civil engineering (ISO 6105-2:2004)
DIN ISO 614-1994造船和海上建筑物.矩形窗和侧舷窗用钢化安全玻璃板.强度无损检验的冲压方法Shipbuilding and marine structures; toughened safety glass panes for rectangular windows and side scuttles; punch method of non-destructive strength testing; identical with ISO 614:1989
DIN ISO 6284-1997技术图样.建筑图样.极限尺寸标注Construction drawings - Indication of limit deviations (ISO 6284:1996)
DIN ISO 7437-1992建筑图样.预制结构件生产图样一般规则Construction drawings; general rules for execution of production drawings for prefabricated structural components; identical with ISO 7437:1990
DIN ISO 8560-1989建筑图纸.建筑制图.模块尺寸、管线和栅架的表示法Construction drawings; representation of modular sizes, lines and grids; identical with ISO 8560:1986
DIN ISO 9242-1994夹扭钳和剪切钳.建筑工人钳.尺寸和试验值; 等同采用 ISO 9242:1988Pliers and nippers - Construction worker's pincers - Dimensions and test values; identical with ISO 9242:1988
DIN V 18004-2004施工作业中建筑产品的使用.符合DIN V 20000-103和DIN V 20000-104集料的试验方法Use of building products in construction works - Test methods for aggregates according to DIN V 20000-103 and DIN V 20000-104
DIN V 18160-1 Bb.2-2006烟囱.第1部分:设计和性能.粘土/陶瓷烟道衬块依照DIN EN 1457的国家补充.常规建筑物烟囱用分类体系的规定Chimneys - Part 1: Design and performance; National supplement for the use of clay/ceramik flue liners according DIN EN 1457, allocation of the classification system for custom built chimneys
DIN V 18599-1-2007建筑物能效.计算加热、冷却、通风、家用热水和照明用净能、最终和初始能量.第1部分:通用平衡程序、术语、定Energy efficiency of buildings - Calculation of the net, final and primary energy demand for heating, cooling, ventilation, domestic hot water and lighting - Part 1: General balancing procedures, terms and definitions, zoning and evaluation of energy sources
DIN V 18599-10-2007建筑物能效.计算加热、冷却、通风、家用热水和照明用净能、最终和初始能量.第10部分:使用边界条件和环境数Energy efficiency of buildings - Calculation of the net, final and primary energy demand for heating, cooling, ventilation, domestic hot water and lighting - Part 10: Boundary conditions of use, climatic data
DIN V 18599-2-2007建筑物能效.计算加热、冷却、通风、家用热水和照明用净能、最终和初始能量.第2部分:建筑物区域加热和制冷的Energy efficiency of buildings - Calculation of the net, final and primary energy demand for heating, cooling, ventilation, domestic hot water and lighting - Part 2: Net energy demand for heating and cooling of building zones
DIN V 18599-3-2007建筑物能效.计算加热、冷却、通风、家用热水和照明用净能、最终和初始能量.第3部分:空调用净能Energy efficiency of buildings - Calculation of the net, final and primary energy demand for heating, cooling, ventilation, domestic hot water and lighting - Part 3: Net energy demand for air conditioning
DIN V 18599-4-2007建筑物能效.计算加热、冷却、通风、家用热水和照明用净能、最终和初始能量.第4部分:照明的净能和最终能量要Energy efficiency of buildings - Calculation of the net, final and primary energy demand for heating, cooling, ventilation, domestic hot water and lighting - Part 4: Net and final energy demand for lighting
DIN V 18599-5-2007建筑物能效.计算加热、冷却、通风、家用热水和照明用净能、最终和初始能量.第5部分:加热系统最终能量要求Energy efficiency of buildings - Calculation of the net, final and primary energy demand for heating, cooling, ventilation, domestic hot water and lighting - Part 5: Final energy demand of heating systems
DIN V 18599-6-2007建筑物能效.计算加热、冷却、通风、家用热水和照明用净能、最终和初始能量.第6部分:住宅建筑通风系统和空气Energy efficiency of buildings - Calculation of the net, final and primary energy demand for heating, cooling, ventilation, domestic hot water and lighting - Part 6: Final energy demand of ventilation systems and air heating systems for residential buildings
DIN V 18599-7-2007建筑物能效.计算加热、冷却、通风、家用热水和照明用净能、最终和初始能量.第7部分:非住宅建筑用空气处理和Energy efficiency of buildings - Calculation of the net, final and primary energy demand for heating, cooling, ventilation, domestic hot water and lighting - Part 7: Final energy demand of air-handling and air-conditioning systems for non-residential buildings
DIN V 18599-8-2007建筑物能效.计算加热、冷却、通风、家用热水和照明用净能、最终和初始能量.第8部分:家用热水系统净能和最终Energy efficiency of buildings - Calculation of the net, final and primary energy demand for heating, cooling, ventilation, domestic hot water and lighting - Part 8: Net and final energy demand of domestic hot water systems
DIN V 18599-9-2007建筑物能效.计算加热、冷却、通风、家用热水和照明用净能、最终和初始能量.第9部分:热电联产最终和最初能量Energy efficiency of buildings - Calculation of the net, final and primary energy demand for heating, cooling, ventilation, domestic hot water and lighting - Part 9: Final and primary energy demand of combined heat and power generation plants
DIN V 20000-1-2005结构物中建筑产品的应用.第1部分:木基板材Application of construction products in structures - Part 1: Wood based panels
DIN V 20000-100-2002建筑物用建筑产品的应用.第100部分:符合DIN EN 934-2:2002-02的混凝土混合物Application of building products in structures - Part 100: Concrete admixtures according DIN EN 934-2:2002-02
DIN V 20000-101-2002建筑物用建筑产品的应用.第101部分:符合DIN EN 934-2:2002-02的预应力钢筋束用混合物Application of building products in structures - Part 101: Admixtures for grout for prestressing tendons according to DIN EN 934-4:2002-02
DIN V 20000-102-2004施工作业中建筑产品的使用.第102部分:符合DIN EN 13383-1-2002的集料Use of building products in construction works - Part 102: Aggregates according to DIN EN 13383-1:2002-08
DIN V 20000-103-2004施工作业中建筑产品的使用.第103部分:符合DIN EN 12620-2003的集料Use of building products in construction works - Part 103: Aggregates according to DIN EN 12620:2003-04
DIN V 20000-104-2004施工作业中建筑产品的使用.第104部分:符合DIN EN 13055-1:2002-08的轻质集料Use of building products in construction works - Part 104: Lightweight aggregates according to DIN EN 13055-1:2002-08
DIN V 20000-105-2005建筑工程中建筑产品的使用.第105部分:符合DIN EN 13450-2003的集料Use of building products in construction works - Part 105: Aggregates according to DIN EN 13450:2003-06
DIN V 20000-120-2006建筑物中建筑产品的应用.第120部分:DIN EN 13369-2004的应用原则Application of building products in structures - Part 120: Application rules for DIN EN 13369:2004-09
DIN V 20000-123-2006施工中用建筑产品.第123部分:符合DIN EN 13224-2004-11的加筋地板块的使用规则Application of building products in structures - Part 123: Rules for the application of ribbed floor elements according to DIN EN 13224:2004-11
DIN V 20000-124-2006施工中用建筑产品.第124部分:符合DIN EN 13225-2004的线性建筑部件的使用规则Application of building products in structures - Part 124: Rules for the application of linear structural elements according to DIN EN 13225:2004-12
DIN V 20000-125-2006施工中用建筑产品.第125部分:符合DIN EN 13978-1-2005的水泥预制板车库使用规则Application of building products in structures - Part 125: Rules for the application of precast concrete garages according to DIN EN 13978-1:2005-07
DIN V 20000-2 Berichtigung 1-2006结构中建筑产品的应用.第2部分:预制的木材模板梁.技术勘误到DIN V 20000-2:2006-07Application of construction products in structures - Part 2: Prefabricated timber formwork beams, Corrigenda to DIN V 20000-2:2006-07
DIN V 20000-2 Berichtigung 2-2007结构中建筑产品应用.第2部分:预制的木材模板梁.对DIN V 20000-2-2006技术勘误Application of construction products in structures - Part 2: Prefabricated timber formwork beams, Corrigenda to DIN V 20000-2:2006-07
DIN V 20000-2-2006结构中建筑产品的应用.第2部分:预制的木材模板梁Application of construction products in structures - Part 2: Prefabricated timber formwork beams
DIN V 20000-201-2006建筑工程中建筑产品的使用.第201部分:根据欧洲标准的屋顶防水层用防水软板的适配标准Use of building products in construction works - Part 201: Adaption standard for flexible sheets for waterproofing according to European standards for the use as waterproofing of roofs
DIN V 20000-401-2005结构物中建筑产品的应用.第401部分:符合DIN EN 771-1-2005的粘土砌块的应用规则Application of building products in structures - Part 401: Rules for the application of clay masonry units according to DIN EN 771-1:2005-05
DIN V 20000-402-2005结构物中建筑产品的应用.第402部分:符合DIN EN 771-2-2005的硅酸钙砌块的应用规则Application of building products in structures - Part 402: Rules for the application of calcium silicate masonry units according to DIN EN 771-2:2005-05
DIN V 20000-403-2005结构物中建筑产品的应用.第403部分:符合DIN EN 771-3-2005的集料混凝土砌块的应用规则Application of building products in structures - Part 403: Rules for the application of aggregate concrete masonry units according to DIN EN 771-3:2005-05
DIN V 20000-404-2006建筑物内建筑产品的应用.第404:依照DIN EN 771-4-2005-05高压蒸养加气混凝土砌块的应用规则Application of building products in structures - Part 404: Rules for the application of autoclaved aerated concrete masonry units according to DIN EN 771-4:2005-05
DIN V 20000-412-2004结构中建筑产品的应用.第412部分:符合DIN EN 998-2-2003的圬工灰浆的应用规则Application of building products in structures - Part 412: Rules for the application of masonry mortar according DIN EN 998-2:2003-09
DIN V 4085-100 Bb.1-1997建筑地基.地压计算.第100部分:根据局部安全系数概念分析.计算实例Soil - Calculation of earth pressure - Part 100: Analysis in accordance with the partial safety factor concept; calculation examples
DIN V 4102-21-2002建筑物材料和建筑物组件的防火性能.第21部分:通风管道防火性能的评估Fire behaviour of building materials and building components - Part 21: Assessment of the performance of fire resistant air ducts
DIN V 4108-10-2004建筑物中隔热和节能.热绝缘材料的应用要求.第10部分:工厂制产品Thermal insulation and energy economy in buildings - Application-related requirements for thermal insulation materials - Part 10: Factory made products
DIN V 4108-4-2007建筑物中隔热和节能.第4部分:温湿设计值Thermal insulation and energy economy in buildings - Part 4: Hygrothermal design values
DIN V 4108-6-2003建筑物热防护和节能.第6部分:年需热能计算Thermal protection and energy economy in buildings - Part 6: Calculation of annual heat and energy use
DIN V 4701-10 Bb.1-2007建筑物中加热和通风系统能效.第10部分:家用热水源和通风设备.补充件1:系统实例Energy efficiency of heating and ventilation systems in buildings - Part 10: Heating, domestic hot water supply, ventilation; Supplement 1: Examples of systems
DIN V 4701-10-2003建筑物加热和通风系统的能效.第10部分:供暖、家用热水供应、通风Energy efficiency of heating and ventilation systems in buildings - Part 10: Heating, domestic hot water supply, ventilation
DIN V 4701-10/A1-2006建筑物中加热和通风系统能效.第10部分:家庭热水加热源和通风Energy Efficiency of Heating and Ventilation Systems in Buildings - Part 10: Heating, Domestic Hot Water Supply, Ventilation
DIN V 4701-12-2004现有建筑物中加热和通风装置的能量评价.第12部分:热和家用热水的产生Energetic evaluation of heating and ventilation systems in existing buildings - Part 12: Heat generation and domestic hot water generation
DIN V ENV 1046-2002塑料管道系统.输送水或污水用建筑结构外部系统.地上和地下安装惯例Plastics piping and ducting systems - Systems outside building structures for the conveyance of water or sewage - Practices for installation above and below ground; German version ENV 1046:2001
DIN V ENV 1090-1-1998钢结构的施工.总规则和建筑物的规则Execution of steel structures - Part 1: General rules and rules for buildings; German version ENV 1090-1:1996
DIN V ENV 12108-2001塑料管道系统.建筑物内人用冷热水压力管道安装指南Plastics piping systems - Guidance for the installation inside buildings of pressure piping systems for hot and cold water intended for human consumption; German version ENV 12108:2001
DIN V ENV 12977-1-2001太阳能供热系统和部件.定制建筑系统.第1部分:一般要求Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - Part 1: General requirements; German version ENV 12977-1:2001
DIN V ENV 12977-2-2001太阳能供热系统和部件.定制建筑系统.第2部分:试验方法Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - Part 2: Test methods; German version ENV 12977-2:2001
DIN V ENV 12977-3-2001太阳能供热系统和部件.定制建筑系统.第3部分:太阳能加热系统存储性能Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - Part 3: Performance characterisation of stores for solar heating systems; German version ENV 12977-3:2001
DIN V ENV 1329-2-2001建筑物内渣土和废物倾倒用塑料管道系统(低和高温).未增塑聚氯乙烯.第2部分:合格评定导则Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) within the building structure - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) - Part 2: Guidance for the assessment of conformity; German version ENV 1329-2:2001
DIN V ENV 13801-2001建筑结构内(低温和高温)渣土和废弃物排放塑料管道系统.热塑管.推荐安装惯例Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) within the building structure - Thermoplastics - Recommended practice for installation; German version ENV 13801:2001
DIN V ENV 1451-2-2001建筑物内渣土和废物倾倒用塑料管道系统(低温和高温).聚丙烯.第2部分:合格评定导则Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) within the building structure - Polypropylene (PP) - Part 2: Guidance for the assessment of conformity; German version ENV 1451-2:2001
DIN V ENV 1453-2-2001清除建筑物内部尘土和废物(低温和高温)用带结构管壁的塑料管道系统.未增塑聚氯乙烯(PVC-U).第2部分:合格评Plastics piping systems with structured wall pipes for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) inside buildings - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) - Part 2: Guidance for the assessment of conformity; German version ENV 1453-2:2000
DIN V ENV 1455-2-2001建筑结构中(低温和高温)渣土和废物排放用塑料管道系统.丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物(ABS).第2部分:合格评定Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) within the building structure - Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) - Part 2: Guidance for the assessment of conformity; German version ENV 1455-2:2001
DIN V ENV 1519-2-2001建筑结构中(低温和高温)渣土和废物排放用塑料管道系统.聚乙烯(PE).第2部分:合格评定指南Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) within the building structure - Polyethylene (PE) - Part 2: Guidance for the assessment of conformity; German version ENV 1519-2:2001
DIN V ENV 1565-2-2001建筑结构中(低温和高温)渣土和废物排放用塑料管道系统.苯乙烯共聚体混合物(SAN+PVC).第2部分:合格评定指南Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) within the building structure - Styrene copolymer blends (SAN+PVC) - Part 2: Guidance for the assessment of conformity; German version ENV 1565-2:2001
DIN V ENV 1566-2-2001建筑结构中(低温和高温)渣土和废物排放用塑料管道系统.氯化聚氯乙烯(PVC-C).第2部分:合格评定指南Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) within the building structure - Chlorinated poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-C) - Part 2: Guidance for the assessment of conformity; German version ENV 1566-2:2001
DIN V ENV 1999-1-1-2000欧洲规范9:铝结构设计.第1-1部分:一般规则.一般规则和建筑物规则Eurocode 9: Design of aluminium structures - Part 1-1: General rules; general rules and rules for buildings; German version ENV 1999-1-1:1998
DIN V VDE V 0100-534-1999建筑物的电气设施.第534部分:设备选择和安装.过电压保护装置Electrical installations of buildings - Part 534: Selection and erection of equipment - Devices for protection against overvoltages
DIN V VDE V 0800-2-548-1999建筑物的电气设施.第5部分:电气设备的选择和安装.第548节:信息技术设施用接地措施和等电位连接Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Section 548: Earthing arrangements and equipotential bonding for information technology installations (IEC 60364-5-548:1996)
DIN V VDE V 0826-1-2005监视系统.第1部分:住宅建筑、公寓和相似用途房屋中使用的危害警告系统.规划、安装、操作和维修Surveillance systems - Part 1: Hazard warning system for use in residential buildings, apartments and rooms with similar purposes - Planning, installation, operation and maintenance
DIN VDE 0100-442-1997建筑物电气设备.第4部分:安全保护.第44章:过压保护.第442节:高压系统和接地间耐故障低压装置保护Electrical installations of buildings - Part 4: Protection for safety; Chapter 44: Protection against overvoltages; Section 442: Protection of low voltage installations against faults between high-voltage systems and earth; German version HD 384.4.442 S1:1997
DIN VDE 0100-444-1999建筑物的电气装置.第4部分:防护措施.第44章:过电压的防护.第444节:建筑物电气装置电磁干扰的防护Electrical installations of buildings - Part 4: Protection for safety; chapter 44: Protection against overvoltages; section 444: Protection against electromagnetic interferences (EMI) in installations of buildings (IEC 60364-4-444-1996, modified); German version CENELEC R064-004:1999
DIN VDE 0100-520-2003建筑物电气装置.第5部分:电气设备的选择和安装.第52章:布线系统Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5: Selection and erection of electrical equipment; Chapter 52: Wiring systems (IEC 60364-5-52:1993, modified); German version HD 384.5.52 S1:1995 + A1:1998
DIN VDE 0100-537-1999建筑物的电气设施.第5部分:电气设备的选择和安装.第53章:开关设备和控制设备.第537节:隔离和开关电器Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5: Selection and erection of electrical equipment; Chapter 53: Switchgear and controlgear; Section 537: Devices for isolation and switching (IEC 60364-5-537:1981 + A1:1989, modified); German version HD 384.5.537 S2:1998
DIN VDE 0100-551-1997建筑物的电气设施.第5部分:电气设备的选择和安装.第55章:其它设备.第551节:低压发电机组Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5: Selection and erection of electrical equipment; Chapter 55: Other equipment; Section 551: Low-voltage generating sets (IEC 60364-5-551:1994); German version HD 384.5.551 S1:1997
DIN VDE 0100-704-2007低压电气装置.第7-704部分:专用装置或场所的要求.建筑和拆除场所装置Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 7-704: Requirements for special installations or locations - Construction and demolition site installations (IEC 60364-7-704:2005, modified); German implementation HD 60364-7-704:2007 + Cor. 1:2007
DIN VDE 0100-722-1984额定电压可达1kV的电力装置的安装.临时性建筑物、旅游展览车和大篷车 [VDE 规范]Erection of power installations with rated voltages up to 1000 V; temporary buildings, vehicles for travelling exhibitions and caravans [VDE Specification]
DIN VDE 0100-732-1995额定电压最高可达 1 kV 的电力设备安装.第732部分:公共电缆网建筑物的电缆入口Erection of power installations with nominal voltages up to 1000 V - Part 732: Cables entries into buildings in public cable networks
DIN VDE 0100-740-2007低压电气装置.第7-740:专用装置或场所的要求.集市场所、公共游乐场和马戏场的建筑物、娱乐装置和售货亭用临Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 7-740: Requirements for special installations or locations - Temporary electrical installations for structures, amusement devices and booths at fairgrounds, amusement parks and circuses (IEC 60364-7-740:2000, modified); German implementation HD 60364-7-740:2006
DIN VDE 0298-4-2003电力设备中电缆和导线的应用.第4部分:建筑物内及周围固定铺设的铠装和非铠装电缆以及软电缆和软导线的载流Application of cables and cords in power installations - Part 4: Recommended current-carrying capacity for sheathed and nonsheathed cables for fixed wirings in and around buildings and for flexible cables and cords
DIN-Fachbericht 142-2005定向系统.露天建筑物定向系统的要求Orientation systems - Requirements on orientation systems in open buildings
DIN-Fachbericht 151-2007技术产品文件.设备管理文件.建筑物文件Technical product documentation - Facility management documentation - Building documentation
DIN-Fachbericht CEN/TR 14788-2006建筑物通风.住宅通风系统的设计和定尺寸Ventilation for buildings - Design and dimensioning of residential ventilation systems;
DIN-Fachbericht CEN/TR 15226-2006建筑产品.产品技术规范中的声处理Building products - Treatment of acoustics in product technical specifications; German version CEN/TR 15226:2006
DIN-Fachbericht CEN/TR 15235-2006焊接.金属建筑中的不完整性的评价法Welding - Methods for assessing imperfections in metallic structures; German version CEN/TR 15235:2005
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